Reaching new heights

When I wrote last week, I was in Miami, preparing to step onto a stage and present a new TED-style talk to a large audience. 

Back home now, I am reflecting on my remarkable experiences and all that I learned.

Say “Yes,” then trust

When I had the opportunity to speak in front of an audience with cameras rolling in the last few years, I had battled serious nerves. Fortunately, with the last-minute support of a great coach, I rose to the occasion each time.

While I had been able to find my focus and get on the stage to deliver my talks, and I’d felt gratified when people said they could not tell that I was nervous, I did not want to have a similarly shaky experience again! 

What I experienced last week was markedly different.

This opportunity was, again, outside of my comfort zone. The audience was going to be larger, with many “important” people in attendance.

The stakes felt higher.

And, because I showed up differently, I had a different experience. I trusted myself to craft my topic with care, and was then able to receive and incorporate suggestions for adjustments from the brilliant team that was there to uplevel everyone’s talks. 

I also trusted myself to practice calmly and thoughtfully, so that the material was solidly in my mind and heart.

I consciously chose to ask the “voices” of doubt and fear to stay outside the ballroom!

That’s how I was able to show up fully and keep my focus on what I was excited to share with the audience.

It feels great to reach new heights

Not only did I have so much more fun this year, the appreciative feedback from people at the break after I spoke, and from fellow speakers who are major-league pros, meant the world to me.

I wanted to show up in a bigger way, marshal the confidence I had been building since last year, and leave people with a distinctive, important message about how they can think about creating in their day-to-day lives.

And I did it!

Whatever new edge you chose to lean into, that calls on you to show up in new and bolder ways, you, too, can amaze yourself at the growth that’s possible for you.

When you have the motivation to share something important, or do something differently that will make a difference in the world, and you stick with it until the new way of showing up becomes part of who you are, you, too will experience an expanded, exciting new version of yourself!

If you want to share your ambition (no matter how big or small it may feel to you), I would love to hear about it.

Maybe I can provide you with the support that will help you reach great new heights!

Email me and we can make a date to chat.

Finding opportunity in adversity

Who hasn’t felt discouraged when something failed to go as hoped, or plans fell through, or an outcome that seemed promising fell flat?

People sometimes find themselves sliding from discouragement into more negative thoughts, of deep disappointment, anger, feeling defeated, and sometimes, feeling hopeless.

Even as things feel heavy, when you choose to make a key shift in thinking it can make a world of difference.

This is the shift that can work wonders:

Get creative and see what happens

When you orient yourself to what is possible, to what you can create, the potential for great outcomes is amazing. 

When you choose that new outlook, you bring fresh, positive energy to the matter at hand.

Your intention might be to create a new next step forward, or to create a new alternative, or to initiate a new conversation, or to test a new approach.

You can then reflect on each effort and continue to create as you move ahead.

Taking consistent, positive steps forward with this mindset of what is possible for you to create is a game-changer!

Your mindset is an incredible resource

There is a great quote from the renown Chinese general, philosopher and writer, Sun Tzu, that you may want to keep in mind:

“Can you find and exploit the advantage in every adversity?”

When you choose to adopt the mindset of a creator, it becomes possible — and can even be joyful — to find advantages and realize benefits whenever you face challenges.