How to Silence Your Inner Critic and Move Forward

Are you tough on yourself? 

I certainly was harsh and judgmental with myself for much of my life.

With attention in the last years, I have sharpened my awareness and shifted my thinking when I notice that I’ve slipped into criticizing or berating myself. 

The danger of harsh self-talk

Any time you tell yourself something like

  • “Work harder and make it perfect!”

  • “I feel like such a fraud.”

  • “Who are you to try something so audacious?”

  • “I am such an idiot for making that stupid mistake!”

your self-critic is running the show. And it’s doing more damage than you may think.

Frequent negative thoughts like those wear you down.

They erode confidence and can slowly grow into a mountain of doubt.

Left unchecked, they can poison your spirit.

It’s time to change your stories 

The truth is that each time you send a negative message to yourself it’s a story, and you can change those stories!

Here’s how.

1. Start by bolstering self-love, in the form of being kind and compassionate to yourself.

After all, you would never say most of the harsh things you say to yourself to someone else! 

It’s time to give yourself some grace. 

2. Aim to catch yourself in the act when you hear yourself spewing a damaging message. Noticing is the first step to making change.

3. Next, change the story — in tone and substance. 

Sure, you may have made a mistake. Who hasn’t? It’s when you can tell yourself it was an inadvertent error, or you can laugh it off, or you apologize and commit to doing more research next time — and then move on — that you will release yourself from stewing about it. You will be free to keep moving forward.

Here’s another example.

If you are a perfectionist, it’s time to embrace this truth: perfect is the enemy of good!

You can tell yourself this new story: It’s really good! Maybe it could be more perfect, and I might do more at some point, but right now I am getting this out to the world!

All negative self-talk can be turned around when you have the awareness that those thoughts are showing up, and you focus on making a shift.

Stick with it!

While negative thinking about myself happens less frequently now, I have learned that this kind of self-talk does not go away completely. 

And, I am happy to say that staying alert to it does get easier.

The more you spot negative thinking in the moment and choose to tell yourself a new story, the more natural it becomes to stay in a positive frame of mind.

You will feel better. You will show up fully. You will have a bigger impact with everything you do!

And that is a remarkable gift you can give yourself.

The ABCs of Self Leadership

As a woman who leads, inspires, and aims to make an impact, if you are feeling stress and overwhelm in a world filled with uncertainty, it’s hard to show up powerfully.

At times like these it is imperative to stay strong, steady, and clearheaded — so that you can do your best work and support others.

I think of it as cultivating self-leadership. With this ability you can lead in every aspect of life and work.

When you cultivate self-leadership you will be able to stay steady with more ease.

What self-leadership looks like

As a visual thinker, I have imagined a few scenarios that you may find helpful to envision what strong self-leadership can mean for you.

Imagine feeling like you are able to stay upright on the deck of a boat in rocky seas.

Imagine feeling like you are a gyroscope, and that when you tip in the wind, or wobble under pressure, or when the sand beneath your feet starts shifting, you always come back up.

Imagine being a tall palm that is flexible and bends in the wind during a storm, and not only stays rooted, but can stand erect again when the winds subside.

Focusing on self-leadership enables you to be strong and resilient.

The A, B, and C of self-leadership

There are many ways people think about and approach “self-leadership.” In the context of attending to your own wellbeing in order to lead and support others effectively, these are the components I offer you to consider.

Action — based on Awareness and Acknowledgement

A key first step is to take stock of what you are feeling. Having tools to help you identify your emotions enables you to then acknowledge what is at play, rather than aiming to simply muscle through when you are feeling less than steady.

With that clarity you can take action to process your emotions, so those heavy emotions move through you rather than hijack you.

And taking action of all kinds is an excellent antidote to feeling disillusioned or stuck, no matter the reason.

Bolster — to show up Boldly

Effective leadership — of yourself and others — requires true belief in yourself. 

Having clarity about the emotions that were hampering you, then processing those emotions to help you step into action, you will see matters more clearly. You can bring a clear head to determining the best ways to move forward, and your confidence will naturally expand. 

And there’s a bonus when you bolster your confidence: You feel that you have agency in situations that would otherwise feel daunting.


You can create practices that support you to manage stress when it arises. You can create a mindset of curiosity, openness and consideration of new possibilities no matter what shows up. You can create expressively to open your heart.

This is your time to cultivate the creative power inside of you that is waiting to be unleashed. That’s what will make you an unstoppable leader!

A 5-Day Journey to Authentic Living

If you have had the exciting experience of seeing something unfold in real time that you have believed, spoken or written about, and maybe have taught, then you will relate to my experience last week.

You may be familiar with my story, and how I had been a graphic designer who was completely blocked when it came to creating for myself. Creating (as I used to believe) meant things like painting or making art with pastels. I was terrified to even try. I stayed focused on solving clients’ problems and telling their stories.

The trajectory of my journey changed when I started working with a great coach. I woke up to the fact that I was ready for a significant change and sold my design firm. And I courageously started exploring creative expression.

I then met a great teacher who was an expert on the vast power of creativity, and studied with him for two years. I came to understand the mysteries of creativity and appreciate the breadth of what it is. I also vastly expanded the ways that I created.

My life was transformed. 

Lives change when creative power is ignited

I developed my Creative Core Coaching practice to help other accomplished women who yearned to live a more fulfilling, rich authentic life.

  • They are typically so busy that they are disconnected from their hearts.

  • They are often frazzled, some to the point of burnout.

  • Many are living a smaller version of who they know they can be.

  • Many struggle to find clarity about what is next — or could be next.

  • Many want to rebuild confidence. 

They are sacrificing themselves in ways that I had lived for far too long.

When they are supported to tap their creative power and ignite it, they thrive!

And, change can be accellerated

In 2020, I created the first of what are three retreat experiences I offer each year.

At each, small groups of women come together to take a deep dive into self-discovery, have creative experiences that open their hearts, and set a course for meaningful change. 

