Ready to raise the bar this year?

Most people are thinking about the year they want to create, as the holidays are now behind us and we all get back to our usual routines.

What about you? Are you ready for — or craving — significant change of some kind?

If you want to create something new, you need to take a new approach.

After all, if you operate as you have in the past, sticking with old patterns of thinking and your usual ways of approaching life, you will continue to live as you have been and you’ll struggle to make the changes you yearn for.

It’s time to uplevel!

Now is the time to slow down and create space to gain new levels of clarity about what your heart desires and what really matters most. 

Are you ready to create a big clear vision for yourself in 2025?

Having s bold vision in mind, you will have the opportunity to clearly focus and set new, higher standards:

  • for how you will show up in the world

  • for the way you will spend your time

  • for the important relationships you will nurture

as you move forward.

Now is the time to raise the bar and commit to becoming the woman you want to be, and doing what is called for to reach your destination.

How to get clear, stay committed, stay on track

1. Choose a word to guide your year

A great tool to help you bring a sound focus to your intentions for 2025 is choosing a Word of the Year. My process will guide you to find clarity, so you can anchor to that clarity throughout the year.

Check out this blog post from a few years back for the process that will guide you to choosing your word for 2025. I use the process each year as the calendar turns, and having my word has always had a significant impact for me.

It is easier to stay committed when I look at my word, that I keep posted on my pinboard. I often look at it multiple times a day. Whenever I feel unclear or know I am veering off-track, I return to my word and can find a way to move forward.

2. Choose to be supported

The other way I stay on track is having support — something powerful that you can seek out, too.

I have a great coach and am part of a wonderful community of people who are doing brave work alongside me. Being supported, by my coach and colleagues, to commit to becoming my best self and pursuing my dreams is something I do year after year.

I would not be the woman I am today had I not made this ongoing investment in myself. 

This can be the year that you get support to rise higher.

3. Take action today

Good intentions are not enough! When you take action you are in motion. Momentum can build and milestones can be met.

Your action can take many forms. It can start with a conversation, a declaration, making a new commitment to yourself.

The key is to start.

If an action you choose is to explore how we might work together, so that you are supported to create a year of significant satisfaction and movement toward your goals, schedule a call with me today

It will be a pleasure to hear about your dreams and talk about helping you make them your reality.

Discover how to reclaim your time and joy

For much of my life I was so focused on what I had to do, that I rarely created time or space for what I wanted to do.

And my “had to do” list was crazy-long. 

I was sure I had to accomplish ambitious tasks on short timelines.

I was sure I had to do everything myself. (You can imagine how that belief gobbled up vast amounts of time and exhausted me!)

I was sure that I had to (and I wanted to) volunteer on top of running my business, raising young children, and being available when my husband’s frequent long hours and travel kept him away from home. I said “Yes” to lots of volunteer requests, and countless pleas from people to help them.

I was perpetually exhausted.

Can you relate?

Do you put the things you want to do, and that you know will bring you joy and satisfaction, at the bottom of your to-do list?

What happened when I listened to my heart and approached my life in a new way 

When I sold my first business, dove deep into studying creativity, and launched my coaching practice, I was again faced with SO much to do every day! But this time around, I had new insights and awareness.

I had started getting help and support — including working with a coach, hiring experts to do things I chose not to figure out and do on my own, keeping more white space on my schedule and building in time for painting and writing, to satisfy my spirit.

I built keen awareness about how I moved through each day. I reframed negative and stressful thoughts that used to weigh me down.

And I began to honor my deep desires and dreams.

When I did that, it became much easier to say “No” to things that would take up time and impede my ability to to do what I felt called to do.

What I have said “Yes” to recently

It’s been nearly a year since I lost my father. Even before that event I’d been  feeling that change was brewing for me, and I gave myself time for clarity to emerge. After his death my vision quickly became clear. I made decisions to honor what my heart was asking for.

I yearned to lead women on longer retreats, where we could go deeper together and bigger shifts would be possible for my clients.

And I created two new retreats — Creation Vacation, a week on the coast of southern Maine in January, and L’Aventure Française — a 12-day retreat to France (that is starting in 2 weeks!).

And I am in the process of creating programs to bring my work into companies, so that cohorts of great women can be supported to step into their power and show up boldly. They will be supported to bring all of their greatness into the world — and do it without sacrificing their personal wellbeing.

My vision is for women to take the lead in bringing these attributes into their lives and work.

I believe that in time, their successes will impact those around them and impact our culture! As more workplaces provide this support and reap the benefits of bigger outcomes, they will retain the great women who will be thriving.

I also committed to making more time for what is personally fulfilling.

I am taking better care of my body with routine workouts and yoga classes. And I am painting and writing consistently now (rather than squeezing in bits of time here and there for those ways that I yearn to create).

