Stepping boldly into the spotlight

I am away this week in Miami. On Thursday I will present a TED-style talk at the Superstar Summit. I will share a new topic, on a stage in front of a terrific audience, and the talk will be filmed.

Am I excited? Yes! 

Am I nervous? Yes I am.

I have been offered this same challenge the last two years. (This photo was taken at my presentation at the Summit in 2023.) And once again this invitation calls on me to trust myself to hone and shape a powerful, short talk, to get feedback from expert advisors, practice and internalize it in a limited time-frame, and deliver it with confidence.

This opportunity calls on me to trust myself and show up boldly.

It also means being ok being vulnerable, as I will take risks to address my topic in a dramatic way that I hope will move the audience.

I need to believe in myself.

The keys to my preparation 

It wasn’t very long ago that I had never spoken on a stage.

And for almost every speaking opportunity I have now — whether I am on a stage in front of an audience or speaking virtually to people in distant locations — I am delivering a talk I know well. 

The key factors that have helped me to present at this Summit in the past, and that I am focused on now, may be helpful for you — whether you will be on a stage, will bring your knowledge to people in other formats, or are considering opportunities that are outside of your comfort zone.

1. I can trust and honor myself.

I fully honor the knowledge I possess about creativity, after years of study. I honor my personal experiences as I have explored the vast power of creativity. And I honor the way my work with clients has illuminated and deepened my insights and knowledge. 

All of that enables me to trust myself to craft a talk and internalize my messages so I can share them with heart from the stage.

What do you know so well that you can trust yourself to share your insights and wisdom without doubts?

2. I am excited to share what I know that will enlighten others.

I am passionate about all that I have learned, observed and practiced, and am eager to share it so that others can find meaningful ways to bring more creativity into their lives and work. 

This enthusiasm helps me keep my focus on how my messages will serve others, and think less about my own nervousness.

How can you bring your focus to the positive impact you can have for other people, and think less about yourself in a high-stakes situation?

3. I remind myself that confidence is the outcome of stretching myself, rather than a necessary starting point.

If we all waited to feel confident before taking on a new challenge, there would be far fewer occasions for personal growth and learning!

I know that when I boldly step into accepting a new challenge that feels meaningful to me, or starting a new endeavor about which I have limited preparation, I am allowing myself to expand and grow.

I first make a commitment to move through discomfort as I learn new skills. 

I am also willing to stick with it as my abilities increase.

I then experience the satisfaction of mastery! That mastery is the stuff of confidence.

Confidence is the prize at the end of the cycle.

And there is always another level to aim for, allowing me to continue building confidence.

What are you willing and eager to commit to, to build confidence?

How might you step into the limelight now?

Imagine the impact if more of us show up boldly to bring our messages, expertise, and tools to others!

I hope you will join me and show up for others, no matter the “stage” or setting.

Stop fussing about if you are ready, or if you will be great, and simply bring your gifts to others with generosity and sincerity,

Please hit reply and share a small step you take this week.

I cannot wait to celebrate you!

Note: You can check out the Superstar Summit 2024 details, and see a great video, here. And if you are in Miami and want to attend the Summit on Thursday, July 11, a few seats are still available. Email me and I will get you registered!