When you step away from your routine and are willing to immerse yourself in new experiences that bring incredible insights to life, you find true inspiration for new ways of living. 

Creation Vacation 2025 was magical 

Last week, the Creation Vacation retreat kicked off a big new year for a fantastic group of women.

We spent 5 days in a glorious house on the southern coast of Maine. We did powerful work together. And we had tremendous fun!

The mix of deep thoughtful exploration and lots of fun with expressive creative play that built energy and opened hearts, made for a huge experience for everyone.

We ate beautifully. We shared deeply. A remarkable practitioner helped us all expand energetically and somatically anchor in supportive energy. The setting of extraordinary natural beauty was the perfect environment for all of it to unfold.

I am savoring the joy of leading the retreat and witnessing so much exciting evolution.

Take a look at the photos below, and consider if your creative spirit feels the desire to expand!

If you feel the urge to be supported to ignite the creative power that is within you now, and set a course for a bigger, more fulfilling life, let’s connect and talk.

Schedule a call today.

Ready to raise the bar this year?

Most people are thinking about the year they want to create, as the holidays are now behind us and we all get back to our usual routines.

What about you? Are you ready for — or craving — significant change of some kind?

If you want to create something new, you need to take a new approach.

After all, if you operate as you have in the past, sticking with old patterns of thinking and your usual ways of approaching life, you will continue to live as you have been and you’ll struggle to make the changes you yearn for.

It’s time to uplevel!

Now is the time to slow down and create space to gain new levels of clarity about what your heart desires and what really matters most. 

Are you ready to create a big clear vision for yourself in 2025?

Having s bold vision in mind, you will have the opportunity to clearly focus and set new, higher standards:

  • for how you will show up in the world

  • for the way you will spend your time

  • for the important relationships you will nurture

as you move forward.

Now is the time to raise the bar and commit to becoming the woman you want to be, and doing what is called for to reach your destination.

How to get clear, stay committed, stay on track

1. Choose a word to guide your year

A great tool to help you bring a sound focus to your intentions for 2025 is choosing a Word of the Year. My process will guide you to find clarity, so you can anchor to that clarity throughout the year.

Check out this blog post from a few years back for the process that will guide you to choosing your word for 2025. I use the process each year as the calendar turns, and having my word has always had a significant impact for me.

It is easier to stay committed when I look at my word, that I keep posted on my pinboard. I often look at it multiple times a day. Whenever I feel unclear or know I am veering off-track, I return to my word and can find a way to move forward.

2. Choose to be supported

The other way I stay on track is having support — something powerful that you can seek out, too.

I have a great coach and am part of a wonderful community of people who are doing brave work alongside me. Being supported, by my coach and colleagues, to commit to becoming my best self and pursuing my dreams is something I do year after year.

I would not be the woman I am today had I not made this ongoing investment in myself. 

This can be the year that you get support to rise higher.

3. Take action today

Good intentions are not enough! When you take action you are in motion. Momentum can build and milestones can be met.

Your action can take many forms. It can start with a conversation, a declaration, making a new commitment to yourself.

The key is to start.

If an action you choose is to explore how we might work together, so that you are supported to create a year of significant satisfaction and movement toward your goals, schedule a call with me today

It will be a pleasure to hear about your dreams and talk about helping you make them your reality.

Your best year yet: 3 powerful steps to launch 2025!

As we step into a huge new year, you have incredible opportunities! Here are 3 great ways to launch a great 2025.

1. Mind your mindset 

Cultivating your mindset is the best way to move forward for your best year. See how these approaches work for you.

• Create a morning practice

Your morning practice can be 5 minutes or longer. You might consider meditation, journaling, movement (stretches, yoga, dance), pulling an oracle card, saying affirmations, or any combination that appeals to you. Consistently startling your day with a few minutes of focus like this sets you up for a better day every day.

• Cultivate self-love 

The power of strong self-love cannot be overstated. Check out this blog post to understand self-love and get some great tips for ways to practice self-love.

With a strong foundation of self-love you will have powerful belief in yourself!

• Try a new way to move through tough times

No matter how much we set ourselves up for our best day every day, we all have times when things go sideways or challenges arise. In those moments, it’s important to feel the frustration, anger, sadness or disappointment.

First, choose an expressive way to process the difficult emotions. How? Write out your feelings; make an angry or ugly drawing; find a private place to shout out your emotions or slam a pillow into a wall; go outside and stomp in nature. When you feel you have worked the emotions out of your system, move on to the next step.

Once you feel calmer, consider a new perspective. If you look at the circumstances through a new lens, can you see a new way forward, a new possibility, maybe even a new opportunity?

2. Sharpen your focus

This can be the year you get crystal clear about what you want to make your reality next year.

Ask yourself:

• What big ideas and desires do I want to make real?

• What do I want to start doing?

• What limits me that I am ready to ditch?

When you are clear, you can get a good start and will be better able to stay on track.

3. Decide on your best path forward

Many of us start the new year with great intentions and soon find ourselves living the same way we have before, not making headway to realize the changes we yearn for. 

Now, take a moment and imagine that it’s December 2025. You are looking back with satisfaction and fulfillment realizing that you found true clarity and focus and created a great year! You built new levels of confidence, lived at a sustainable pace, showed up boldly and made your vision a reality.

That outcome is possible for you when you have support and accountability. 

I am living proof of the power of making myself a priority and working with great coaches. And for the last 12 years year I have been honored to support my clients to create remarkable, abundant lives of purpose, that bring them great happiness and satisfaction.

If this is the year that you are determined to create your best life, with deep support to unleash your creative power, let’s talk soon.

Create, love and dream a vibrant 2025!

I was moved by the big response I received to what I wrote last week, about how important it is to slow down, and the big benefits of celebrating yourself. 

I am not surprised that these ideas touched so many women in a deep way, given how much we typically aim to do.

We have lofty ideals for the impact we want to have with our work. 

We set high standards for many, if not most, of the things we do.

We want to build and sustain important relationships.

