Simplify to Succeed: How Focus Unlocks Real Results

It’s easy for life to get complicated — I slip into that trap often!

So what can you do when you realize that things are overwhelmingly complex?

I have learned that when I slow down and look at things through a new lens, I am able to operate in a new way.

Adopting a few steps can make a world of difference for you, too, so that you will feel better and be more effective.

When you learn how to simplify and focus on distilling to the essence, you’ll reap huge benefits.

1. Begin with clarity 

Having clarity is powerful.

Take a beat and ask yourself: What is most important today?

This may be easy for you, or may it take time for you to bring a clear focus to each day. It will be worth the effort!

Make a daily practice of starting your morning with a thoughtful decision about one thing that will be your primary focus of the day. You might have a dedicated note pad ready to pick up each morning to write down that priority.

It is typical to think there must be 2, 3 or more things to put on that sheet, but do not include more than 3 things on any day!

Be sure you choose 1 clear focus to begin with, knowing it will help you get to numbers 2 and 3 more quickly (and feel better when you get to them!).

And stay alert to things (and people) that pull your attention into other directions.

You may find that you need to deliberately return to the focus you chose for your day multiple times. I promise it will be worth the effort.

2. Decide on the easiest place to start

Choose one simple thing that will be the most effective action to take to move your key priority forward.

And after you take that action, ask yourself this question again:

What one simple thing can I do next to move this forward?

Repeat as you go through your day.

3. Communicate clearly and simply

Focus on communicating with as much simplicity and clarity as possible.

Whether you write emails, meet with people, set agendas, speak to audiences, or plan presentations, keep your messages direct and clear. That will make it easier to communicate dynamically, too.

You will be better understood, you’ll get more buy-in, command more attention, and achieve your objectives with more ease.

And remember that you can be clear and commanding while using a tone that is truly authentic. Clear communication delivered authentically will naturally engage and influence people.

Cultivating a direct, simple and authentic way of communicating takes focus. With consistency and practice, it will become your natural way of operating.

Sustain your focus and thrive!

I hope that using these steps will have a positive impact on your day-to-day life.

There are, of course, other things that can help you keep focused and get the most important things done.

Delegating tasks is always a great idea, as is considering who you might turn to for help.

And you might consider coaching support, if the big picture question of what you want your life’s focus to be is something you’re thinking about, or to help you navigate day-to-day challenges.

You can schedule a chat with me here.

How to Silence Your Inner Critic and Move Forward

Are you tough on yourself? 

I certainly was harsh and judgmental with myself for much of my life.

With attention in the last years, I have sharpened my awareness and shifted my thinking when I notice that I’ve slipped into criticizing or berating myself. 

The danger of harsh self-talk

Any time you tell yourself something like

  • “Work harder and make it perfect!”

  • “I feel like such a fraud.”

  • “Who are you to try something so audacious?”

  • “I am such an idiot for making that stupid mistake!”

your self-critic is running the show. And it’s doing more damage than you may think.

Frequent negative thoughts like those wear you down.

They erode confidence and can slowly grow into a mountain of doubt.

Left unchecked, they can poison your spirit.

It’s time to change your stories 

The truth is that each time you send a negative message to yourself it’s a story, and you can change those stories!

Here’s how.

1. Start by bolstering self-love, in the form of being kind and compassionate to yourself.

After all, you would never say most of the harsh things you say to yourself to someone else! 

It’s time to give yourself some grace. 

2. Aim to catch yourself in the act when you hear yourself spewing a damaging message. Noticing is the first step to making change.

3. Next, change the story — in tone and substance. 

Sure, you may have made a mistake. Who hasn’t? It’s when you can tell yourself it was an inadvertent error, or you can laugh it off, or you apologize and commit to doing more research next time — and then move on — that you will release yourself from stewing about it. You will be free to keep moving forward.

Here’s another example.

If you are a perfectionist, it’s time to embrace this truth: perfect is the enemy of good!

You can tell yourself this new story: It’s really good! Maybe it could be more perfect, and I might do more at some point, but right now I am getting this out to the world!

All negative self-talk can be turned around when you have the awareness that those thoughts are showing up, and you focus on making a shift.

Stick with it!

While negative thinking about myself happens less frequently now, I have learned that this kind of self-talk does not go away completely. 

And, I am happy to say that staying alert to it does get easier.

The more you spot negative thinking in the moment and choose to tell yourself a new story, the more natural it becomes to stay in a positive frame of mind.

You will feel better. You will show up fully. You will have a bigger impact with everything you do!

And that is a remarkable gift you can give yourself.

The ABCs of Self Leadership

As a woman who leads, inspires, and aims to make an impact, if you are feeling stress and overwhelm in a world filled with uncertainty, it’s hard to show up powerfully.

At times like these it is imperative to stay strong, steady, and clearheaded — so that you can do your best work and support others.

I think of it as cultivating self-leadership. With this ability you can lead in every aspect of life and work.

When you cultivate self-leadership you will be able to stay steady with more ease.

What self-leadership looks like

As a visual thinker, I have imagined a few scenarios that you may find helpful to envision what strong self-leadership can mean for you.

Imagine feeling like you are able to stay upright on the deck of a boat in rocky seas.

Imagine feeling like you are a gyroscope, and that when you tip in the wind, or wobble under pressure, or when the sand beneath your feet starts shifting, you always come back up.

Imagine being a tall palm that is flexible and bends in the wind during a storm, and not only stays rooted, but can stand erect again when the winds subside.

Focusing on self-leadership enables you to be strong and resilient.

The A, B, and C of self-leadership

There are many ways people think about and approach “self-leadership.” In the context of attending to your own wellbeing in order to lead and support others effectively, these are the components I offer you to consider.

