Simplify to Succeed: How Focus Unlocks Real Results

It’s easy for life to get complicated — I slip into that trap often!

So what can you do when you realize that things are overwhelmingly complex?

I have learned that when I slow down and look at things through a new lens, I am able to operate in a new way.

Adopting a few steps can make a world of difference for you, too, so that you will feel better and be more effective.

When you learn how to simplify and focus on distilling to the essence, you’ll reap huge benefits.

1. Begin with clarity 

Having clarity is powerful.

Take a beat and ask yourself: What is most important today?

This may be easy for you, or may it take time for you to bring a clear focus to each day. It will be worth the effort!

Make a daily practice of starting your morning with a thoughtful decision about one thing that will be your primary focus of the day. You might have a dedicated note pad ready to pick up each morning to write down that priority.

It is typical to think there must be 2, 3 or more things to put on that sheet, but do not include more than 3 things on any day!

Be sure you choose 1 clear focus to begin with, knowing it will help you get to numbers 2 and 3 more quickly (and feel better when you get to them!).

And stay alert to things (and people) that pull your attention into other directions.

You may find that you need to deliberately return to the focus you chose for your day multiple times. I promise it will be worth the effort.

2. Decide on the easiest place to start

Choose one simple thing that will be the most effective action to take to move your key priority forward.

And after you take that action, ask yourself this question again:

What one simple thing can I do next to move this forward?

Repeat as you go through your day.

3. Communicate clearly and simply

Focus on communicating with as much simplicity and clarity as possible.

Whether you write emails, meet with people, set agendas, speak to audiences, or plan presentations, keep your messages direct and clear. That will make it easier to communicate dynamically, too.

You will be better understood, you’ll get more buy-in, command more attention, and achieve your objectives with more ease.

And remember that you can be clear and commanding while using a tone that is truly authentic. Clear communication delivered authentically will naturally engage and influence people.

Cultivating a direct, simple and authentic way of communicating takes focus. With consistency and practice, it will become your natural way of operating.

Sustain your focus and thrive!

I hope that using these steps will have a positive impact on your day-to-day life.

There are, of course, other things that can help you keep focused and get the most important things done.

Delegating tasks is always a great idea, as is considering who you might turn to for help.

And you might consider coaching support, if the big picture question of what you want your life’s focus to be is something you’re thinking about, or to help you navigate day-to-day challenges.

You can schedule a chat with me here.

A simple shift to bring more joy and ease into your life

How are you? How is your week going?

I have been focusing on the joy in small things, and am delighted at the way approaching my days like that is generating positivity and ease.

As I have looked for moments of joy I’ve found them in small and lovely ways each day.

I made plans with people I love — not to do anything ambitious or elaborate. Sitting over a meal and connecting quietly was joyous.

I called someone dear to me and we caught up. 

I savored the peace I felt in a yoga class and carried it into my day.

As I walked on a cold day, I smiled at the bright sunshine and delighted at the way passive solar energy melted ice.

I sat over a cup of tea after accomplishing something, rather than rushing on to another task.

I experimented with new seasonings that brightened an otherwise ordinary salad.

How will you make space for joy today?

Consider the ways you can look for, and create, moments of joy.

You might start a meeting with a question such as, "What was a moment of delight in your day today?" and see what shows up in the replies.

You might listen to soothing, upbeat music as you do a chore.

You might clear a bit of clutter (one your desk, on a kitchen counter, in a drawer) and enjoy the space you created.

Taking simple actions and observing beauty and wonder around you can bring peace and pleasure to any day.

Joy bears beautiful gifts

Each small moment of joy connects you to your heart and boosts your spirits. 

You brain will release neurotransmitters — dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins and more — that reduce stress and promote pleasure, relaxation and calmness.

You then have a more receptive and positive mindset, that enables you to easily shift your focus to the positive around you.

Loving energy expands.

Peace and calm come naturally.

And with this upward spiral in place, gratitude follows naturally. 

This wonderful energetic state will also impact the people around you, in ways you may see, or never be aware.

Imagine the ripple effect we can all have if we choose to bring more joy into our lives each day.

Let’s do it together!

I am always happy to hear from you. Talk to me about what you yearn to create in your life. We can look at what is in the way now and your path to the future you dream of. 

New Opportunities to Support Democracy and Social Justice

Having just watched the formal transition to a new presidential administration, we find ourselves at a notable moment in the life of our nation. Since the election in November I have been anticipating this moment with great concern.

My belief is that no matter what is happening around us that causes us concern, we are always able to take action that aligns with our values and principles.

This moment has motivated me to find ways to have a positive impact.

I am glad to share two opportunities for you to join me if you, too, want to live in a nation where democracy thrives.

1. Become a Creator of Change

I have created a page on my website called Creators of Change. On that page you will find links to organizations focused on preserving our democracy in many ways.

Their missions include:

  • journalistic integrity

  • aid to immigrants

  • limiting discrimination

  • protecting the legal rights of those who will be targeted by the incoming administration

  • protecting the environment

  • protecting the rights of women, including reproductive rights, and ensuring healthcare access for people in this country and elsewhere in the world

  • working to end hunger

I intend for this to be a growing list of organizations, groups and individuals who are committed to making ours a just and caring country, and world, for all.

Please look at what is on the page now, and email me with your suggestions for other meaningful resources that we can choose to support — financially, or by volunteering, or making in-kind donations.

And please spread the world to like-minded people about this page of resources.

Together we can take meaningful action, stay informed and have an impact.

2. Read brilliant writing and do good 

Following the outcome of the election, my writing teacher, Leslie Berliant, decided to publish an anthology of select women writers. I am honored to have been asked to be a contributor to the collection of short stories, poems and essays titled Cassandra Speaks — Essays, Stories and Poems by Women Truth-tellers.