What are you ready to say “Yes” to now?

I invite you to sit with the question of what your heart deeply wants. Honor what shows up for you.

It may be more rest, more calm, more time for yourself. It may be a big exciting dream. No matter what surfaces, consider a first small step to take in that direction. 

Small steps really count! And when you take them consistently, and get back on course when something shows up and gets in the way, you will see how small changes add up to meaningful impact.

Be patient with yourself. Trust yourself. Get support. Keep moving forward.

And if you seek support, please reach out and schedule time for us to talk about your path to creating change in your life.

Make time for wonder

Lots of people plan time away in the summer. I am delighted to be away, at the National Speakers Association conference in Denver.

I knew there would be many busy days, with little time for myself at this conference. So I planned a special day on my own before the conference. I spent it soaking in art, inspiration, and time with a dear friend.

The Denver Art Museum has a diverse and outstanding permanent collection. It was wonderful to be back there, and find things I’d seen before as well as make new discoveries.

Make time for inspiration!

I invite you to plan time for inspiration, whether you are away or staying close to home.

The world is filled with beauty and wonder.

Art can be enjoyed in person, in museums and galleries, in books on your shelf or at the library, and online.

The magic of nature at a sea shore, in the mountains, in your garden or at a local park can shift your awareness in amazing ways.

Music at a concert, played by someone on a porch, or heard on your phone can spark your spirit.

Books can transport and delight you, no matter where you read them.

Glimpses of heart-opening wonder are everywhere, when you look for them! You might take a walk with a camera in hand and frame images that catch your eye.

How will you inspire yourself today?

Consider all the possibilities for inspiration that are available to you. Set an intention to be open to wonder.

Do it on your own or invite one or more friends to join you.

Take an excursion or do something without leaving home.

Perhaps you will make art, write a poem, cook something that delights you or make something with your hands.

The sky is the limit!

And whatever you choose, take note of how you feel later.

I predict you will feel something special.

Unlock your potential

In the midst of your busy life, are you grappling with questions about what’s next, or what opportunities to go after?

Do you yearn for a change, or know a change is imminent, or feel that something must change — in your personal life and/or your work?

Do you feel stuck, like so many great women do at one point or another?  

Figuring out your answers to questions like these requires time and focus.

Do you make time for yourself?

It takes time and space to think quietly, take stock of what’s happening in your life, and determine what you really want.

Sadly, most of us never set aside time to think about those matters.

And, even when we do, it can be daunting to consider all that swirls in your head, much less devise a plan for new ways to move ahead in your life.

Time and again, I hear from women who have tried to figure things out on their own and got overwhelmed.

They struggle to set a vision for what they really want, and struggle to identify clear options and ways forward.

The magic of structure 

Rather than fumbling and feeling frustrated on your own — or pushing through your days without trying to sort through where you are and where you want to go in your life — there is a better way.

Having a guide and a structured way to get clear makes a world of difference.

Here are two options you can consider that can lead you to clarity and a path forward.

Work with a coach

Having struggled on my own for many years when I ran my design and marketing business, raising young children, and volunteering, I was maxed out and sometimes felt like I was running on empty.

And part of the reason I was so overwhelmed is that I thought I had to — and could — do everything on my own.

I never considered getting help. 

When the economy tanked and I was under more pressure than ever in my business, I found myself sitting at a table with a business coach. I thought he was smart and I liked his approach to our conversation. I said, “Yes” to hiring him — which was a huge step for me. 

And starting that work changed my life! 

Not only did my business benefit, I gained a world of insight and clarity about everything in my life. The time I devoted to the focused, guided thinking propelled me in directions I would likely never have taken.

I have continued to work with great coaches and mentors ever since, for whom I am filled with gratitude.

Go on a retreat

A meaningful way to make space in your life to do deep thinking, find inspiration, and gain important perspective is to step away from your life — for a few days, and even a week or more.

I just returned from a writing retreat, where I spent a week in rural Vermont with my brilliant teacher and coach and 7 other inspiring women. That time away took me to places in my heart I could not have imagined before I left.

I go on retreats several times a year with my coach of five years and our larger crew, that open my heart and mind in powerful ways each time.

One of my early retreats, with my first coach, was to live in a studio and paint for a week in New Mexico. It was life-changing for me.

Inspired by all of those experience, I started to design and lead intimate retreat experiences in 2020. It is a joy to create opportunities for women to take time away from their daily lives, deep dive into their hearts, and leave with insights and concrete plans to create the lives they yearn for.

Check out my Live Big Live! retreat, and what women who have been there have said about the experience.

What is possible for you?

Working with a coach or going on a retreat might lead you to making a small and significant shift, or a major change to the course you are on now.

Do you hear a shout coming from your heart, or a quiet whisper? Maybe desire is stirring, to leave the status quo behind and venture forward in a new way.

