Simplify to Succeed: How Focus Unlocks Real Results

It’s easy for life to get complicated — I slip into that trap often!

So what can you do when you realize that things are overwhelmingly complex?

I have learned that when I slow down and look at things through a new lens, I am able to operate in a new way.

Adopting a few steps can make a world of difference for you, too, so that you will feel better and be more effective.

When you learn how to simplify and focus on distilling to the essence, you’ll reap huge benefits.

1. Begin with clarity 

Having clarity is powerful.

Take a beat and ask yourself: What is most important today?

This may be easy for you, or may it take time for you to bring a clear focus to each day. It will be worth the effort!

Make a daily practice of starting your morning with a thoughtful decision about one thing that will be your primary focus of the day. You might have a dedicated note pad ready to pick up each morning to write down that priority.

It is typical to think there must be 2, 3 or more things to put on that sheet, but do not include more than 3 things on any day!

Be sure you choose 1 clear focus to begin with, knowing it will help you get to numbers 2 and 3 more quickly (and feel better when you get to them!).

And stay alert to things (and people) that pull your attention into other directions.

You may find that you need to deliberately return to the focus you chose for your day multiple times. I promise it will be worth the effort.

2. Decide on the easiest place to start

Choose one simple thing that will be the most effective action to take to move your key priority forward.

And after you take that action, ask yourself this question again:

What one simple thing can I do next to move this forward?

Repeat as you go through your day.

3. Communicate clearly and simply

Focus on communicating with as much simplicity and clarity as possible.

Whether you write emails, meet with people, set agendas, speak to audiences, or plan presentations, keep your messages direct and clear. That will make it easier to communicate dynamically, too.

You will be better understood, you’ll get more buy-in, command more attention, and achieve your objectives with more ease.

And remember that you can be clear and commanding while using a tone that is truly authentic. Clear communication delivered authentically will naturally engage and influence people.

Cultivating a direct, simple and authentic way of communicating takes focus. With consistency and practice, it will become your natural way of operating.

Sustain your focus and thrive!

I hope that using these steps will have a positive impact on your day-to-day life.

There are, of course, other things that can help you keep focused and get the most important things done.

Delegating tasks is always a great idea, as is considering who you might turn to for help.

And you might consider coaching support, if the big picture question of what you want your life’s focus to be is something you’re thinking about, or to help you navigate day-to-day challenges.

You can schedule a chat with me here.