We want to care for and love our families and friends.

And we want to care for ourselves — though, for many, self-care often falls to the bottom of the list.

My wishes for you now

Whether you are on the road, or hosting family, or you are consciously focused on making space for quiet during this week of holiday celebrations, I invite you to add pleasure and meaning to this special time in these ways:

  • Look for wonder and savor the beauty you notice

  • Feel and spread love

  • Play and laugh

  • Create in as many ways as you can think of

  • Let gratitude fill your heart

This is a great time to dream, too!

When you look ahead to the closing days of 2024 and the year that is about to begin, dream your biggest dreams.

Hold a vision of yourself as the women you want to be in 2025.

The vision may be of you being strong, vibrant, loving, bold, confident, unstoppable, healthy, generous, kind, brave, brilliant.

Choose all the attributes you want!

Then think about what you want to do in 2025, and hold all of that in your vision.

Whether you want to embark on an adventure, learn something new, make a career or personal change, begin to knit or paint or cook, or challenge yourself in an exciting way, see yourself doing what you desire.

And think about what you want to have — add those desires to your vision.

The things you want to have may be intangible, like more time for a pursuit that delights you, or peace of mind. The things you want to include on this list can be grand (a home in a place you love) or tiny (warm new boots). Add what you want to have to your vision.

With dreams in mind, write them all down.

You can also sketch what you want to be, and do, and have (stick figures are a fine way to make things visual!).

Look at your list and/or your drawing often.

What you visualize now, that you keep visualizing, will support you to make those things your reality in the weeks, months and year ahead.

What emerges when you honor time and space

I just returned from a weekend in my home town of Philadelphia. My family and I held a ceremony at my father’s grave to dedicate the stone marker that was just laid, one year after we lost him.

This event, that marks a year in our lives, has sparked deep reflection.

What I learned this year that may help you

Processing emotions — of any kind — requires time and space

After my father died, the administrative tasks that needed attention (especially in the weeks and months right after we lost him) crowded out space to feel all of the emotions that needed to be felt.

And as much as I have done to create space to move emotion through this year, including writing and painting to go deep into my heart, I am often still surprised at what shows up out of the blue.

When a lovely memory or a stab of sadness appears suddenly, I now get quiet to be with the feelings. Sometimes a conversation with someone close helps. Sometimes creating helps. Sometimes a walk outside is just the thing.

No matter how busy a day is, I make time and space when I need it.

I have learned to honor myself with time to grieve what needs to be grieved, savor memories, feel sadness and joy, and cherish love — whether it has to do with the loss of my dad or anything else that has come up in the moment.

Pushing myself is a recipe for stress

A big lesson I have fully taken to heart this year is that I suffer when I push myself. Push energy is crushing to my soul.

I now start each morning setting clear intentions for how I want to feel, no matter what is going on in the world or what is on my to-do list.

As someone who has spent most of my life cramming as much as possible into each day, I have upped my practice of slowing down and doing everything with thought and care.

(Note that I use the word “practice”! This intention entails daily awareness and commitment.)

Nature heals

As I’ve been pushing less, I have made a significant discovery. Every day that I walk in a beautiful place I feel notably better. 

This insight was most remarkable while I was in France, leading the L’Aventure Française retreat last month.

While in Paris, walking for several miles each day as we explored the city, I loved how it felt to be in motion and how much wonder there was to enjoy when moving on foot.

And in the countryside, amidst incredible natural beauty, my heart opened wider each time I was outside, breathing clean air and seeing the wonders of nature in new light at each turn.

I have found a spot to walk near my home that is off the main streets and has many majestic trees. I have taken a 5 minute ride to a park that has beautiful paths. I have made dates with friends to walk in new places. Each time, I feel amazing.

My intention is to walk outside for at least 20 minutes each day. As I do not have a dog to take for walks, I have not yet taken a walk every day. I am gradually making more space in my schedule for that to happen.

Creating space allows wonder to emerge

The thing I have most appreciated this year is that when I created time and space to feel and process more, big awareness unfolded in ways I never expected.

Being someone who has typically made plans and then worked diligently to implement the plans, I discovered that slowing down and being open enabled me to discover new desires, and then refine and adjust my plans in incredibly rewarding ways.

By not pushing myself, I connected to my heart. Creative thinking had space to emerge freely and I am more excited than ever for what I am developing now, to introduce to the world in the new year.

What is waiting to emerge for you?

If you are ready to connect to your heart and creative power, to open to remarkable magic and wonder that are possible for you, I invite you to explore my upcoming Creation Vacation retreat.

This time away (January 20 to 25, 2025) will be in an exquisite property in southern Maine. You will be surrounded by the majesty of vast sea and sky, eat wonderful food, create and play, have coaching support, experience energy work for a deep somatic connection to everything that emerges for you, and much more.

This is an intimate retreat and there are only 2 spots left. Reach out soon to explore this life-changing opportunity.

Moments of gratitude and transformation

Bon jour!

Just a quick note from France, where L’Aventure Française retreat has been magical — and is soon coming to an end.

After spending 5 splendid days in Paris, we took the train to the Dordogne region of France (east of Bordeaux), where the countryside is magnificent. We have spent sunny days walking on country roads to explore village markets, we’ve reflected on the insights and inspiration of our time in Paris, we have created and played in new ways each day, we visited a wonderful artist in his studio, and we ate exquisite food that was prepared and served with love by the hosts of our intimate retreat center. 

I have been moved and inspired by the women who chose to embark on this experience. Great moments of insight and clarity have filled our time together. Each is returning home a different person, eager to bring fresh, clear intention, energy and creative power into her life.

And I, too, have been changed by this experience. I will be reflecting on the magic and will mine it for all of the rich lessons and gifts I received.

I am filled with gratitude beyond description.

And I know that whatever awaits us when we return, we are each brimming with loving, positive, creative energy. The creative power we bring to everything we do will have a positive impact in our lives, will touch those with whom we are in contact, and will emanate to influence the world around us.