Action — based on Awareness and Acknowledgement

A key first step is to take stock of what you are feeling. Having tools to help you identify your emotions enables you to then acknowledge what is at play, rather than aiming to simply muscle through when you are feeling less than steady.

With that clarity you can take action to process your emotions, so those heavy emotions move through you rather than hijack you.

And taking action of all kinds is an excellent antidote to feeling disillusioned or stuck, no matter the reason.

Bolster — to show up Boldly

Effective leadership — of yourself and others — requires true belief in yourself. 

Having clarity about the emotions that were hampering you, then processing those emotions to help you step into action, you will see matters more clearly. You can bring a clear head to determining the best ways to move forward, and your confidence will naturally expand. 

And there’s a bonus when you bolster your confidence: You feel that you have agency in situations that would otherwise feel daunting.


You can create practices that support you to manage stress when it arises. You can create a mindset of curiosity, openness and consideration of new possibilities no matter what shows up. You can create expressively to open your heart.

This is your time to cultivate the creative power inside of you that is waiting to be unleashed. That’s what will make you an unstoppable leader!

A simple shift to bring more joy and ease into your life

How are you? How is your week going?

I have been focusing on the joy in small things, and am delighted at the way approaching my days like that is generating positivity and ease.

As I have looked for moments of joy I’ve found them in small and lovely ways each day.

I made plans with people I love — not to do anything ambitious or elaborate. Sitting over a meal and connecting quietly was joyous.

I called someone dear to me and we caught up. 

I savored the peace I felt in a yoga class and carried it into my day.

As I walked on a cold day, I smiled at the bright sunshine and delighted at the way passive solar energy melted ice.

I sat over a cup of tea after accomplishing something, rather than rushing on to another task.

I experimented with new seasonings that brightened an otherwise ordinary salad.

How will you make space for joy today?

Consider the ways you can look for, and create, moments of joy.

You might start a meeting with a question such as, "What was a moment of delight in your day today?" and see what shows up in the replies.

You might listen to soothing, upbeat music as you do a chore.

You might clear a bit of clutter (one your desk, on a kitchen counter, in a drawer) and enjoy the space you created.

Taking simple actions and observing beauty and wonder around you can bring peace and pleasure to any day.

Joy bears beautiful gifts

Each small moment of joy connects you to your heart and boosts your spirits. 

You brain will release neurotransmitters — dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins and more — that reduce stress and promote pleasure, relaxation and calmness.

You then have a more receptive and positive mindset, that enables you to easily shift your focus to the positive around you.

Loving energy expands.

Peace and calm come naturally.

And with this upward spiral in place, gratitude follows naturally. 

This wonderful energetic state will also impact the people around you, in ways you may see, or never be aware.

Imagine the ripple effect we can all have if we choose to bring more joy into our lives each day.

Let’s do it together!

I am always happy to hear from you. Talk to me about what you yearn to create in your life. We can look at what is in the way now and your path to the future you dream of. 

Feeling wobbly? Here’s how to stay strong.

The new year is in full swing.

We have made it through more of winter than what stands between us and spring warming.

And the world around us has been changing at great speed — and in many alarming ways — since January 20.

You may be feeling wobbly. You may feel able to stay steady. You may be looking ahead with trepidation or feel determined to stand strong. You may feel committed to take action. A mixture of all of the above may be in play for you.

One thing is clear: this will be a year unlike any in our memory. The events swirling around us will impact us personally and in our professional lives.

Importantly, the creative power we are each filled with can be directed as we choose. We can focus our creative power in a singular way or in multiple ways.

What are you choosing now?

A client of mine stood strong and advocated for just policies in her institution. She inspired the president to recommit to the diversity-based values of the institution.

Another client has just published a book that I anticipate will garner significant acclaim in the business world.

Other clients are supporting local causes and donating to organizations that are mounting legal actions that support threatened populations.

One client has offered to open her home to people who need temporary respite if they are in peril, and to women who have had to come to our state for abortion care that is unavailable where they live.

In each case, these remarkable women are choosing to contribute to a better world.

And, each is also focused on bringing joy into her life each day. They create in many ways that fill their spirits. They share generously with others. They stay present and inspired.

Pessimism is paralyzing

We each have an opportunity to make our choices. And when we choose and are committed we have agency.

Should you find yourself feeling frightened, discouraged, angry or hopeless, create in a way that moves the emotion through you (as I wrote about last week), and then make the choice to take action.

Start by supporting your spirit and wellbeing and do something that makes you happy. And consider doing something joyful and uplifting with others.

Joy is an antidote to despair.

Action is an antidote to despair.

Every small action is meaningful. 

Let’s save the world together

As we stay grounded and committed we have great power. My vision is of people everywhere finding creative ways to have a positive impact. 

Both the Talmud and the Quran teach us that when you save one life you save the world.

Support yourself, then do one thing to help someone else. (Check the Creators of Change page for ideas.)

Let’s start there.

Feeling overwhelmed? Try this powerful way to find balance

Are you finding it a challenge to keep from feeling overwhelmed these days?

Maybe, like so many women I am hearing from, you feel dismay at what is happening in our country and the world. You may be easily distracted, making it hard to focus. You may even feel hopeless from time to time.

I get it. I have ups and downs, too. 

And, I know that this is exactly the time I need — we all need — to find ways to feel steady, to take excellent care of ourselves, to find balance and bring hope and joy into our lives every day.

This is how we stay strong as we look at a long road ahead.

One significant tool I can vouch for is expressing the gamut of emotions that show up.