This book provided a way for each writer to channel grief, pain and rage, and is filled with moving, powerful work.

And, all proceeds of the sales of the book will be donated to organizations who support abortion access.

Order your copy, and order copies for others who want to read great work and do good, too.

Together we can create a better future.

Reflections on love, life and living big

January 13 is an important day in my life — it is the anniversary of the day I met the man who I would later marry and build a life with.

Each year when this date rolls around, I look back and reflect.

I try and wrap my head around the span of time that has passed. I reflect. I am filled with appreciation for the serendipity that brought us together and feel awe for how we built our lives — jointly and as individuals — over time.

And each year at this time I seek deeper insights.

I aim for keener perspective as I take the long view. These gifts take time to emerge, and they are so valuable.

This year I feel gratitude, even more notably than in the past, for everything that has happened in my life and our lives together.

I am grateful for the ups and downs, the joys as well as the challenges that have tested us, and so many lessons learned. 

I feel an even clearer appreciation for how precious life is, and for my connection to the present and all that is possible. When I anchor into what is possible now I feel enormous inspiration.

I am more focused than ever to finding, and creating, joy each day.

I am focused on pursuing what matters most to me — nurturing precious relationships, focusing on work that will provide me with true satisfaction and will have the greatest impact, caring for the wellbeing of my body and my spirit, and setting aside sacred time to paint and write.

This focus on the present enables me to honor the yearning in my heart as I commit to courageously taking action that is aligned with those desires.

What matters most to you?

You, too, may want to set aside time to look back and take a long view. Then ask what your heart really wants.

You may hear shouts or whispers. Listen. Pay attention and honor what you hear. The signal your heart sends you is important! Trust it. Use it as a compass. It cannot steer you wrong.

When you follow what your heart desires, even taking very small steps at first will be meaningful. Each action matters. Subtle shifts add up. 

So go for it! 

And keep going!

This is how you create a life that is fulfilling — how you Live Big! — one small commitment and action at a time.

Begin today!

As the idiom goes, there’s no time like the present to do something that is meaningful.

Imagine yourself next year at this time, looking back and taking stock of how following your heart put you on a path to greater satisfaction.

I would love to hear what your heart desires, and how you are honoring those desires.

(And, of course, I would be happy to talk to you about how have coaching support might help you connect deeply to your heart and begin to bring the change into your life that your heart asks for. Click here to make a date.)

Sending you 3 wishes for Love, Health, and Creative Joy this Thanksgiving ❤️

I am sharing 3 wishes on this day of Thanksgiving in the United States.

I wish you abundant love

May you be filled with love for others and yourself, and be surrounded by love. Always.

I wish you vibrant health and wellbeing

If your body is strong and healthy now, may it stay strong and healthy. If you need healing, may you find brilliant, compassionate, effective care. 

I wish you creative joy

This wish may feel surprising or unclear to some people. Creativity, and the joy that is available to you when you connect to the creative power inside you and activate it, is a remarkable force.

And creative power is not one thing or something you need special talent for (like painting or playing an instrument). Creative power takes many incredible forms. 

May you connect to and amplify the creative power that is in you now, and 

  • feel inspired and excited about your life

  • see new possibilities and generate new ideas

  • show up fully and express yourself in any and every way you enjoy

  • boldly bring all of your gifts into the world 

And please share the magic of your ignited creative power. We will all be touched by it and grateful for it.

I am deeply grateful to be connected to you, and to know that when great people everywhere tap and amplify the creative power in them, we can generate immensurable love and goodness.

Let’s impact the world together.

Discover the life-changing magic of retreat

It’s been a full week since I returned from France. As much as I love being home, I miss the magic of being away.

It was particularly special to be in France for the 2 weeks following the outcome of the election, as my primary focus was leading the women with me for the L’Aventure Française retreat.

I had been planning the retreat for months and they had all been preparing for a life-changing experience. In spite of the events unfolding at home, they were excited and grateful to be immersed in each day’s experiences.

Three gifts I brought home from France

While I was happy to visit my favorite tea shop and a spectacular chocolate shop in Paris where I selected gifts for close family, and I discovered small treasures to bring home in unexpected places along the way, the true gifts I returned with are tucked into my heart.

These gifts, that we all returned with, are what I am holding dear now.

1. Appreciation for time apart and away from the usual routine

The day-to-day lives accomplished women live are full, sometimes to over-filled. And my life, more often than not, is like that.

Women with a deep desire to have an impact are typically in a swirl of focus on their work, on sustaining or repairing or building relationships (personally and professionally), and on finding space for a little quiet and self-care.

Connecting to themselves to gain clarity and perspective about their current lives and desires for the future is hard to do when life is crowded.

It takes time and space to reflect, think, and dream.

When you “retreat” from your regular routine and give yourself the gift of abundant time, inspired experiences, and the company of great women with whom you can be fully present and allow your heart to open, amazing — often life-changing— realizations surface.

They did for me and for each of the women with me in France.

2. Perspective and grounding

As our days unfolded in Paris and then in the countryside of the Dordogne, I was able to appreciate my life in a deeper way than I ever had before. I felt my heart expand as we explored, played and shared deeply.

I became clearer than ever that I want to simplify my routines and get laser-focused on how I spend my time.

I set an intention to be outside more, as I felt the healing power of beauty in the natural environment fill me with peace and joy.

All of this will support me to bring full presence to my days, so I can make the most of each moment.

I realized, while away, that both joy and heartbreak can exist together, and I can hold all of it and move forward each day.

3. Gratitude and love are vital

This gift was not something new, rather my appreciation for gratitude and love was amplified. 

