Finding opportunity in adversity

Who hasn’t felt discouraged when something failed to go as hoped, or plans fell through, or an outcome that seemed promising fell flat?

People sometimes find themselves sliding from discouragement into more negative thoughts, of deep disappointment, anger, feeling defeated, and sometimes, feeling hopeless.

Even as things feel heavy, when you choose to make a key shift in thinking it can make a world of difference.

This is the shift that can work wonders:

Get creative and see what happens

When you orient yourself to what is possible, to what you can create, the potential for great outcomes is amazing. 

When you choose that new outlook, you bring fresh, positive energy to the matter at hand.

Your intention might be to create a new next step forward, or to create a new alternative, or to initiate a new conversation, or to test a new approach.

You can then reflect on each effort and continue to create as you move ahead.

Taking consistent, positive steps forward with this mindset of what is possible for you to create is a game-changer!

Your mindset is an incredible resource

There is a great quote from the renown Chinese general, philosopher and writer, Sun Tzu, that you may want to keep in mind:

“Can you find and exploit the advantage in every adversity?”

When you choose to adopt the mindset of a creator, it becomes possible — and can even be joyful — to find advantages and realize benefits whenever you face challenges.