When there is dismay, anger, fear, or stress hijacking my thoughts, having a way to move that loaded emotion through me, so I both feel it and am able to release it, has been enormously helpful.

A resource you may not have considered

A powerful way to cope with a big load of emotion is to choose a way to express it, Get creative as a means of moving your emotions!

Consider these great ways to move emotions and lighten your spirit:

Write out what you feel.

Journal, or write poems, or free-write. Put all the emotion onto a page. (Writing by hand is especially effective, though you can type, too). Keep going until you feel like you’ve poured it all out.

Make art.

Any kind of art is great. Let yourself play with paint, colored pencils or markers, clay, or any other way you feel like making your emotions visual. Be sure to leave judgement out of it! Nobody needs to see what you make — though you may want to share what you’ve made. Your art can be angry and dark. It can express sadness or hopelessness. Let your feelings show up in whatever you create.


Move to music of any kind until your body feels relieved of the load of emotion you started with. It works to dance with loud harsh music, opera, emotional orchestral music, or anything else that feels right to you in the moment.

Make music.

Use an instrument or your voice. If you play an instrument, you have a great resource. You might improvise and drum on a surface that allows you to make sounds that convey what you feel. And singing is a powerful way to express any emotion. Sing along with a recording that moves you. Sing in your car, or in the shower, or while you make your breakfast. Belt it out, or sing or play softly. It all works.

Create in any way you want!

Maybe you like making things with your hands. Maybe you like cooking and experimenting with flavors, textures and colors. Maybe you like gardening. Any way that allows you to release a load of emotion and come to more quiet and calmness is brilliant.

What happens next

Each time I devote a few minutes (or longer) to creating when I feel burdened by emotions, I find that I feel a release. I feel lighter. I am able to move forward without the distress I started with — for a little while and often longer. 

Take a look at a few collages I made while I was away last week. Even with the limited materials I had grabbed to take on my trip, I came up with an idea to use my glue stick and rip up things I had on hand, to create compositions that felt cathartic.

I invite you to give one or more ways of creating a try the next time you need to restore your spirit.

When we are all able to stay grounded and focused, we can make our biggest contributions.

We can bring our unique gifts into the world.

And we can take actions that will make a difference, especially when we do so united with others who are like-minded.

Check out the Creators of Change page on my site, which has growing lists of people and organizations working to do good now.

And I am always happy to hear from you. Talk to me about what you yearn to create in your life, and what is in the way now. 

Discover the surprising power of saying “No”

Each year when Valentine’s Day rolls around the topic of love is front and center.

I am a huge believer in the power of love, and the vast and marvelous ways it can be expressed.

The outcomes of developing self-love cannot be overstated.

Amplifying love shared by those with whom we are close is a gift we can give to ourselves and our dear ones. 

And love is an energy we can all bring into our awareness, and that can collectively impact the greater good near and far. This may be the most under-appreciated aspect of love’s powers.

Self-love is the topic I want to focus on today, as I consider self-love to be the foundation upon which all of the other kinds of wonderful love can most easily be built.

A surprising way to practice self-love

I have shared the fundamentals for understanding self-love and some simple, effective practices for building self-love in past posts. You may want to check out an overview here.

What you may never have considered as a way to to be self-loving is using the word, “No.” 

This simple word — that can be used in a sentence or can stand alone as a full sentence — is a resource that many women resist considering, much less using.

Why it can feel hard to say, “No.”

I often hear women say how overwhelmed they feel. They are committed to doing great things at work, to supporting those around them, to running their households, to caring for children and/or parents, to volunteering, and more. 

They often put everyone and everything else ahead of what they need and want — to the point of self-sacrifice, and sometimes burnout.

They say “Yes” to requests, “Yes” to demands, “Yes” to opportunities.


They often want to be nice and please people.

They may be flattered by a request and feel obligated to say,“Yes.” 

Sometimes they fear what might be said or done if they respond with a “No.”

It can feel easier and less risky to say, “Yes.”

And, sadly, many yeses are given without considering the implications of accepting that thing.

How a “No.” can be self-loving

Stating the need to give things thought is a perfect first response, rather than replying quickly, even if you are pressed for a quick answer.

It is an act of self-love to take the time to consider what the ask is and the meaning and importance it has for you. Does it align with your values and priorities? 

It is an act of self-love to consider what a “Yes” will entail in terms of time and effort.

It is an act of self-love to look at your calendar to see how adding in the tasks will fit into your life — or not.

It is an act of self-love to be sure you reserve ample time for self-care and things that enrich your spirit.

It is an act of self-love to assess all of those things with care before you give a response. 

And when there are clear indications that this request is not right for you, or not right for you at this time, or your gut tells you there are red flags, it is an act of self-love to reply with a “No.”

Your “No’s” can be expressed with kindness

After expressing appreciation for what was offered or requested of you, you can decline without complicated explanations or excuses. 

You might say something simple and sincere, such as, “I have other commitments that preclude me from being able to take this on/assist you/accept this.”

You might want to practice in advance with a close friend or your coach, to get comfortable with making your statement. You might want to think about some simple, supporting information to provide if you are pressed for more reasons, and you might want to think about suggestions you can offer for other people they might consider, or alternative approaches that could be helpful.

That said, it’s advisable to stand strong in your decision and not allow yourself to be manipulated or pressured.

When you have thought the matter through and are clear that a “No” is best for you, and you do not waver, you are loving yourself in a remarkable way.

That’s a great Valentine’s Day gift you can give yourselve all year long!

And if part of your self-love awareness is that you want to step into boldly igniting your creative power, to live your biggest best life, let’s talk

Simple ways to invite fresh inspiration

I am writing from sunny, beautiful Arizona today — where it is 60 degrees warmer than at my home in Boston.