Love and gratitude filled my heart in remarkable ways each day of the retreat in France. They fortified my spirit as never before, and I am now bringing even greater focus to each day. 

Whatever challenges arise, I will be able to bring more positive energy and creative thinking and action to them, with a solid focus on love and a foundation of gratitude in my heart.

My invitation to you

If you want to consider the precious gift of time apart from the world, to retreat and profoundly connect to yourself, let’s talk about how one of the three retreats I lead each year might be an ideal opportunity for you. 

With time to make meaningful discoveries, gain new perspectives, connect to your heart and truth, and bring the power of creativity into your life as never before, you will return a new woman.

Each retreat is unique — in duration and focus. And one retreat is right around the corner — a wonderful way you can start the new year!

• Creation Vacation is an intimate winter experience, January 20 to 25, where  we live in a glorious house on the coast of southern Maine. The focus of Creation Vacation is on the energy of creation — what it is, how you can build and sustain that energy, and where you want to direct your creative power for 2025. 

As you may have read in recent emails I have sent about Creation Vacation, registration is open, and there is special pricing until November 30! 

Click to check out the details, and we can make a date to talk about the fit for you. (There’s a link to my calendar in the document, or hit reply here.)


• Live Big Live! is my signature 3-day retreat that dozens of women have experienced (many multiple times). This retreat is now offered only once each year, in early June in Boston (the dates will be confirmed shortly). Check out the description — and watch the short videos to hear first-hand about the big impact of this wonderful retreat.


L’Aventure Française 2025 will be another fabulous 12-day fall retreat in France. Dates will be announced soon, and it is not too early to plan for this remarkable time to bring joy into your life and connect to yourself in ways that will delight you! I would love to share magical time and French experiences with you.

Finding Hope and Joy in Paris

Last week I left for Paris to lead my first overseas retreat. My dream of bringing a group of wonderful women to France for 12 days, to explore Paris and then spend time in the gorgeous French countryside, was about to become a reality.

And so it has.

It has been a remarkable week in many ways. And mixed with great delight, we have been processing the heartbreak we all feel following the outcome of the election.

Being in a city as magical as Paris, with the opportunity to share art in fabulous museums, culture, history, and food has been a privilege. And as we have moved through these days I am gaining perspective and insight.  

Emotions must be honored

Whatever one feels in any given situation, the emotions need time and space — to be felt, and to be processed if they are troubling. 

The key is to keep from being stuck in difficult emotions, so you do not fall into despair.

For despair leads to hopelessness, and that is no place to stay (for your own sake and others’).

Hope, on the other hand, provides you with a feeling of agency and possibility. It inspires action, and action is a great antidote to fear and anxiety.

Cultivate hope like you cultivate a garden

To look for ways to feel hopeful, remember that you are filled with love. You have abundant creative power. And you have a voice.

Actively look for beauty and soak it in.

Allow yourself to feel love and give love to others.

Take positive action (even small action) in tandem with others who want to create a world where kindness, love, peace, freedom and justice prevail. The collective potential of like-minded people is considerable.

What I am learning in Paris

Being in the city my father grew up in, I am recalling that he was remarkably resilient and resourceful.

He never gave up — when the Germans invaded France in World War II, he and his family took brave action to leave. They made a new life in a new country and were proud Americans.

When his brother (and business partner) died suddenly at age 42, he kept going. When his business failed several years later, after a trusted person embezzled from him, he came back and succeeded again.

When he lost my mother and was truly heartbroken, he smiled lovingly at her picture each day for the rest of his life. He found joy in his return trips to his beloved Paris.

He always looked ahead with hope.

He modeled hope for me, as I am committed to doing for others. 

And so I am living each day here focused on opening to the adventures we are sharing. I am cherishing the company of magnificent women, and am in awe of the exceptional creativity we have taken in in each museum we’ve visited. I am savoring fabulous meals and how my senses are awakened. I am feeling tremendous gratitude for the joy of this experience, knowing it is fortifying my heart and spirit for the path ahead.

I believe the joy of this experience, for me and the women I am sharing these experiences with, is adding positive, creative, hopeful energy to the world, and that we will all return home with even more of that energy.

I am sharing some photos I have taken in the last week with the hope that you can feel the joy, feel hopeful, and sense the creative power you are filled with.

It’s your turn to follow your heart

This is Place Des Vogues, the oldest Planned square in Paris

When I wrote last week I was about to return from a great week away on retreat with my coach.

Today, after a week of rest and catching up, I am off to lead a retreat myself! This is something I have dreamed about for the last year and a half.

When this email reaches you, I’ll have just landed in Paris! Tomorrow a wonderful group of women will arrive to join me for the retreat I named L’Aventure Française.

I have mapped out 5 remarkable days in Paris. Having lived in Paris for a month in 2023, I cannot wait to share my favorite places — many far from the usual places people visit in Paris.

In addition to great museums, where I have gems I am eager for the group to see, we will eat in small special places, visit shops one would not be likely to find, and immerse ourselves in culture and beauty and inspiration.

Then we will depart for the countryside, where we will be nurtured in a gorgeous retreat center for another 5 days. We will integrate what we’ve experienced in Paris, create in many fun and special ways, explore the local village on market day, and connect to our hearts as never before.

Designing this experience has been a joy for me — a dream coming true that I have had in my head and my heart for a long time.

What do you feel called to do now?

Is there a desire you have been feeling?

Whether it is something small you yearn for — time to simply BE without feeling pulled to DO, or to explore a special interest, or to get outdoors in nature regularly — or a bigger dream you want to take a first step toward, I urge you to honor that calling.

Your life is precious.

You deserve to pursue what you desire!

Seeing the dream unfold, as you shape your vision ever more clearly along the way, is a gift in itself.

My dream of leading this retreat took a year and a half to “become.“ And I savored joy in every step.