How time away can ignite your creative power

Three times a year I travel to go on a retreat with my coach. I share the experience with a small community of wonderful people who, like I am, are on a path to creating and offering bold resources that will make this a better world.

I am writing from a beautiful rural part of Texas, surrounded by natural beauty.

I am inspired.

I am surrounded by love.

And I am making significant discoveries about myself.

This way that I invest in myself — taking time to be here and making a financial commitment to be in this work — has been significant for me. So much of what I have created to ignite creative power in women everywhere has been informed by what I have explored in my work with my coach.

I am deeply grateful to be on this journey of personal expansion that enriches me. In turn, it enables me to bring more depth to my work as a coach and speaker.

I invite you to find a place of beauty and peacefulness, where the majesty of nature can support you to connect to your heart.

I also invite you to consider the dreams you hold in your heart, and the support that can help you to move them into action.

Discover how to reclaim your time and joy

For much of my life I was so focused on what I had to do, that I rarely created time or space for what I wanted to do.

And my “had to do” list was crazy-long. 

I was sure I had to accomplish ambitious tasks on short timelines.

I was sure I had to do everything myself. (You can imagine how that belief gobbled up vast amounts of time and exhausted me!)

I was sure that I had to (and I wanted to) volunteer on top of running my business, raising young children, and being available when my husband’s frequent long hours and travel kept him away from home. I said “Yes” to lots of volunteer requests, and countless pleas from people to help them.

I was perpetually exhausted.

Can you relate?

Do you put the things you want to do, and that you know will bring you joy and satisfaction, at the bottom of your to-do list?

What happened when I listened to my heart and approached my life in a new way 

When I sold my first business, dove deep into studying creativity, and launched my coaching practice, I was again faced with SO much to do every day! But this time around, I had new insights and awareness.

I had started getting help and support — including working with a coach, hiring experts to do things I chose not to figure out and do on my own, keeping more white space on my schedule and building in time for painting and writing, to satisfy my spirit.

I built keen awareness about how I moved through each day. I reframed negative and stressful thoughts that used to weigh me down.

And I began to honor my deep desires and dreams.

When I did that, it became much easier to say “No” to things that would take up time and impede my ability to to do what I felt called to do.

What I have said “Yes” to recently

It’s been nearly a year since I lost my father. Even before that event I’d been  feeling that change was brewing for me, and I gave myself time for clarity to emerge. After his death my vision quickly became clear. I made decisions to honor what my heart was asking for.

I yearned to lead women on longer retreats, where we could go deeper together and bigger shifts would be possible for my clients.

And I created two new retreats — Creation Vacation, a week on the coast of southern Maine in January, and L’Aventure Française — a 12-day retreat to France (that is starting in 2 weeks!).

And I am in the process of creating programs to bring my work into companies, so that cohorts of great women can be supported to step into their power and show up boldly. They will be supported to bring all of their greatness into the world — and do it without sacrificing their personal wellbeing.

My vision is for women to take the lead in bringing these attributes into their lives and work.

I believe that in time, their successes will impact those around them and impact our culture! As more workplaces provide this support and reap the benefits of bigger outcomes, they will retain the great women who will be thriving.

I also committed to making more time for what is personally fulfilling.

I am taking better care of my body with routine workouts and yoga classes. And I am painting and writing consistently now (rather than squeezing in bits of time here and there for those ways that I yearn to create).

What are you ready to say “Yes” to now?

I invite you to sit with the question of what your heart deeply wants. Honor what shows up for you.

It may be more rest, more calm, more time for yourself. It may be a big exciting dream. No matter what surfaces, consider a first small step to take in that direction. 

Small steps really count! And when you take them consistently, and get back on course when something shows up and gets in the way, you will see how small changes add up to meaningful impact.

Be patient with yourself. Trust yourself. Get support. Keep moving forward.

And if you seek support, please reach out and schedule time for us to talk about your path to creating change in your life.

Ready to make your heart’s desire a reality?

Maybe, like I had felt years back when I was dreaming of change but not taking action, you have a desire to do something that stirs your heart. And maybe you haven’t made headway.

I imagine that lack of action (or starting and not being able to stay on course) is frustrating for you.

This thing you really want might be making a career change. You might want to make a change to a relationship. You might want to move someplace new. You might have a big idea (that could include writing a book, or mastering a skill to do be able to do something that excites you, or proposing a big initiative).

It could be something you are dreaming of, or something that keeps coming to mind.

And you may be struggling to figure out where to begin or how to build and sustain momentum.

Here’s what often trips us up

Maybe you feel unable to get going because you think you need to know how to make your idea a reality before you start. 

The need to know HOW in advance will often blunt your vision from ever becoming your reality.

Another impediment to moving something import forward is beginning, and then getting impatient and frustrated.

When you do not allow the timing to unfold, but push and try to force things, you often sabotage yourself.

And feeling you need to know in advance who you need to do the work with, rather than starting with trust that you will naturally connect to key people and resources, is another way you can block your dreams and desires from becoming your reality.

Your vision is most likely to become your reality when you begin, let the process unfold, and discover what and who you need along the way.

How it can be easier 

If you relate to any or all of the common ways so many of us stay stuck, even when we want to do something meaningful, you may wonder how to let go of the pressures you put on yourself.

Consider these new perspectives:

  • Imagine that you will be ok if it does not go as you want or expect.

  • Be willing to be surprised. 

  • Be willing to course-correct and find new or different ways to get to the outcome you are going for.

  • Be open to the possibility that there might be something even better than the initial outcome you had in mind!

And embrace these fundamentals:

  • Trust — in yourself and the process

  • Start — with one small step and then another

  • Believe — that what you want is possible and that you can do what it takes

  • Stay committed — even when its complicated or there are setbacks

  • Ask for the help you need along the way — you don’t have to do it alone!

  • Stay curious — keep an open mind and look for new possibilities as you go

If your heart says yes, take a leap!

