Finding purpose amidst change: your journey starts now

Now that the transition from summer to fall is here, things have likely shifted for you. 

Schedules and routines change in many families. Traffic is heavier, requiring extra time to get around. The pace of life and work often picks up as more meetings and events fill the calendar.

And, sometimes shifts come to light slowly.

I felt something subtle shifting for me last year, and have been going through a period of change for many months. What was vague in my awareness at the start has become clear, and exciting shifts have been occurring for me over the last months.

I began to see a path to having bigger impact with my work, and more personal satisfaction. I have been speaking more and love it. I was moved to create 2 new retreats, Creation Vacation to start the year, and L’Aventure Française in the fall. Both provide longer, deeper experiences. And the 3-day Live Big Live! retreat I have loved leading for 4 years is now only offered each spring. 

I am also doing more work inside of organizations, where cohorts of women are engaged in learning together and having a bigger collective impact.

Making these changes entailed gaining clarity, then committing to taking action and allowing things to unfold over time.

Do you feel that things may be changing for you?

Whether there’s a change in play now that feels exciting, motivating, or nerve-racking, or something simply feels like it may be beginning to shift, each of us is always changing.

Let’s look at what may be going on for you.

How are you changing now? 

Pause and take stock of the ways you are changing. 

Whether you feel most comfortable staying static or relish things that are new and novel, change is inevitable!

Take a thoughtful look at what is happening in you as well as around you.

Are you aware of changes in your ways of operating, or how you are feeling or thinking? 

Perhaps you are excited and eager about something you’e involved with.

Perhaps there’s something you want to stop doing, or begin to do, and are considering how you will move forward.

Perhaps you yearn to do something inspiring, new or exciting that feels missing now.

Perhaps change is being imposed on you, and you realize it presents an opportunity. Or, maybe an imposed change has brought on fear.

Maybe you feel stuck, for a reason you are of aware of, or not.

Perhaps you have a hunch something is brewing and are patiently allowing clarity to emerge. 

And, it is likely that there are several changes in the mix for you. 

The good news is that when you bring awareness and add intention to how you want to respond to the changes that you identify, great outcomes are possible.

Move forward with intention

You can realize great outcomes when you choose your response to a change that is underway, rather than drift along (which sadly, is what most people do).

Perhaps you have tended to drift through life. I certainly did for a very long time.

I had ideas and took initiative. I started and ran a great business, and was a leader in many settings. But looking back I can see all of the ways I was not fully intentional — that I was drifting.

It was not until I started to take a clear look at my life (with the help of a wonderful coach whose questions prompted big awareness), that I realized I was no longer lit up by my work. I came to know I was ready to make a significant change. And making that change — selling my business — set me on the best path ever.

With awareness, you, too, can choose a clear direction and begin to move in that direction.

The change you choose to make your focus and pursue may be small and meaningful, or you may feel ready to make a bold change.

Whatever you make your focus and bring commitment to doing can have a life-changing impact.

I invite you to bring awareness to the changes you are facing and feeling now.

Then consider your best way forward and set your intention to take action, knowing you can course-correct over and over.

You will be on a meaningful path on your journey to true fulfillment.

Email me — I welcome you to share what is up for you now and the steps you are choosing to start with.