Honor your heart 

There is no better time than now to focus on a desire you hold and take a step to make it real.

Honor your heart, honor the creative power within you, and move into inspired action.

Be patient and committed to staying in action.

Remember, great things are possible when you start and stay the course (even if you course-correct or need to get back on track after a setback).

I will send short updates to you about our adventure while I am away. And if you want to share what you are pursuing, I will be delighted to hear. Email me and let me know!

Here's how to get unstuck

My work as a coach is focused on helping women to take action in their lives — action that will help them make the changes they desire in the short-term, and actions that in time will help them create the fulfilling lives they yearn for.

And for many women it can be a challenge to take action.

Before you commit to taking action, and especially a bold action that will move you beyond your comfort zone, you need to be clear about a few things.

Do you know what you want?

When I speak to women and ask what they want, many struggle to answer the question.

Some women are disconnected from their hearts and desires. When that seems to be the case, I patiently ask, “What do you want?” over and over, until something jogs her heart open and the woman connects to things she really desires.

Sometimes there is a feeling of unworthiness that keeps a woman from knowing what she desires, or daring to say it aloud. When this becomes apparent, we dive into what has made her feel that she is not deserving of what she wants.

And some women are absolutely clear about what they want. They want more love, or to reach the next level in their career, or more space in their lives, or to regain lost confidence, or to figure out what’s next, or new adventures.

How clear are you about what you want?

Are you willing to commit?

Knowing what you want is a necessary starting point to bring change into your life.

Yet sadly, many people say they want to do something or change something, and are stuck.

Actually taking action to make any kind of change takes courage and commitment.

Depending on the change you are clear about wanting to make, the level of courage that will be called for can be can be quite small, or it can be — or feel — significant. 

Finding the courage that is required and then being willing to commit to taking action is the only way to bring change into your life. 

The willingness to commit circles right back to how meaningful your desired change is — in your heart and mind.

When the desire is clear, it is easier to embrace the mystery of what it will take to make change and engage in the process of moving in that direction.

With a big desire, and an important “why” behind it, being willing to make a commitment will catapult you into finding a way to move forward.

Are you ready to take inspired action?

If you feel ready to initiate a change, know that you can start by taking small (even tiny) steps. Committing to moving forward consistently is how the magic unfolds.

And if you are ready to take bigger, bolder steps, that’s great too.

I invite you to take inspired action today!

Ask the question. Speak up. Do that thing that feels a bit uncomfortable but lets you shine. Set the boundary. Go for it.

And if you want support to make it easier and faster to bring desired change into your life, let’s connect. (Email me and we’ll make a date to talk.)

I’m rooting for you!

Creating Lasting Change with Simple Daily Habits

We all know how much focus athletes and musicians place on practicing. This is how even enormously accomplished athletes and musicians hone and fine-tune their skills to perform at their best.

Have you thought about what you practice on a regular basis?

In addition to thinking about practicing a skill such as being a better negotiator, or communicating more effectively, or developing your writing abilities, there are subtle ways that a focus on practice can improve your life.

Embrace practices that will help you thrive

The way you think and orient yourself each day has a remarkable impact on your life. Consider choosing to adopt some of these 4 practices.

1. Practice positivity

You can develop a "practice" of approaching everything in your day with a positive frame of mind. Choose to bring awareness to your thoughts, then consciously choose a positive lens through which to see and approach things throughout each day.

This is not to suggest that you push tough emotions aside when they show up!

Let yourself feel them, then do something to process them (such as writing about the feelings, talking things out with a close confidant, or taking a brisk walk). This will allow the difficult emotions space to dissipate.

Then choose positive thoughts and take positive steps forward.

2. Practice self-love

When you make self-love a focus, and include self-care as a way of emphasizing self-love, you build a remarkable foundation for wellbeing. Focusing your practice on small, consistent practices will be wonderfully effective. 

Your practice can include attending to physical wellbeing, like getting ample sleep, good nutrition and moving your body.

Your practice can be boosted when you include self-affirming thinking, choosing to set good boundaries, noticing when your self-critical thoughts show up, and choosing to believe in yourself in spite of the doubts.

And be sure to acknowledge yourself whenever you do something that is just outside of your comfort zone!

These are all self-loving, supportive, positive ways to move through each day.

3. Practice generosity

When you focus on generosity you get the satisfaction of contributing to the wellbeing of others, as well as the betterment of the world! 

And the benefits to you are significant. A regular practice of generosity reduces stress and anxiety, boosts to your immune system, and may even lead to longer life expectancy. 

4. Practice gratitude

Making a focus on gratitude a daily practice elevates your state of mind and enhances the outcomes of everything you do.

You might begin or end each day by noting 5 things (or more) for which you are grateful. Be sure to consider small, subtle things you can put on your list.

This will open your heart, and positive thoughts will be a natural outcome of your gratitude practice.

And there’s a bonus! Your expansive energy will be felt by everyone around you.

Practice with intention!

Deciding to start a practice is great. It’s when you bring clear intention to how and when you will practice that there is a higher likelihood that you will make this practice an ongoing, natural way of living.

You might start each day by setting an intention for great energy and a positive, can-do outlook. One part of my morning ritual is writing for 5 to 10 minutes about the energy I want to cultivate for my day, noting what I feel grateful for, and letting anything else that wants to come to the surface and be considered flow onto the page. I am then ready to get into motion. 

After establishing an orientation for the day (in whatever way works for you), you can bring a focus to the practice or practices you feel will be most supportive for you that day.

As you make a few new practices a regular part of your life, they will become automatic (like brushing your teeth twice a day without having to think about it). You can then easily add a new practice to make your focus.

As you practice, you are in the process of creating your best life — and there are no limits to what is possible for you!