Even if you feel uncertain, if something is calling you trust in your creativity, trust that you can be resilient, and take that first step.

There is never a “perfect time,” so do not wait. Once you get into motion, fear and resistance are more likely to fall by the wayside.

On numerous occasions in the last decade, when I have had a deep knowing that it was time to make a change and started to take action, I felt propelled to keep going — even when some challenges arose along my path.

And the more that I have followed my heart and taken leaps, the easier it has been for me to reach great destinations with more ease and far less stress.

If you know there is something meaningful simmering in your heart, and want support and accountability to build your ability to move the desire forward, I’d be delighted to talk about how I might be able to help.

You can find a time on my calendar here and we’ll hop on a call.

Here's how to get unstuck

My work as a coach is focused on helping women to take action in their lives — action that will help them make the changes they desire in the short-term, and actions that in time will help them create the fulfilling lives they yearn for.

And for many women it can be a challenge to take action.

Before you commit to taking action, and especially a bold action that will move you beyond your comfort zone, you need to be clear about a few things.

Do you know what you want?

When I speak to women and ask what they want, many struggle to answer the question.

Some women are disconnected from their hearts and desires. When that seems to be the case, I patiently ask, “What do you want?” over and over, until something jogs her heart open and the woman connects to things she really desires.

Sometimes there is a feeling of unworthiness that keeps a woman from knowing what she desires, or daring to say it aloud. When this becomes apparent, we dive into what has made her feel that she is not deserving of what she wants.

And some women are absolutely clear about what they want. They want more love, or to reach the next level in their career, or more space in their lives, or to regain lost confidence, or to figure out what’s next, or new adventures.

How clear are you about what you want?

Are you willing to commit?

Knowing what you want is a necessary starting point to bring change into your life.

Yet sadly, many people say they want to do something or change something, and are stuck.

Actually taking action to make any kind of change takes courage and commitment.

Depending on the change you are clear about wanting to make, the level of courage that will be called for can be can be quite small, or it can be — or feel — significant. 

Finding the courage that is required and then being willing to commit to taking action is the only way to bring change into your life. 

The willingness to commit circles right back to how meaningful your desired change is — in your heart and mind.

When the desire is clear, it is easier to embrace the mystery of what it will take to make change and engage in the process of moving in that direction.

With a big desire, and an important “why” behind it, being willing to make a commitment will catapult you into finding a way to move forward.

Are you ready to take inspired action?

If you feel ready to initiate a change, know that you can start by taking small (even tiny) steps. Committing to moving forward consistently is how the magic unfolds.

And if you are ready to take bigger, bolder steps, that’s great too.

I invite you to take inspired action today!

Ask the question. Speak up. Do that thing that feels a bit uncomfortable but lets you shine. Set the boundary. Go for it.

And if you want support to make it easier and faster to bring desired change into your life, let’s connect. (Email me and we’ll make a date to talk.)

I’m rooting for you!

Empower your well-being

Attendees of the conference wrote the ways they wanted to Live Big, and adorned small trees on the book table

It was a great pleasure (and a lot of fun!), to speak at the R.I.S.E. Women’s Leadership Conference in Providence Rhode Island last week.

1200 great women attended the dynamic 1-day conference to network, focus on personal development, and hear speakers and panelists address themes on gender and racial inequity, how to navigate challenging dynamics in the workplace, cultivating resilience, and ways to lead a healthy, happy life when work and life feel overwhelming.

In addition to my contributions to the panel discussion on how to live your best life (to a standing-room-only audience!) it was a joy to be among the speakers who are authors. It was great to sign books for attendees.

I met amazing women all day and engaged in terrific conversations from beginning to end.

Looking for great ideas to live happier?

Consider adopting some of the ideas that were shared in the panel discussion I was a part of:

⭐ Self-care is not a nice-to-have, it is crucial. As fellow-panelist and health coach Kristen Reed suggested, you can “snack” on small 5-minute or 10-minute practices during the day when it is not possible to devote 30 or 60 minutes to taking care of your health. Pause and breathe, get up, move and stretch for a few minutes, have some healthy snacks on hand. These count!

⭐ Leslie Ford, of Mom’s Hierarchy of Needs, shared that her favorite way to start the day is to go out for a run, but that sometimes she settles for a 10-minute jog on a treadmill mid-morning. For her, some running each day is non-negotiable so she always finds a way. And, she is bringing programs into companies to help employers better support working moms.

⭐ Panel moderator Precious Clouthier said that she recently blocked off Fridays on her calendar. While she sometimes chooses to add an appointment on a Friday, making that a day she is intentional about, and that feels spacious, has helped her to run her coaching business and raise her twin 6-year-old boys without feeling frazzled.

⭐ Among the ideas I shared, were to start your day with some type of morning practice that will ground you, set you up with the most positive frame of mind possible, and support you to focus with clear intention throughout your day. (You can check out what I wrote on this topic last spring.)

I also led the audience in practicing some easy ways to take momentary pauses in the midst of a hectic day, with box breathing and “butterfly tapping.” These are excellent ways to come back to the present when you feel frazzled and calm your nervous system when you you feel anxious. (I’d be glad to guide you through these techniques. Email me and we can hop on a quick call.)

And, of course, I spoke about how to bring a creative mindset to everything you do. You will have more agency in your life and be able to move ahead in the best ways, no matter what comes at you.

I also spoke about how activating creative pursuits (of any kind that you enjoy) will connect you to your heart and open up your spirit.

When you aim to add delight by doing something expressive and fun (even if it's to simply doodle for a few minutes with colored pens), even the toughest days are brighter.

Adopt one small idea now

It can feel exciting to consider making lots of changes at once. The truth is that choosing a single idea to be conscious of is the way to test and find a practice that will have a meaningful impact for you. Then you can stick with it.

Why not choose one now and see how it works for you? Then return to other ideas that sparked your interest and give another a try. It won’t be long before you find a small set of new approaches that are ideal for you.

