Simple ways to invite fresh inspiration
/I am writing from sunny, beautiful Arizona today — where it is 60 degrees warmer than at my home in Boston.
My husband and I have spent two weeks here each winter for several years, and this year I feel especially grateful to be in a new environment for a while.
Change opens your heart
While here, I always mix a lighter work load with time to be outdoors, enjoying walks in a different natural environment. I look forward to exploring great local museums that always offer surprises. My daily pace shifts and my heart opens.
And each year when I return I remind myself that I can introduce change, without having to travel.
It is easy to get into routines that become rote. Looking for things that are new, striking, and shake up your usual patterns of thinking and acting can be done wherever you are!
Look for wonder today
Here are some ideas that might spark some change in your day, your week, your thinking, and how you feel:
Who might you call to plan an excursion with? Decide on going on a mini adventure together, perhaps to visit an exotic bakery where you can sit and catch up. Maybe you will spend an hour together at a museum to see an exhibit that is intriguing or provocative. Maybe you will walk in nature in a park neither of you has ever been to.
Why not get lost on purpose? On your way back from a meeting or errand, turn off your GPS and get off at an unfamiliar exit on the highway. Or make a turn into a part of town you never saw before. Look at architecture, gardens, colors, statues, shops, landscapes. You are sure to make interesting discoveries.
Look around in your office or home, and see where there’s a great shadow or soft streak of light that makes something familiar look interesting or beautiful. Light a candle and enjoy the flickering glow. Combine new flavors in your next meal see how they work (or maybe they won’t!). Experiment and play in small ways and see what lights you up.
Inspiration can impact everything you do
When you get inspired and feel a flicker of lifted energy, or you are filled with wonder or excitement, you will naturally bring a fresh point of view to everything you create.
Your can bring curiosity and enthusiasm to conversations.
The ways you do your work, provide services and solutions to clients, and approach challenges will be fueled by your open heart and new ways of thinking.
You will not only spot new opportunities but will see fresh ways to make the most of them.
You will naturally amplify the creative power that is in you!
I would love to hear what happens for you when you invite change and fresh inspiration into your life.