Finding purpose amidst change: your journey starts now

Now that the transition from summer to fall is here, things have likely shifted for you. 

Schedules and routines change in many families. Traffic is heavier, requiring extra time to get around. The pace of life and work often picks up as more meetings and events fill the calendar.

And, sometimes shifts come to light slowly.

I felt something subtle shifting for me last year, and have been going through a period of change for many months. What was vague in my awareness at the start has become clear, and exciting shifts have been occurring for me over the last months.

I began to see a path to having bigger impact with my work, and more personal satisfaction. I have been speaking more and love it. I was moved to create 2 new retreats, Creation Vacation to start the year, and L’Aventure Française in the fall. Both provide longer, deeper experiences. And the 3-day Live Big Live! retreat I have loved leading for 4 years is now only offered each spring. 

I am also doing more work inside of organizations, where cohorts of women are engaged in learning together and having a bigger collective impact.

Making these changes entailed gaining clarity, then committing to taking action and allowing things to unfold over time.

Do you feel that things may be changing for you?

Whether there’s a change in play now that feels exciting, motivating, or nerve-racking, or something simply feels like it may be beginning to shift, each of us is always changing.

Let’s look at what may be going on for you.

How are you changing now? 

Pause and take stock of the ways you are changing. 

Whether you feel most comfortable staying static or relish things that are new and novel, change is inevitable!

Take a thoughtful look at what is happening in you as well as around you.

Are you aware of changes in your ways of operating, or how you are feeling or thinking? 

Perhaps you are excited and eager about something you’e involved with.

Perhaps there’s something you want to stop doing, or begin to do, and are considering how you will move forward.

Perhaps you yearn to do something inspiring, new or exciting that feels missing now.

Perhaps change is being imposed on you, and you realize it presents an opportunity. Or, maybe an imposed change has brought on fear.

Maybe you feel stuck, for a reason you are of aware of, or not.

Perhaps you have a hunch something is brewing and are patiently allowing clarity to emerge. 

And, it is likely that there are several changes in the mix for you. 

The good news is that when you bring awareness and add intention to how you want to respond to the changes that you identify, great outcomes are possible.

Move forward with intention

You can realize great outcomes when you choose your response to a change that is underway, rather than drift along (which sadly, is what most people do).

Perhaps you have tended to drift through life. I certainly did for a very long time.

I had ideas and took initiative. I started and ran a great business, and was a leader in many settings. But looking back I can see all of the ways I was not fully intentional — that I was drifting.

It was not until I started to take a clear look at my life (with the help of a wonderful coach whose questions prompted big awareness), that I realized I was no longer lit up by my work. I came to know I was ready to make a significant change. And making that change — selling my business — set me on the best path ever.

With awareness, you, too, can choose a clear direction and begin to move in that direction.

The change you choose to make your focus and pursue may be small and meaningful, or you may feel ready to make a bold change.

Whatever you make your focus and bring commitment to doing can have a life-changing impact.

I invite you to bring awareness to the changes you are facing and feeling now.

Then consider your best way forward and set your intention to take action, knowing you can course-correct over and over.

You will be on a meaningful path on your journey to true fulfillment.

Email me — I welcome you to share what is up for you now and the steps you are choosing to start with.

The power of intuition

As I used to rush through my days, I rarely slowed down to pay attention to small intuitive messages I occasionally received as whispers of warning.

And when I did get a feeling that something was amiss — like that a new prospective client was going to be hard to work with, or something felt “off” about a situation, I often ignored or over-rode the message.

I would convince myself it would be ok, or that my team would be able to handle the matter, or that it was not really something to take so seriously. 

Invariably, my initial instinct was correct.

I would have been wise to trust and heed that small voice in my head.

Sadly, when I ignored those intuitive messages, the reality sometimes turned out to be worse than I had a hunch it might be.

I finally decided to pay attention and to trust my gut.

Do you hear what your gut is telling you?

When you are perpetually busy it’s hard to hear the messages your gut — your intuition, your second brain — is sending you.

Even still, getting a “feeling” that something is not a good idea has happened for nearly all of us.

If you recall something like that, you have evidence. 

The fact is, your intuition is powerful and has a lot to tell you. The key is to create the conditions to hear what it’s saying, and then to actually listen to what you hear.

How to clearly hear the small voice inside you

It’s hard to hear what intuition wants you to know when your attention is focused on doing, or you are constantly checking in on your phone or otherwise filling your brain with “input”.

Instead, create a little quiet. Sit. Breathe slowly. Walk outside. Meditate. Take any sort of break without doing anything productive. 

You may be surprised at what shows up when you consistently make space for some quiet in your life. (Even a few minutes a day works wonders.)

The more you practice this, the more it will feel like a normal part of your life. And more messages from that wise voice inside are likely to come up.

Why it can be hard to trust your gut — and how to build that trust

A big reason people ignore or over-ride intuitive messages is fear. 

When you are afraid to give up a new project, or leave a job that makes you miserable, or stay away from someone who may be a risk to your wellbeing — even when red lights of warning start flashing inside — you are likely to convince yourself it will all be fine. 

When uncertainty about what might come next feels too risky, or you habitually try to please someone, or not disappoint them, fear convinces you to mistrust the voice inside that’s telling you “Pay attention!”

Being able to recognize when fear is at play, and see how it is aiming to influence you, you can look at a situation with fresh eyes.

You can remind yourself that your inner voice knows a lot and is trust-worthy.  Look again at what it is urging you to consider. Proceed with eyes open and make choices that will ultimately serve you best.

Over time, you will have evidence that your “second brain” is filled with great wisdom and is a trustworthy guide.

It’s time to listen and trust

Take a moment to slow things down and get quiet today. Listen — to the subtle sounds around you and to messages that may show up.