My husband and I have spent two weeks here each winter for several years, and this year I feel especially grateful to be in a new environment for a while.

Change opens your heart

While here, I always mix a lighter work load with time to be outdoors, enjoying walks in a different natural environment. I look forward to exploring great local museums that always offer surprises. My daily pace shifts and my heart opens.

And each year when I return I remind myself that I can introduce change, without having to travel.

It is easy to get into routines that become rote. Looking for things that are new, striking, and shake up your usual patterns of thinking and acting can be done wherever you are!

Look for wonder today

Here are some ideas that might spark some change in your day, your week, your thinking, and how you feel:

  • Who might you call to plan an excursion with? Decide on going on a mini adventure together, perhaps to visit an exotic bakery where you can sit and catch up. Maybe you will spend an hour together at a museum to see an exhibit that is intriguing or provocative. Maybe you will walk in nature in a park neither of you has ever been to.

  • Why not get lost on purpose? On your way back from a meeting or errand, turn off your GPS and get off at an unfamiliar exit on the highway. Or make a turn into a part of town you never saw before. Look at architecture, gardens, colors, statues, shops, landscapes. You are sure to make interesting discoveries.

  • Look around in your office or home, and see where there’s a great shadow or soft streak of light that makes something familiar look interesting or beautiful. Light a candle and enjoy the flickering glow. Combine new flavors in your next meal see how they work (or maybe they won’t!). Experiment and play in small ways and see what lights you up.

Inspiration can impact everything you do

When you get inspired and feel a flicker of lifted energy, or you are filled with wonder or excitement, you will naturally bring a fresh point of view to everything you create.

Your can bring curiosity and enthusiasm to conversations.

The ways you do your work, provide services and solutions to clients, and approach challenges will be fueled by your open heart and new ways of thinking.

You will not only spot new opportunities but will see fresh ways to make the most of them.

You will naturally amplify the creative power that is in you!

I would love to hear what happens for you when you invite change and fresh inspiration into your life. 

A 5-Day Journey to Authentic Living

If you have had the exciting experience of seeing something unfold in real time that you have believed, spoken or written about, and maybe have taught, then you will relate to my experience last week.

You may be familiar with my story, and how I had been a graphic designer who was completely blocked when it came to creating for myself. Creating (as I used to believe) meant things like painting or making art with pastels. I was terrified to even try. I stayed focused on solving clients’ problems and telling their stories.

The trajectory of my journey changed when I started working with a great coach. I woke up to the fact that I was ready for a significant change and sold my design firm. And I courageously started exploring creative expression.

I then met a great teacher who was an expert on the vast power of creativity, and studied with him for two years. I came to understand the mysteries of creativity and appreciate the breadth of what it is. I also vastly expanded the ways that I created.

My life was transformed. 

Lives change when creative power is ignited

I developed my Creative Core Coaching practice to help other accomplished women who yearned to live a more fulfilling, rich authentic life.

  • They are typically so busy that they are disconnected from their hearts.

  • They are often frazzled, some to the point of burnout.

  • Many are living a smaller version of who they know they can be.

  • Many struggle to find clarity about what is next — or could be next.

  • Many want to rebuild confidence. 

They are sacrificing themselves in ways that I had lived for far too long.

When they are supported to tap their creative power and ignite it, they thrive!

And, change can be accellerated

In 2020, I created the first of what are three retreat experiences I offer each year.

At each, small groups of women come together to take a deep dive into self-discovery, have creative experiences that open their hearts, and set a course for meaningful change. 

When you step away from your routine and are willing to immerse yourself in new experiences that bring incredible insights to life, you find true inspiration for new ways of living. 

Creation Vacation 2025 was magical 

Last week, the Creation Vacation retreat kicked off a big new year for a fantastic group of women.

We spent 5 days in a glorious house on the southern coast of Maine. We did powerful work together. And we had tremendous fun!

The mix of deep thoughtful exploration and lots of fun with expressive creative play that built energy and opened hearts, made for a huge experience for everyone.

We ate beautifully. We shared deeply. A remarkable practitioner helped us all expand energetically and somatically anchor in supportive energy. The setting of extraordinary natural beauty was the perfect environment for all of it to unfold.

I am savoring the joy of leading the retreat and witnessing so much exciting evolution.

Take a look at the photos below, and consider if your creative spirit feels the desire to expand!

If you feel the urge to be supported to ignite the creative power that is within you now, and set a course for a bigger, more fulfilling life, let’s connect and talk.

Schedule a call today.

New Opportunities to Support Democracy and Social Justice

Having just watched the formal transition to a new presidential administration, we find ourselves at a notable moment in the life of our nation. Since the election in November I have been anticipating this moment with great concern.

My belief is that no matter what is happening around us that causes us concern, we are always able to take action that aligns with our values and principles.

This moment has motivated me to find ways to have a positive impact.

I am glad to share two opportunities for you to join me if you, too, want to live in a nation where democracy thrives.

1. Become a Creator of Change

I have created a page on my website called Creators of Change. On that page you will find links to organizations focused on preserving our democracy in many ways.

Their missions include:

  • journalistic integrity

  • aid to immigrants

  • limiting discrimination

  • protecting the legal rights of those who will be targeted by the incoming administration

  • protecting the environment

  • protecting the rights of women, including reproductive rights, and ensuring healthcare access for people in this country and elsewhere in the world

  • working to end hunger

I intend for this to be a growing list of organizations, groups and individuals who are committed to making ours a just and caring country, and world, for all.