Here are some photos captured at the wonderful day at the R.I.S.E. Women’s Leadership Conference. The little trees with lights were filled with cards where women wrote down how they want to live big.

Creating Lasting Change with Simple Daily Habits

We all know how much focus athletes and musicians place on practicing. This is how even enormously accomplished athletes and musicians hone and fine-tune their skills to perform at their best.

Have you thought about what you practice on a regular basis?

In addition to thinking about practicing a skill such as being a better negotiator, or communicating more effectively, or developing your writing abilities, there are subtle ways that a focus on practice can improve your life.

Embrace practices that will help you thrive

The way you think and orient yourself each day has a remarkable impact on your life. Consider choosing to adopt some of these 4 practices.

1. Practice positivity

You can develop a "practice" of approaching everything in your day with a positive frame of mind. Choose to bring awareness to your thoughts, then consciously choose a positive lens through which to see and approach things throughout each day.

This is not to suggest that you push tough emotions aside when they show up!

Let yourself feel them, then do something to process them (such as writing about the feelings, talking things out with a close confidant, or taking a brisk walk). This will allow the difficult emotions space to dissipate.

Then choose positive thoughts and take positive steps forward.

2. Practice self-love

When you make self-love a focus, and include self-care as a way of emphasizing self-love, you build a remarkable foundation for wellbeing. Focusing your practice on small, consistent practices will be wonderfully effective. 

Your practice can include attending to physical wellbeing, like getting ample sleep, good nutrition and moving your body.

Your practice can be boosted when you include self-affirming thinking, choosing to set good boundaries, noticing when your self-critical thoughts show up, and choosing to believe in yourself in spite of the doubts.

And be sure to acknowledge yourself whenever you do something that is just outside of your comfort zone!

These are all self-loving, supportive, positive ways to move through each day.

3. Practice generosity

When you focus on generosity you get the satisfaction of contributing to the wellbeing of others, as well as the betterment of the world! 

And the benefits to you are significant. A regular practice of generosity reduces stress and anxiety, boosts to your immune system, and may even lead to longer life expectancy. 

4. Practice gratitude

Making a focus on gratitude a daily practice elevates your state of mind and enhances the outcomes of everything you do.

You might begin or end each day by noting 5 things (or more) for which you are grateful. Be sure to consider small, subtle things you can put on your list.

This will open your heart, and positive thoughts will be a natural outcome of your gratitude practice.

And there’s a bonus! Your expansive energy will be felt by everyone around you.

Practice with intention!

Deciding to start a practice is great. It’s when you bring clear intention to how and when you will practice that there is a higher likelihood that you will make this practice an ongoing, natural way of living.

You might start each day by setting an intention for great energy and a positive, can-do outlook. One part of my morning ritual is writing for 5 to 10 minutes about the energy I want to cultivate for my day, noting what I feel grateful for, and letting anything else that wants to come to the surface and be considered flow onto the page. I am then ready to get into motion. 

After establishing an orientation for the day (in whatever way works for you), you can bring a focus to the practice or practices you feel will be most supportive for you that day.

As you make a few new practices a regular part of your life, they will become automatic (like brushing your teeth twice a day without having to think about it). You can then easily add a new practice to make your focus.

As you practice, you are in the process of creating your best life — and there are no limits to what is possible for you!

Finding purpose amidst change: your journey starts now

Now that the transition from summer to fall is here, things have likely shifted for you. 

Schedules and routines change in many families. Traffic is heavier, requiring extra time to get around. The pace of life and work often picks up as more meetings and events fill the calendar.

And, sometimes shifts come to light slowly.

I felt something subtle shifting for me last year, and have been going through a period of change for many months. What was vague in my awareness at the start has become clear, and exciting shifts have been occurring for me over the last months.

I began to see a path to having bigger impact with my work, and more personal satisfaction. I have been speaking more and love it. I was moved to create 2 new retreats, Creation Vacation to start the year, and L’Aventure Française in the fall. Both provide longer, deeper experiences. And the 3-day Live Big Live! retreat I have loved leading for 4 years is now only offered each spring. 

I am also doing more work inside of organizations, where cohorts of women are engaged in learning together and having a bigger collective impact.

Making these changes entailed gaining clarity, then committing to taking action and allowing things to unfold over time.

Do you feel that things may be changing for you?

Whether there’s a change in play now that feels exciting, motivating, or nerve-racking, or something simply feels like it may be beginning to shift, each of us is always changing.

Let’s look at what may be going on for you.

How are you changing now? 

Pause and take stock of the ways you are changing. 

Whether you feel most comfortable staying static or relish things that are new and novel, change is inevitable!

Take a thoughtful look at what is happening in you as well as around you.

Are you aware of changes in your ways of operating, or how you are feeling or thinking? 

Perhaps you are excited and eager about something you’e involved with.

Perhaps there’s something you want to stop doing, or begin to do, and are considering how you will move forward.

Perhaps you yearn to do something inspiring, new or exciting that feels missing now.

Perhaps change is being imposed on you, and you realize it presents an opportunity. Or, maybe an imposed change has brought on fear.

Maybe you feel stuck, for a reason you are of aware of, or not.

Perhaps you have a hunch something is brewing and are patiently allowing clarity to emerge. 

And, it is likely that there are several changes in the mix for you. 

The good news is that when you bring awareness and add intention to how you want to respond to the changes that you identify, great outcomes are possible.

Move forward with intention

You can realize great outcomes when you choose your response to a change that is underway, rather than drift along (which sadly, is what most people do).

Perhaps you have tended to drift through life. I certainly did for a very long time.

I had ideas and took initiative. I started and ran a great business, and was a leader in many settings. But looking back I can see all of the ways I was not fully intentional — that I was drifting.

It was not until I started to take a clear look at my life (with the help of a wonderful coach whose questions prompted big awareness), that I realized I was no longer lit up by my work. I came to know I was ready to make a significant change. And making that change — selling my business — set me on the best path ever.

With awareness, you, too, can choose a clear direction and begin to move in that direction.