Be patient. It may take a while for you to hear intuitive messages. 

They will come.

And they may come at unexpected times, like in the midst of a conversation, or while doing something routine, like washing dishes or driving a route you know so well it does not take a lot of concentration.

As you spot them, listen, trust, and choose your best way forward. You are sure to see how powerful your second brain is — and how powerful you are as you move ahead to create your best life.

Overwhelm to Openness: Embracing a New Way of Living

Most accomplished women work hard — really hard! Working hard was such a normal part of my life, for so long, that I did not believe there was any other way to live.

And I paid a steep price for living that way.

I was exhausted and stressed. And I missed out on so much The relaxed time with my family and friends that I yearned for was, instead, crammed into an overcrowded schedule. I was usually preoccupied, feeling pressure to get the next thing done.

I had trouble relaxing on vacations, too. 

I felt trapped and couldn’t envision how things would ever change.

What I learned that opened space — and elevated my spirit

My lessons have unfolded over time, and truth be told, none of them are quick-fixes. Accepting that reality and being patient as I made changes has made a significant difference in my life.

I patiently began to embrace new concepts and take new steps, that you may want to explore. Space opened up in my schedule, and even more amazingly, in my mind and heart.

Consider starting small. Choosing to implement these ideas can have a meaningful impact.

1. Create “white space” on your calendar

You may know that I owned a designer firm in my first career. One important principal in design is to leave ample white space in a layout or a web page, so the content is not dense or not crowded, allowing a reader to focus with ease.

Leaving white space on your calendar gives you space and time to focus on what is important, without clutter or stress (to your energy or spirit).

Consider what you are saying “Yes” to, and what “No’s” you can start saying.

Think about who you can delegate tasks to, and who you can turn to for help.

Putting this awareness to work is a game-chamger.

2. Sustain a positive frame of mind

In a world filled with constant tensions and issues — close to home and globally — it is easy to feel pulled into worry and drama. Thoughts like those used to highjack me.

What I learned and have practiced is to bring a focus to gratitude for all that is good. Try it and you will see that your attention will be directed to positive emotions. You’ll set yourself up to ride a wave of possibility. You will free your spirit to create! 

What might you create? New ideas. New actions to take. New conversations to initiate. New ways of expressing yourself, as you show up boldly in the world.

All of these positive ways of creating will move you into an elevated state of mind!

3. Let go and allow

While I was sure I had to figure everything out myself  — not to mention doing all that was entailed on my own — I have learned that there is power in creating an energetic foundation and allowing my spirit, and the universe, to assist me.

I know this may sound woo to many people, but bear with me!

  • First I learned to open space in my life, as described in #1 above.

  • Then I focused on sustaining a positive outlook, as in #2.

  • I began to trust myself more. 

  • I began to create actively all day every day. 

  • I expanded my vision and started to dream bigger.

  • And I allowed the energy of all of that to help me find my way.

I let go of having to have all the answers figured out before taking action.

And incredible things have appeared for me — insights, resources, new directions — that I would not have envisioned on my own!

What change will you make today?

This is a perfect time to explore a small new step that can lead to remarkable change in your life.

Take a first step. Then another.

And if you want support to get started, or to sustain your efforts, email me. We can talk about all that is possible for you and your path begin to creating the life you dream of.

Creating connections: energize your path with passionate people

With the Olympics just concluded, and having returned a few days ago from the National Speakers Association’s annual conference, Influence, I am reminded of something important that I always want to keep top of mind: the people we choose to surround ourselves with matter! They can lift us up, inspire us, and make us better.

It was exciting to see the way that great athletes raised one another up — those on their own teams, and often competitors from other countries. 

I experienced the same energy of generosity and enthusiasm at the Influence conference. Speakers of great renown were happy to share their insights and ideas in informal conversations, with people who were just starting or building their speaking careers. And being in the company of speakers who are passionate about the topics they share, and excited about the impact they have, felt electric.

When you are conscious about creating connections with people who are fired up and generous, who are committed to showing up boldly and doing big things, that energy supports you to feel passionate and motivated.

And when you are generous and inspired around others, the positive energy builds! 

I feel more excited than ever to support great women to boldly create the lives they desire. I want to do it on stages and in coaching engagements. I love leading retreats, where women go deep together in great places. I am fired up when I bring my work into organizations, to guide women to show up boldly and have their biggest impact.

By developing my offerings and doing my work alongside other bold creators, I always learn, and the energy I bring to everything I do always expands. 

Reach out and see what happens

Who can you contact today who is full of bold ideas and energy, who creates new opportunities, who will generously share with you, and who will see you in your highest light? 

You may be thinking of someone like that now. Invite them to connect, one-on-one or in a small group. 

You may be thinking of an existing community of people (maybe like those at the Influence conference that I attended) that you want to tap into in a bigger way.

When you choose to have more contact with even a small number of people who are filled with enthusiasm, ideas, and big hearts, you will have given yourself a priceless gift.

Embracing the unexpected: letting go of expectations

Last week my body forced me to slow down. I returned from an exciting week away, speaking at a great event, with COVID. I had no choice but to rest. (Happily, I am fully recovered now.)

I had expected to catch up from a a big to-do list after being out of my office, but the universe had other plans for me. 

I let go of expectations, and everything was fine! 

If you are like me, you’ve lived a life full of expectations, and have held them tightly.

A great life lesson, that I need to be reminded of (like when I was sick last week), is that I can let go of expectations and it will not only be fine — it is often better than fine!

Expectations can be a trap

Most of us set expectations about all sorts of things, typically without awareness that we are doing so. And most of them tend to limit us.

We expect things of ourselves and of others. And we often hold tight to those expectations. When we do, we suffer disappointments more often than not.