Please look at what is on the page now, and email me with your suggestions for other meaningful resources that we can choose to support — financially, or by volunteering, or making in-kind donations.

And please spread the world to like-minded people about this page of resources.

Together we can take meaningful action, stay informed and have an impact.

2. Read brilliant writing and do good 

Following the outcome of the election, my writing teacher, Leslie Berliant, decided to publish an anthology of select women writers. I am honored to have been asked to be a contributor to the collection of short stories, poems and essays titled Cassandra Speaks — Essays, Stories and Poems by Women Truth-tellers.

This book provided a way for each writer to channel grief, pain and rage, and is filled with moving, powerful work.

And, all proceeds of the sales of the book will be donated to organizations who support abortion access.

Order your copy, and order copies for others who want to read great work and do good, too.

Together we can create a better future.

Reflections on love, life and living big

January 13 is an important day in my life — it is the anniversary of the day I met the man who I would later marry and build a life with.

Each year when this date rolls around, I look back and reflect.

I try and wrap my head around the span of time that has passed. I reflect. I am filled with appreciation for the serendipity that brought us together and feel awe for how we built our lives — jointly and as individuals — over time.

And each year at this time I seek deeper insights.

I aim for keener perspective as I take the long view. These gifts take time to emerge, and they are so valuable.

This year I feel gratitude, even more notably than in the past, for everything that has happened in my life and our lives together.

I am grateful for the ups and downs, the joys as well as the challenges that have tested us, and so many lessons learned. 

I feel an even clearer appreciation for how precious life is, and for my connection to the present and all that is possible. When I anchor into what is possible now I feel enormous inspiration.

I am more focused than ever to finding, and creating, joy each day.

I am focused on pursuing what matters most to me — nurturing precious relationships, focusing on work that will provide me with true satisfaction and will have the greatest impact, caring for the wellbeing of my body and my spirit, and setting aside sacred time to paint and write.

This focus on the present enables me to honor the yearning in my heart as I commit to courageously taking action that is aligned with those desires.

What matters most to you?

You, too, may want to set aside time to look back and take a long view. Then ask what your heart really wants.

You may hear shouts or whispers. Listen. Pay attention and honor what you hear. The signal your heart sends you is important! Trust it. Use it as a compass. It cannot steer you wrong.

When you follow what your heart desires, even taking very small steps at first will be meaningful. Each action matters. Subtle shifts add up. 

So go for it! 

And keep going!

This is how you create a life that is fulfilling — how you Live Big! — one small commitment and action at a time.

Begin today!

As the idiom goes, there’s no time like the present to do something that is meaningful.

Imagine yourself next year at this time, looking back and taking stock of how following your heart put you on a path to greater satisfaction.

I would love to hear what your heart desires, and how you are honoring those desires.

(And, of course, I would be happy to talk to you about how have coaching support might help you connect deeply to your heart and begin to bring the change into your life that your heart asks for. Click here to make a date.)

Ready to raise the bar this year?

Most people are thinking about the year they want to create, as the holidays are now behind us and we all get back to our usual routines.

What about you? Are you ready for — or craving — significant change of some kind?

If you want to create something new, you need to take a new approach.

After all, if you operate as you have in the past, sticking with old patterns of thinking and your usual ways of approaching life, you will continue to live as you have been and you’ll struggle to make the changes you yearn for.

It’s time to uplevel!

Now is the time to slow down and create space to gain new levels of clarity about what your heart desires and what really matters most. 

Are you ready to create a big clear vision for yourself in 2025?

Having s bold vision in mind, you will have the opportunity to clearly focus and set new, higher standards:

  • for how you will show up in the world

  • for the way you will spend your time

  • for the important relationships you will nurture

as you move forward.

Now is the time to raise the bar and commit to becoming the woman you want to be, and doing what is called for to reach your destination.

How to get clear, stay committed, stay on track

1. Choose a word to guide your year

A great tool to help you bring a sound focus to your intentions for 2025 is choosing a Word of the Year. My process will guide you to find clarity, so you can anchor to that clarity throughout the year.

Check out this blog post from a few years back for the process that will guide you to choosing your word for 2025. I use the process each year as the calendar turns, and having my word has always had a significant impact for me.

It is easier to stay committed when I look at my word, that I keep posted on my pinboard. I often look at it multiple times a day. Whenever I feel unclear or know I am veering off-track, I return to my word and can find a way to move forward.

2. Choose to be supported

The other way I stay on track is having support — something powerful that you can seek out, too.

I have a great coach and am part of a wonderful community of people who are doing brave work alongside me. Being supported, by my coach and colleagues, to commit to becoming my best self and pursuing my dreams is something I do year after year.

I would not be the woman I am today had I not made this ongoing investment in myself. 

This can be the year that you get support to rise higher.

3. Take action today

Good intentions are not enough! When you take action you are in motion. Momentum can build and milestones can be met.

Your action can take many forms. It can start with a conversation, a declaration, making a new commitment to yourself.

The key is to start.

If an action you choose is to explore how we might work together, so that you are supported to create a year of significant satisfaction and movement toward your goals, schedule a call with me today

It will be a pleasure to hear about your dreams and talk about helping you make them your reality.

Your best year yet: 3 powerful steps to launch 2025!

As we step into a huge new year, you have incredible opportunities! Here are 3 great ways to launch a great 2025.

1. Mind your mindset 

Cultivating your mindset is the best way to move forward for your best year. See how these approaches work for you.

• Create a morning practice

Your morning practice can be 5 minutes or longer. You might consider meditation, journaling, movement (stretches, yoga, dance), pulling an oracle card, saying affirmations, or any combination that appeals to you. Consistently startling your day with a few minutes of focus like this sets you up for a better day every day.

