Ignite your passion and Live Big!

What are you saying “Yes!” to these days? 

What juicy opportunities are right out there for you, that you can choose to act on?

What is in your heart, that you feel excitement about, that you have not yet made space to explore or pursue?

What are you passionate about that you can put higher on your list — maybe even at the top of your list — rather than never getting to it?

Is it time to make new choices?

All of us have things we must do that feel far from exciting. I am not suggesting that you drop everything to pursue a passion.

What I do invite you to consider is that something that tugs at your heart can be honored, and it is worth making space to pursue it.

Can you think of one thing that you want to do, or do more of, that you have pushed to the sidelines?

Maybe you long to

  • initiate a new project

  • have an adventure

  • go back to school

  • go after a big opportunity in your career

  • bring like-minded people together

  • express yourself in a new way

  • learn a new skill

  • show up in a big way to advocate for something important to you

To do anything like that you’re likely to have to stay, “No” to some things that are part of your life now.

Rather than settling for the current routine, that likely includes things that you do not feel excited about and that can be dropped, delayed, or otherwise adjusted, you can choose to make space  — and time — for that thing that really matters to you, and that will add joy to your life.

Let passion be your compass

When you honor who you are and what you desire, and make changes to take action in the direction that your passion is pointing to, you will feel excited to pursue it.

That excitement is potent, positive energy. And positive energy expands. When activated, it lights up much in your life!

You are worthy of that excitement and energy and satisfaction.

And once you have ignited it, that energy can steer you into the future in ways you may not be able to imagine.

So start — even a small start lights the spark and steers you in a direction that your heart yearns for.

And if you’re thinking you do not have something specific in mind as you read this, aim for awareness of what is possible for you to explore that would bring a spark to your life. 

I'll be excited to hear what you bring new energy to, and cheer you on as you create your life in inspiring ways!

And, if I can support you to connect to your heart and take action (whether it’s a small start or a big step) to bring that new dimension into your life, let’s talk

Helping great women like you to create and live their biggest, best lives — to Live Big — is my passion!