The change you choose to make your focus and pursue may be small and meaningful, or you may feel ready to make a bold change.

Whatever you make your focus and bring commitment to doing can have a life-changing impact.

I invite you to bring awareness to the changes you are facing and feeling now.

Then consider your best way forward and set your intention to take action, knowing you can course-correct over and over.

You will be on a meaningful path on your journey to true fulfillment.

Email me — I welcome you to share what is up for you now and the steps you are choosing to start with.

The power of intuition

As I used to rush through my days, I rarely slowed down to pay attention to small intuitive messages I occasionally received as whispers of warning.

And when I did get a feeling that something was amiss — like that a new prospective client was going to be hard to work with, or something felt “off” about a situation, I often ignored or over-rode the message.

I would convince myself it would be ok, or that my team would be able to handle the matter, or that it was not really something to take so seriously. 

Invariably, my initial instinct was correct.

I would have been wise to trust and heed that small voice in my head.

Sadly, when I ignored those intuitive messages, the reality sometimes turned out to be worse than I had a hunch it might be.

I finally decided to pay attention and to trust my gut.

Do you hear what your gut is telling you?

When you are perpetually busy it’s hard to hear the messages your gut — your intuition, your second brain — is sending you.

Even still, getting a “feeling” that something is not a good idea has happened for nearly all of us.

If you recall something like that, you have evidence. 

The fact is, your intuition is powerful and has a lot to tell you. The key is to create the conditions to hear what it’s saying, and then to actually listen to what you hear.

How to clearly hear the small voice inside you

It’s hard to hear what intuition wants you to know when your attention is focused on doing, or you are constantly checking in on your phone or otherwise filling your brain with “input”.

Instead, create a little quiet. Sit. Breathe slowly. Walk outside. Meditate. Take any sort of break without doing anything productive. 

You may be surprised at what shows up when you consistently make space for some quiet in your life. (Even a few minutes a day works wonders.)

The more you practice this, the more it will feel like a normal part of your life. And more messages from that wise voice inside are likely to come up.

Why it can be hard to trust your gut — and how to build that trust

A big reason people ignore or over-ride intuitive messages is fear. 

When you are afraid to give up a new project, or leave a job that makes you miserable, or stay away from someone who may be a risk to your wellbeing — even when red lights of warning start flashing inside — you are likely to convince yourself it will all be fine. 

When uncertainty about what might come next feels too risky, or you habitually try to please someone, or not disappoint them, fear convinces you to mistrust the voice inside that’s telling you “Pay attention!”

Being able to recognize when fear is at play, and see how it is aiming to influence you, you can look at a situation with fresh eyes.

You can remind yourself that your inner voice knows a lot and is trust-worthy.  Look again at what it is urging you to consider. Proceed with eyes open and make choices that will ultimately serve you best.

Over time, you will have evidence that your “second brain” is filled with great wisdom and is a trustworthy guide.

It’s time to listen and trust

Take a moment to slow things down and get quiet today. Listen — to the subtle sounds around you and to messages that may show up.

Be patient. It may take a while for you to hear intuitive messages. 

They will come.

And they may come at unexpected times, like in the midst of a conversation, or while doing something routine, like washing dishes or driving a route you know so well it does not take a lot of concentration.

As you spot them, listen, trust, and choose your best way forward. You are sure to see how powerful your second brain is — and how powerful you are as you move ahead to create your best life.

Ready to ignite your soul?

I am passionate about travel, and the impact that visiting new places has always had for me. In addition to visiting major sites, I love looking for special out of the way spots, hidden gems. 

And when I had the opportunity to live in Paris for a month last year, where I made many incredible discoveries, I started dreaming of bringing a group of women to France for a retreat.

I wanted them to be able to step away from their busy lives, experience the magic of Paris, and then spend time in the glorious countryside — where they could reflect, create, and integrate the inspiration of culture, spirit, art, history and food from the time in Paris.

I also dreamed of each of them returning home with incredible energy, fresh perspectives, and elevated excitement about their lives and work.

Do you yearn for a travel adventure that will ignite your heart and light up your life?

Imagine a spectacular trip to France with a small group of amazing women. After 5 days exploring Paris, you will travel to Southwest France to spend 6 more days in a superb retreat center in the countryside. You will be nurtured, play, create with ease, and connect to your creative core as never before.

This retreat — L’Aventure Française — is a remarkable opportunity to step out of your routine and embark on a life-changing experience!

You will have private coaching time with me before and during the retreat, and bond with amazing women. You will not only revel in the joy of exploring, you will cultivate powerful creative energy.

  • Your elevated energy will impact you personally and professionally.

  • You’ll have the satisfaction of bringing new agency to all you do.

  • You’ll feel more fulfilled each day, and experience more joy.

  • You’ll bring full self-expression and inspiration to everything you think and do.

  • Your natural state of being will be elevated.

If you are excited to think about the possibilities, this opportunity may be perfectly timed for you. We start in Paris November 6 and return November 18.

And November is right around the corner! Now’s the time for us to talk, as only 2 spots are still open.

Email me and I will send you all the details,

And if you feel excited about the possibility of this adventure, we’ll make a date to talk. I will answer your questions, fill you in fully, and we’ll see if the fit is right.

Creating connections: energize your path with passionate people

With the Olympics just concluded, and having returned a few days ago from the National Speakers Association’s annual conference, Influence, I am reminded of something important that I always want to keep top of mind: the people we choose to surround ourselves with matter! They can lift us up, inspire us, and make us better.

It was exciting to see the way that great athletes raised one another up — those on their own teams, and often competitors from other countries. 

I experienced the same energy of generosity and enthusiasm at the Influence conference. Speakers of great renown were happy to share their insights and ideas in informal conversations, with people who were just starting or building their speaking careers. And being in the company of speakers who are passionate about the topics they share, and excited about the impact they have, felt electric.

When you are conscious about creating connections with people who are fired up and generous, who are committed to showing up boldly and doing big things, that energy supports you to feel passionate and motivated.