Typical examples that get in our way are:

  • Expecting ourselves to get more done in a day than is reasonable. 

  • Expecting ourselves to be perfect.

  • Expecting things outside our control to be perfect.

  • Expecting others to read our minds. 

  • Expecting people to see things from the same perspective we do.

Living with these sorts of expectations running in the background keeps us from thinking and acting with agency — with awareness that we can always operate with creative power. 

Here’s what it can look like instead:

  • Rather than driving yourself hard and feeling exhausted, you can approach your day with a focus on what is most important, and delegate or defer other tasks.

  • Rather than expecting perfection from yourself, you can determine to approach everything with care and focus, and fully acknowledge and appreciate your best efforts.

  • Rather than feeling disappointed by things outside your control, you can remember what you can and cannot control! (See the graphic below and refer to it often! You can download it here.)

  • Rather than holding expectations that others know what you want and need and expect of them, you can communicate clearly.

  • Rather than expecting others to see things as you do, you can choose to be open to other perspectives. You may find that others’ lenses offer you insight that you get to appreciate — or not.

What happens when you let go of expectations

I have learned that when I release expectations, I allow myself to be fully present to opportunities and possibilities. I trust that things are always working out for me, as I create my best day each day.

When I approach every day as one that I get to create — in my thinking and my actions — I often find possibilities that would not have been shown up I had held a tight grip.

How can you loosen your grip and release expectations, even a little today?

What will you create today?

Stepping boldly into the spotlight

I am away this week in Miami. On Thursday I will present a TED-style talk at the Superstar Summit. I will share a new topic, on a stage in front of a terrific audience, and the talk will be filmed.

Am I excited? Yes! 

Am I nervous? Yes I am.

I have been offered this same challenge the last two years. (This photo was taken at my presentation at the Summit in 2023.) And once again this invitation calls on me to trust myself to hone and shape a powerful, short talk, to get feedback from expert advisors, practice and internalize it in a limited time-frame, and deliver it with confidence.

This opportunity calls on me to trust myself and show up boldly.

It also means being ok being vulnerable, as I will take risks to address my topic in a dramatic way that I hope will move the audience.

I need to believe in myself.

The keys to my preparation 

It wasn’t very long ago that I had never spoken on a stage.

And for almost every speaking opportunity I have now — whether I am on a stage in front of an audience or speaking virtually to people in distant locations — I am delivering a talk I know well. 

The key factors that have helped me to present at this Summit in the past, and that I am focused on now, may be helpful for you — whether you will be on a stage, will bring your knowledge to people in other formats, or are considering opportunities that are outside of your comfort zone.

1. I can trust and honor myself.

I fully honor the knowledge I possess about creativity, after years of study. I honor my personal experiences as I have explored the vast power of creativity. And I honor the way my work with clients has illuminated and deepened my insights and knowledge. 

All of that enables me to trust myself to craft a talk and internalize my messages so I can share them with heart from the stage.

What do you know so well that you can trust yourself to share your insights and wisdom without doubts?

2. I am excited to share what I know that will enlighten others.

I am passionate about all that I have learned, observed and practiced, and am eager to share it so that others can find meaningful ways to bring more creativity into their lives and work. 

This enthusiasm helps me keep my focus on how my messages will serve others, and think less about my own nervousness.

How can you bring your focus to the positive impact you can have for other people, and think less about yourself in a high-stakes situation?

3. I remind myself that confidence is the outcome of stretching myself, rather than a necessary starting point.

If we all waited to feel confident before taking on a new challenge, there would be far fewer occasions for personal growth and learning!

I know that when I boldly step into accepting a new challenge that feels meaningful to me, or starting a new endeavor about which I have limited preparation, I am allowing myself to expand and grow.

I first make a commitment to move through discomfort as I learn new skills. 

I am also willing to stick with it as my abilities increase.

I then experience the satisfaction of mastery! That mastery is the stuff of confidence.

Confidence is the prize at the end of the cycle.

And there is always another level to aim for, allowing me to continue building confidence.

What are you willing and eager to commit to, to build confidence?

How might you step into the limelight now?

Imagine the impact if more of us show up boldly to bring our messages, expertise, and tools to others!

I hope you will join me and show up for others, no matter the “stage” or setting.

Stop fussing about if you are ready, or if you will be great, and simply bring your gifts to others with generosity and sincerity,

Please hit reply and share a small step you take this week.

I cannot wait to celebrate you!

Note: You can check out the Superstar Summit 2024 details, and see a great video, here. And if you are in Miami and want to attend the Summit on Thursday, July 11, a few seats are still available. Email me and I will get you registered!

Transform your day with intention

Each day offers you the opportunity to start fresh.

An approach I invite you to consider is to create an intention for the day you want to have when you wake up each day.

It might be to have a day where you choose “flow” instead of “push” energy.

It might be a day filled with trust and optimism.

It might be a day of fun, play and exploration.

Your intention might be to live with awareness — to tune in keenly in conversations, to thoughtfully consider the choices you make all day, to spot opportunities and possibilities that you’d miss if you simply rushed through the day (like most of us do).

Setting intentions works wonders

When you begin each day with a practice of setting an intention, you set yourself up for big possibilities.

You can turn around doubt or worry if something is on your mind when you wake up, that will positively impact both the way you feel and the outcomes of your efforts.

You can adopt a new mindset to bring to your day — one that will support you to think creatively and take positive actions.

By setting an intention for how you want to feel and show up, you positively orient yourself to everything that may happen as your day unfolds.

You pay attention in the moment.

You thoughtfully choose the actions you will take.

And whether things go wonderfully all day, or difficulties or challenges crop up, when you live with the awareness and focus of the intention you set, you will be able to respond with clarity.

