Reflections on love, life and living big

January 13 is an important day in my life — it is the anniversary of the day I met the man who I would later marry and build a life with.

Each year when this date rolls around, I look back and reflect.

I try and wrap my head around the span of time that has passed. I reflect. I am filled with appreciation for the serendipity that brought us together and feel awe for how we built our lives — jointly and as individuals — over time.

And each year at this time I seek deeper insights.

I aim for keener perspective as I take the long view. These gifts take time to emerge, and they are so valuable.

This year I feel gratitude, even more notably than in the past, for everything that has happened in my life and our lives together.

I am grateful for the ups and downs, the joys as well as the challenges that have tested us, and so many lessons learned. 

I feel an even clearer appreciation for how precious life is, and for my connection to the present and all that is possible. When I anchor into what is possible now I feel enormous inspiration.

I am more focused than ever to finding, and creating, joy each day.

I am focused on pursuing what matters most to me — nurturing precious relationships, focusing on work that will provide me with true satisfaction and will have the greatest impact, caring for the wellbeing of my body and my spirit, and setting aside sacred time to paint and write.

This focus on the present enables me to honor the yearning in my heart as I commit to courageously taking action that is aligned with those desires.

What matters most to you?

You, too, may want to set aside time to look back and take a long view. Then ask what your heart really wants.

You may hear shouts or whispers. Listen. Pay attention and honor what you hear. The signal your heart sends you is important! Trust it. Use it as a compass. It cannot steer you wrong.

When you follow what your heart desires, even taking very small steps at first will be meaningful. Each action matters. Subtle shifts add up. 

So go for it! 

And keep going!

This is how you create a life that is fulfilling — how you Live Big! — one small commitment and action at a time.

Begin today!

As the idiom goes, there’s no time like the present to do something that is meaningful.

Imagine yourself next year at this time, looking back and taking stock of how following your heart put you on a path to greater satisfaction.

I would love to hear what your heart desires, and how you are honoring those desires.

(And, of course, I would be happy to talk to you about how have coaching support might help you connect deeply to your heart and begin to bring the change into your life that your heart asks for. Click here to make a date.)