• Cultivate self-love 

The power of strong self-love cannot be overstated. Check out this blog post to understand self-love and get some great tips for ways to practice self-love.

With a strong foundation of self-love you will have powerful belief in yourself!

• Try a new way to move through tough times

No matter how much we set ourselves up for our best day every day, we all have times when things go sideways or challenges arise. In those moments, it’s important to feel the frustration, anger, sadness or disappointment.

First, choose an expressive way to process the difficult emotions. How? Write out your feelings; make an angry or ugly drawing; find a private place to shout out your emotions or slam a pillow into a wall; go outside and stomp in nature. When you feel you have worked the emotions out of your system, move on to the next step.

Once you feel calmer, consider a new perspective. If you look at the circumstances through a new lens, can you see a new way forward, a new possibility, maybe even a new opportunity?

2. Sharpen your focus

This can be the year you get crystal clear about what you want to make your reality next year.

Ask yourself:

• What big ideas and desires do I want to make real?

• What do I want to start doing?

• What limits me that I am ready to ditch?

When you are clear, you can get a good start and will be better able to stay on track.

3. Decide on your best path forward

Many of us start the new year with great intentions and soon find ourselves living the same way we have before, not making headway to realize the changes we yearn for. 

Now, take a moment and imagine that it’s December 2025. You are looking back with satisfaction and fulfillment realizing that you found true clarity and focus and created a great year! You built new levels of confidence, lived at a sustainable pace, showed up boldly and made your vision a reality.

That outcome is possible for you when you have support and accountability. 

I am living proof of the power of making myself a priority and working with great coaches. And for the last 12 years year I have been honored to support my clients to create remarkable, abundant lives of purpose, that bring them great happiness and satisfaction.

If this is the year that you are determined to create your best life, with deep support to unleash your creative power, let’s talk soon.

Create, love and dream a vibrant 2025!

I was moved by the big response I received to what I wrote last week, about how important it is to slow down, and the big benefits of celebrating yourself. 

I am not surprised that these ideas touched so many women in a deep way, given how much we typically aim to do.

We have lofty ideals for the impact we want to have with our work. 

We set high standards for many, if not most, of the things we do.

We want to build and sustain important relationships.

We want to care for and love our families and friends.

And we want to care for ourselves — though, for many, self-care often falls to the bottom of the list.

My wishes for you now

Whether you are on the road, or hosting family, or you are consciously focused on making space for quiet during this week of holiday celebrations, I invite you to add pleasure and meaning to this special time in these ways:

  • Look for wonder and savor the beauty you notice

  • Feel and spread love

  • Play and laugh

  • Create in as many ways as you can think of

  • Let gratitude fill your heart

This is a great time to dream, too!

When you look ahead to the closing days of 2024 and the year that is about to begin, dream your biggest dreams.

Hold a vision of yourself as the women you want to be in 2025.

The vision may be of you being strong, vibrant, loving, bold, confident, unstoppable, healthy, generous, kind, brave, brilliant.

Choose all the attributes you want!

Then think about what you want to do in 2025, and hold all of that in your vision.

Whether you want to embark on an adventure, learn something new, make a career or personal change, begin to knit or paint or cook, or challenge yourself in an exciting way, see yourself doing what you desire.

And think about what you want to have — add those desires to your vision.

The things you want to have may be intangible, like more time for a pursuit that delights you, or peace of mind. The things you want to include on this list can be grand (a home in a place you love) or tiny (warm new boots). Add what you want to have to your vision.

With dreams in mind, write them all down.

You can also sketch what you want to be, and do, and have (stick figures are a fine way to make things visual!).

Look at your list and/or your drawing often.

What you visualize now, that you keep visualizing, will support you to make those things your reality in the weeks, months and year ahead.

Give yourself a powerful gift this season

As the year is coming to a close, it is easy to live in high-gear as you do your holiday planning and shopping, get cards out, go to holiday events, and push to complete 2024 projects.

You may be pushing hard so consistently that the realization of the toll that pace takes may not have occurred to you.

Take a beat!

I invite you to take a moment now to simply sit quietly and take 3 slow, deep, refreshing breaths.

Consciously let you shoulders relax.

Loosen your jaw.

Give yourself a small hug.

Now, to really give yourself a treat, pull out a paper and write 3 things that you can celebrate about yourself in 2024.

A powerful gift you can give yourself

You can take a few minutes on a regular basis — in the midst of your day, over a cup of coffee, as you start or end your day, or whenever you feel the desire for a pause.

In that small space, reflect and celebrate yourself. 

Even a few minutes several times this week, to do a bit of reflecting can be incredibly meaningful.

What might you celebrate? 

Consider how you showed up — in a difficult conversation, in a moment that called for a quick response, for a friend, with a bold voice, or any other time that you can be proud of.

Consider a goal you went for — whether it was a goal you committed to and completed or took the first step toward, appreciate yourself for that effort and commitment you made.

Consider the wisest decision you made this year — and think about what it took to make that decision. Courage? Boldness? Belief in yourself?

Consider ways you grew in 2024 — did you speak up more this year, or pursue a new skill, speak on a stage, or take on a new leadership role? Think back to January and note all the ways you stepped up and expanded.

Acknowledging yourself for all of the things that come to mind — and celebrating them! — will lift your spirits, bolster self-love, and build belief in yourself in remarkable ways.

Maybe your celebration will be to smile and savor the insights. You might want to treat yourself to something special. You might invite a special friend to reflect and share what she is celebrating, and do something special together.