You can start now

Take a moment (even if it is the middle of the day as you read this) to think about the rest of your day.

  • Maybe you have a project to get done. 

  • Maybe there are meetings or appointments on the schedule.

  • Maybe there’s a conversation you need to have. 

  • Maybe you have a window of free time.

  • Maybe you are distracted about something. 

  • Maybe you have something to figure out today.

Choose an intention to set now, that will support you to show up in the best possible frame of mind.

If you are unsure, here’s a n easy, effective way to sort out your thoughts:

Set a timer for a couple of minutes and let yourself free-write to consider the way you want to feel and act.

This approach lets you acknowledge the confused or upset or indecisive way you feel right now and play with new ways to see the situation. You can toy with new possibilities and choose a new frame for how you want to feel and show up. That can be your intension!

Intention-setting is a great daily practice

Each day, as your life evolves, you get to consider and set an intention. Your intentions may stay fairly consistent or shift as circumstances change. Explore what will support you each day.

Your intentions will bring focus and clarity to the way you live each day. 

This is a meaningful way you can create your best life

When you live intentionally, you live big.

Ignite your passion and Live Big!

What are you saying “Yes!” to these days? 

What juicy opportunities are right out there for you, that you can choose to act on?

What is in your heart, that you feel excitement about, that you have not yet made space to explore or pursue?

What are you passionate about that you can put higher on your list — maybe even at the top of your list — rather than never getting to it?

Is it time to make new choices?

All of us have things we must do that feel far from exciting. I am not suggesting that you drop everything to pursue a passion.

What I do invite you to consider is that something that tugs at your heart can be honored, and it is worth making space to pursue it.

Can you think of one thing that you want to do, or do more of, that you have pushed to the sidelines?

Maybe you long to

  • initiate a new project

  • have an adventure

  • go back to school

  • go after a big opportunity in your career

  • bring like-minded people together

  • express yourself in a new way

  • learn a new skill

  • show up in a big way to advocate for something important to you

To do anything like that you’re likely to have to stay, “No” to some things that are part of your life now.

Rather than settling for the current routine, that likely includes things that you do not feel excited about and that can be dropped, delayed, or otherwise adjusted, you can choose to make space  — and time — for that thing that really matters to you, and that will add joy to your life.

Let passion be your compass

When you honor who you are and what you desire, and make changes to take action in the direction that your passion is pointing to, you will feel excited to pursue it.

That excitement is potent, positive energy. And positive energy expands. When activated, it lights up much in your life!

You are worthy of that excitement and energy and satisfaction.

And once you have ignited it, that energy can steer you into the future in ways you may not be able to imagine.

So start — even a small start lights the spark and steers you in a direction that your heart yearns for.

And if you’re thinking you do not have something specific in mind as you read this, aim for awareness of what is possible for you to explore that would bring a spark to your life. 

I'll be excited to hear what you bring new energy to, and cheer you on as you create your life in inspiring ways!

And, if I can support you to connect to your heart and take action (whether it’s a small start or a big step) to bring that new dimension into your life, let’s talk

Helping great women like you to create and live their biggest, best lives — to Live Big — is my passion!

Finding opportunity in adversity

Who hasn’t felt discouraged when something failed to go as hoped, or plans fell through, or an outcome that seemed promising fell flat?

People sometimes find themselves sliding from discouragement into more negative thoughts, of deep disappointment, anger, feeling defeated, and sometimes, feeling hopeless.

Even as things feel heavy, when you choose to make a key shift in thinking it can make a world of difference.

This is the shift that can work wonders:

Get creative and see what happens

When you orient yourself to what is possible, to what you can create, the potential for great outcomes is amazing. 

When you choose that new outlook, you bring fresh, positive energy to the matter at hand.

Your intention might be to create a new next step forward, or to create a new alternative, or to initiate a new conversation, or to test a new approach.

You can then reflect on each effort and continue to create as you move ahead.

Taking consistent, positive steps forward with this mindset of what is possible for you to create is a game-changer!

Your mindset is an incredible resource

There is a great quote from the renown Chinese general, philosopher and writer, Sun Tzu, that you may want to keep in mind:

“Can you find and exploit the advantage in every adversity?”

When you choose to adopt the mindset of a creator, it becomes possible — and can even be joyful — to find advantages and realize benefits whenever you face challenges. 

Who doesn’t want to have a great day?

The way you start your day matters.

One simple and powerful thing you can do is to set an intention for how you want to feel during the day, and focus on that rather than how you may be feeling when you get up.

How a word can impact your day

Let’s say you wake up feeling tired after a night of restless sleep. You could start to move through your day focused on how tired you feel. You would likely push yourself to get washed and dressed, and push yourself during the work day.

You would likely feel worn out at the end of your day.

If, instead, on a day when you woke up feeling tired after a night of restless sleep, you took a moment and set an intention to feel energized and inspired all day, that upbeat energy could have a big impact. 

Here’s what can happen.

As you hold an intention to feel energized, everything you do all day is likely to flow differently. The fatigue will not dissolve, but your attention will be focused on positive energy.

As you orient yourself this way you are likely to feel inspiration in all you do, and end your day feeling good, if tired and ready to rest. 

You can create the day you want

Start your morning by choosing a word to guide you, that will provide a focus and energy for what you want to feel all day.

Think of it as your Word for the Day, and bring your word to mind throughout the day.

Imagine the impact of starting your day with a word like curious, or enthusiastic, or balanced, or playful, or courageous, or strong, or focused.

Whether or not you sense some of that feeling at the start of your morning, setting a clear intention for how you want to feel — and reminding yourself of your word as the day progresses — enables you to create a day that fulfills that feeling.

Give it a try this week and see what happens!