And when you are generous and inspired around others, the positive energy builds! 

I feel more excited than ever to support great women to boldly create the lives they desire. I want to do it on stages and in coaching engagements. I love leading retreats, where women go deep together in great places. I am fired up when I bring my work into organizations, to guide women to show up boldly and have their biggest impact.

By developing my offerings and doing my work alongside other bold creators, I always learn, and the energy I bring to everything I do always expands. 

Reach out and see what happens

Who can you contact today who is full of bold ideas and energy, who creates new opportunities, who will generously share with you, and who will see you in your highest light? 

You may be thinking of someone like that now. Invite them to connect, one-on-one or in a small group. 

You may be thinking of an existing community of people (maybe like those at the Influence conference that I attended) that you want to tap into in a bigger way.

When you choose to have more contact with even a small number of people who are filled with enthusiasm, ideas, and big hearts, you will have given yourself a priceless gift.

Venturing beyond comfort zones

This past weekend I attended a writing retreat. A year and a half ago I ventured into the world of personal writing for the first time, having no idea of whether I would like it, and harboring doubt that I would be “good at it.”

It’s easy to shy away from new things

Writing had not been easy or fun for me in school and long after I entered the work world. When I started sending out my Big Ideas newsletters a decade ago, I easily found topics I wanted to share but I did not write with ease. 

As with most things, when you care about doing something — in my case, having ideas I was passionate about sharing — it is easy to commit to doing it. And the more you stick with doing that thing the more you facility you develop for doing it.

Writing weekly articles has become far easier, and something I now do with joy.

But the idea of trying to write from my heart — personal stories or fictional essays — seemed mysterious and daunting.

Did I have a big “WHY” for trying it, like I have for my weekly articles?

Not really.

Did I have curiosity about trying a new expressive form with the guidance of a teacher I’d met who seemed like a gentle and gifted person?


I have become more and more willing to step out of my comfort zone as I’ve strengthened the muscles of being a creator in a broad range of ways.

So I challenged myself to explore this new medium and experience what “writing from the deep voice” could feel like.

The act of creating can be challenging

Meeting Leslie Berliant and stepping into the magic of her teaching has enriched my life in unexpected and wonderful ways. She nurtures and supports great women to birth remarkable stories and books. 

I am so glad I allowed myself to explore this new form of creative expression.

And yet, creative flow has often proven to be elusive, as it was at the start of this weekend’s retreat.

I have frequently had the same challenge when I enter my studio to paint. 

Getting past what feels like a brick wall to find flow is something I am still learning to do with patience.

Because being patient and loving to myself is always the key when ideas and inspiration feel inaccessible.

At the retreat it was easy to compare myself to the other (incredibly talented) writhers in the room. It was tempting at times to say I did not want to share what I'd just spent an hour writing. However, that was not an option!

What I learned was that staying open, connecting to all of my emotions, giving myself time, dropping self-judgement, and choosing to find gratitude and pleasure along the way were the keys to breaking through the barrier.

Words gradually began to flow with more ease.

I also learned (again!), that none of us can judge our own work. 

As we wrote for our last block of time on Sunday, I shared something I thought was all right. The response I got from everyone in the room was pure delight at what I had read. One person declared it felt like the start of a novel she would love to read!

Clearly, the small breakthrough I thought I had had was bigger than I was able to assess.

Magic can happen when you find your process and keep going

It’s easy to feel discouraged when inspiration feels elusive. By trusting and staying in a place of possibility, you can remain open and continue to write, or paint, or come up with new directions, concepts and ideas.

If you find yourself feeling a bit stuck or blocked, make any small effort to keep going. Then take another small step and see what shows up.

You may experience a breakthrough, too. 

After the writing retreat, a group of us did a live reading from the latest anthology, Writrix Volume Two: Rays of Light, at the Brookline Booksmith. You can watch the reading on YouTube here, and you can order a copy of the book here.

Reaching new heights

When I wrote last week, I was in Miami, preparing to step onto a stage and present a new TED-style talk to a large audience. 

Back home now, I am reflecting on my remarkable experiences and all that I learned.

Say “Yes,” then trust

When I had the opportunity to speak in front of an audience with cameras rolling in the last few years, I had battled serious nerves. Fortunately, with the last-minute support of a great coach, I rose to the occasion each time.

While I had been able to find my focus and get on the stage to deliver my talks, and I’d felt gratified when people said they could not tell that I was nervous, I did not want to have a similarly shaky experience again! 

What I experienced last week was markedly different.

This opportunity was, again, outside of my comfort zone. The audience was going to be larger, with many “important” people in attendance.

The stakes felt higher.

And, because I showed up differently, I had a different experience. I trusted myself to craft my topic with care, and was then able to receive and incorporate suggestions for adjustments from the brilliant team that was there to uplevel everyone’s talks. 

I also trusted myself to practice calmly and thoughtfully, so that the material was solidly in my mind and heart.

I consciously chose to ask the “voices” of doubt and fear to stay outside the ballroom!

That’s how I was able to show up fully and keep my focus on what I was excited to share with the audience.

It feels great to reach new heights

Not only did I have so much more fun this year, the appreciative feedback from people at the break after I spoke, and from fellow speakers who are major-league pros, meant the world to me.

I wanted to show up in a bigger way, marshal the confidence I had been building since last year, and leave people with a distinctive, important message about how they can think about creating in their day-to-day lives.

And I did it!

Whatever new edge you chose to lean into, that calls on you to show up in new and bolder ways, you, too, can amaze yourself at the growth that’s possible for you.

When you have the motivation to share something important, or do something differently that will make a difference in the world, and you stick with it until the new way of showing up becomes part of who you are, you, too will experience an expanded, exciting new version of yourself!

If you want to share your ambition (no matter how big or small it may feel to you), I would love to hear about it.

Maybe I can provide you with the support that will help you reach great new heights!

Email me and we can make a date to chat.