Recharge your energy and see what happens

Celebrating yourself is a fabulous way to build great energy for everything you do. And, it’s a great way to start looking ahead at the new year — not only what you want to do, but knowing that you can show up positively, proudly, with optimism, and ready for great things to happen in your life.

What emerges when you honor time and space

I just returned from a weekend in my home town of Philadelphia. My family and I held a ceremony at my father’s grave to dedicate the stone marker that was just laid, one year after we lost him.

This event, that marks a year in our lives, has sparked deep reflection.

What I learned this year that may help you

Processing emotions — of any kind — requires time and space

After my father died, the administrative tasks that needed attention (especially in the weeks and months right after we lost him) crowded out space to feel all of the emotions that needed to be felt.

And as much as I have done to create space to move emotion through this year, including writing and painting to go deep into my heart, I am often still surprised at what shows up out of the blue.

When a lovely memory or a stab of sadness appears suddenly, I now get quiet to be with the feelings. Sometimes a conversation with someone close helps. Sometimes creating helps. Sometimes a walk outside is just the thing.

No matter how busy a day is, I make time and space when I need it.

I have learned to honor myself with time to grieve what needs to be grieved, savor memories, feel sadness and joy, and cherish love — whether it has to do with the loss of my dad or anything else that has come up in the moment.

Pushing myself is a recipe for stress

A big lesson I have fully taken to heart this year is that I suffer when I push myself. Push energy is crushing to my soul.

I now start each morning setting clear intentions for how I want to feel, no matter what is going on in the world or what is on my to-do list.

As someone who has spent most of my life cramming as much as possible into each day, I have upped my practice of slowing down and doing everything with thought and care.

(Note that I use the word “practice”! This intention entails daily awareness and commitment.)

Nature heals

As I’ve been pushing less, I have made a significant discovery. Every day that I walk in a beautiful place I feel notably better. 

This insight was most remarkable while I was in France, leading the L’Aventure Française retreat last month.

While in Paris, walking for several miles each day as we explored the city, I loved how it felt to be in motion and how much wonder there was to enjoy when moving on foot.

And in the countryside, amidst incredible natural beauty, my heart opened wider each time I was outside, breathing clean air and seeing the wonders of nature in new light at each turn.

I have found a spot to walk near my home that is off the main streets and has many majestic trees. I have taken a 5 minute ride to a park that has beautiful paths. I have made dates with friends to walk in new places. Each time, I feel amazing.

My intention is to walk outside for at least 20 minutes each day. As I do not have a dog to take for walks, I have not yet taken a walk every day. I am gradually making more space in my schedule for that to happen.

Creating space allows wonder to emerge

The thing I have most appreciated this year is that when I created time and space to feel and process more, big awareness unfolded in ways I never expected.

Being someone who has typically made plans and then worked diligently to implement the plans, I discovered that slowing down and being open enabled me to discover new desires, and then refine and adjust my plans in incredibly rewarding ways.

By not pushing myself, I connected to my heart. Creative thinking had space to emerge freely and I am more excited than ever for what I am developing now, to introduce to the world in the new year.

What is waiting to emerge for you?

If you are ready to connect to your heart and creative power, to open to remarkable magic and wonder that are possible for you, I invite you to explore my upcoming Creation Vacation retreat.

This time away (January 20 to 25, 2025) will be in an exquisite property in southern Maine. You will be surrounded by the majesty of vast sea and sky, eat wonderful food, create and play, have coaching support, experience energy work for a deep somatic connection to everything that emerges for you, and much more.

This is an intimate retreat and there are only 2 spots left. Reach out soon to explore this life-changing opportunity.

Start 2025 strong: unlock your boldest dreams at a transformational retreat

It’s the start of the final month of 2024. No matter how you spend these last weeks of the year, a big new year will be here very soon.

You may be someone who steps back to take stock of the year that's coming to a close. Maybe you like to do that and then focus on the 2025 you want to create.  

You may be eager to put 2024 behind you and move swiftly into 2025.

In either case, devoting time to connect to what you really want to create in your life in the new year will make it far more likely that you’ll feel satisfaction in the first week of December next year!

This is the perfect time to plan for your best year ever.

Start 2025 with clear intention and powerful energy

I will be leading the second annual Creation Vacation retreat in southern Maine in January — a fabulous opportunity to step away from your routine for a few days, be exquisitely cared for, and dive deep into your heart to focus on what you really want your year to be in 2025.

At the retreat you will also learn how to build and sustain huge creative energy to bring your desires into reality. 

And on one day you will experience incredible body work that will anchor your most powerful energy somatically — that amazed and delighted the women at Creation Vacation last year. The energy we hold in our bodies can sometimes be blocked or “stuck” and the remarkable work of Dr. Aaron Wilkerson, who I am bringing to the retreat from Colorado, will enable you to release what needs releasing and connect to free-flowing energy. (I work with him 3 times a year!)

Imagine feeling fully lit up, dialed in to what matters most for you, connected to your creative power, and knowing now to sustain big energy next year!

Space is limited at this intimate retreat

To learn more about Creation Vacation, including the special pricing that is available through December 7, book a 30-minute call with me and we can see if this experience, that will position you for a remarkable year in 2025, is a fit for you! 

There are only a few spots available for this life-changing experience, so reach out soon.

Sending you 3 wishes for Love, Health, and Creative Joy this Thanksgiving ❤️

I am sharing 3 wishes on this day of Thanksgiving in the United States.

I wish you abundant love

May you be filled with love for others and yourself, and be surrounded by love. Always.

I wish you vibrant health and wellbeing

If your body is strong and healthy now, may it stay strong and healthy. If you need healing, may you find brilliant, compassionate, effective care. 

I wish you creative joy

This wish may feel surprising or unclear to some people. Creativity, and the joy that is available to you when you connect to the creative power inside you and activate it, is a remarkable force.

And creative power is not one thing or something you need special talent for (like painting or playing an instrument). Creative power takes many incredible forms. 

May you connect to and amplify the creative power that is in you now, and 

  • feel inspired and excited about your life

  • see new possibilities and generate new ideas

  • show up fully and express yourself in any and every way you enjoy

  • boldly bring all of your gifts into the world 

And please share the magic of your ignited creative power. We will all be touched by it and grateful for it.

I am deeply grateful to be connected to you, and to know that when great people everywhere tap and amplify the creative power in them, we can generate immensurable love and goodness.

Let’s impact the world together.

Discover the life-changing magic of retreat

It’s been a full week since I returned from France. As much as I love being home, I miss the magic of being away.

It was particularly special to be in France for the 2 weeks following the outcome of the election, as my primary focus was leading the women with me for the L’Aventure Française retreat.

I had been planning the retreat for months and they had all been preparing for a life-changing experience. In spite of the events unfolding at home, they were excited and grateful to be immersed in each day’s experiences.

Three gifts I brought home from France

While I was happy to visit my favorite tea shop and a spectacular chocolate shop in Paris where I selected gifts for close family, and I discovered small treasures to bring home in unexpected places along the way, the true gifts I returned with are tucked into my heart.

These gifts, that we all returned with, are what I am holding dear now.

1. Appreciation for time apart and away from the usual routine

The day-to-day lives accomplished women live are full, sometimes to over-filled. And my life, more often than not, is like that.

Women with a deep desire to have an impact are typically in a swirl of focus on their work, on sustaining or repairing or building relationships (personally and professionally), and on finding space for a little quiet and self-care.

Connecting to themselves to gain clarity and perspective about their current lives and desires for the future is hard to do when life is crowded.

It takes time and space to reflect, think, and dream.

When you “retreat” from your regular routine and give yourself the gift of abundant time, inspired experiences, and the company of great women with whom you can be fully present and allow your heart to open, amazing — often life-changing— realizations surface.

They did for me and for each of the women with me in France.

2. Perspective and grounding

As our days unfolded in Paris and then in the countryside of the Dordogne, I was able to appreciate my life in a deeper way than I ever had before. I felt my heart expand as we explored, played and shared deeply.

I became clearer than ever that I want to simplify my routines and get laser-focused on how I spend my time.

I set an intention to be outside more, as I felt the healing power of beauty in the natural environment fill me with peace and joy.

All of this will support me to bring full presence to my days, so I can make the most of each moment.

I realized, while away, that both joy and heartbreak can exist together, and I can hold all of it and move forward each day.

3. Gratitude and love are vital

This gift was not something new, rather my appreciation for gratitude and love was amplified. 

Love and gratitude filled my heart in remarkable ways each day of the retreat in France. They fortified my spirit as never before, and I am now bringing even greater focus to each day. 

Whatever challenges arise, I will be able to bring more positive energy and creative thinking and action to them, with a solid focus on love and a foundation of gratitude in my heart.

My invitation to you

If you want to consider the precious gift of time apart from the world, to retreat and profoundly connect to yourself, let’s talk about how one of the three retreats I lead each year might be an ideal opportunity for you. 

With time to make meaningful discoveries, gain new perspectives, connect to your heart and truth, and bring the power of creativity into your life as never before, you will return a new woman.

Each retreat is unique — in duration and focus. And one retreat is right around the corner — a wonderful way you can start the new year!

• Creation Vacation is an intimate winter experience, January 20 to 25, where  we live in a glorious house on the coast of southern Maine. The focus of Creation Vacation is on the energy of creation — what it is, how you can build and sustain that energy, and where you want to direct your creative power for 2025. 

As you may have read in recent emails I have sent about Creation Vacation, registration is open, and there is special pricing until November 30! 

Click to check out the details, and we can make a date to talk about the fit for you. (There’s a link to my calendar in the document, or hit reply here.)


• Live Big Live! is my signature 3-day retreat that dozens of women have experienced (many multiple times). This retreat is now offered only once each year, in early June in Boston (the dates will be confirmed shortly). Check out the description — and watch the short videos to hear first-hand about the big impact of this wonderful retreat.


L’Aventure Française 2025 will be another fabulous 12-day fall retreat in France. Dates will be announced soon, and it is not too early to plan for this remarkable time to bring joy into your life and connect to yourself in ways that will delight you! I would love to share magical time and French experiences with you.

Moments of gratitude and transformation

Bon jour!

Just a quick note from France, where L’Aventure Française retreat has been magical — and is soon coming to an end.

After spending 5 splendid days in Paris, we took the train to the Dordogne region of France (east of Bordeaux), where the countryside is magnificent. We have spent sunny days walking on country roads to explore village markets, we’ve reflected on the insights and inspiration of our time in Paris, we have created and played in new ways each day, we visited a wonderful artist in his studio, and we ate exquisite food that was prepared and served with love by the hosts of our intimate retreat center. 

I have been moved and inspired by the women who chose to embark on this experience. Great moments of insight and clarity have filled our time together. Each is returning home a different person, eager to bring fresh, clear intention, energy and creative power into her life.

And I, too, have been changed by this experience. I will be reflecting on the magic and will mine it for all of the rich lessons and gifts I received.

I am filled with gratitude beyond description.

And I know that whatever awaits us when we return, we are each brimming with loving, positive, creative energy. The creative power we bring to everything we do will have a positive impact in our lives, will touch those with whom we are in contact, and will emanate to influence the world around us.