In my experience, it is likely that something meaningful will come out of listening to your heart and getting support to step into your best life.

This may be the time for you to have a transformative experience, to connect to all that is possible for you and set a course for your brightest future.

Click here to make a date for us to talk about what you want in your life and what is in the way.

We can explore if the upcoming retreat or other coaching support is a fit for you. (If not, that’s OK.)

And let’s talk soon — this is the last week to enroll for one of the 2 spots that are still open at Live Big Live! 2024.

Step into new possibilities

Most people live in their comfort zone, where it feels safe — and comfortable! That was familiar territory for me. I lived in a cozy, if small, comfort zone for years.

I recall how uncomfortable it was, when I first worked with a coach, to think of stepping outside of my comfort zone. The uncertainty I felt about a host of unknowns seemed daunting.

And, I learned that by choosing to look at things differently, I could also see opportunity.

What if you focused on curiosity and exploration rather than fear?

For some people, a significant event shakes them up and inspires them to step beyond their comfort zone.

In my case, it was a slower process of building awareness that I was no longer content with the status quo. A soft voice inside me piped up to say that I was no longer excited about the work I’d been doing for decades and it was time for something to change.

And I said yes.

I was willing to trust myself, get curious and explore what was possible. Fear and resistance fell away.

Giving myself the opportunity to explore and make discoveries led me to fresh and exciting insights, and many new experiences. It wasn’t long before my new path became clear and I was energized to forge ahead.

What is simmering inside of you, related to your work, your relationships, an upcoming transition, or your satisfation with life?

What might it look like for you to open yourself up to new possibilities?

There is power in taking one small step 

Rather than staying where you are now — no matter where you are on the spectrum that spans dissatisfied, to uncertain, to eager for something new — I invite you to take a step across that invisible line at the edge of your comfort zone and the possibility of something new, different, bigger, better.

Start with saying a quite “Yes” to yourself — a “Yes” to taking a single, small step into new possibility.

  • Your small step may be to make a change in a routine that feels stale.

  • Your step might be to reach out to someone and talk about an idea that intrigues you.

  • You might try something different, like a new way of moving your body, or a new way of creating to express yourself.

  • Your step can be taken at your desk, or on an excursion to a place that inspires you.

  • You might explore ideas you have now, or generate new ideas to consider.

Any new step counts. Start and then take another step (in the same direction or a different one).

Getting into motion builds momentum. So set an intention to take action.

Are you ready to begin?

Most people wait for the “right time” to take a new step. And most people put off action because they are never sure they are “ready.”

I urge you to start today — simply take one small step over the line into new possibility!

And you might make that step a call with me. You can book a quick intro call to share what’s going on in your life, and what you yearn for. (There’s no pressure, cost or obligation for us to talk.)

What future are you choosing?

Have you ever paused to think that you choose your future every day?

Your decisions, your choices, and the actions you take each day have a tremendous impact on the life you will lead down the road.

Are you a drifter?

Sadly, most people drift through their lives. When I look back I see all the ways I had drifted for a long time.

Yes, I made some bold decisions. Some of the important ones, in addition to choosing the partner to spend my life with and deciding to have children, were leaving a corporate job to start my first business; deciding not to relocate for a job that was going to pay me handsomely, but upon reflection I realized would not make me happy; and my most recent great decision — to sell my business, explore, and find a new direction that I would really love.

I was focused about making each of those decisions.

And, I know that I lived much of my life without focusing intentionally.

For years I moved on autopilot through daily routines.

I kept up with demands and put out fires. I frequently said yes to requests without thinking about the “opportunity cost” of those yesses.

I rarely stopped to consider the ways I was living and where those ways of living were taking me — until I had my big wake-up call (to sell my business in 2011).

It was then that I realized that I had the opportunity to make thoughtful, careful, well-considered decisions all the time. 

What I learned was that each of my decisions leads me to a life that I create, rather than living by default as I had for so long.

What future are you choosing?

Your choices point you in a direction, which is why it is worth considering the choices you make.

Are your choices aligned with what really matters to you?

Think about choices like:

  • who you spend time with

  • what you listen to and read

  • how you spend your free time

  • how you show up in the world — from the clothes you wear to what you say (and do not say)

Think about how clear you are about what you want. This will let you live with a vision to guide you, so you can more easily live with intention.

And think about how clear — and how big — your vision is.

What choices are you making today?

Sit with that question for a few minutes. Consider your choices, and how they line up with your dreams.

Jot down lots of your choices — like those related to the people in your life, your habits (that may or may not be ideal), the responsibilities and opportunities that your have taken on or are considering now, and more.

When you see them clearly noted on paper, you can assess whether they are positive and affirming, or if there are things you want to change.

Your next step (that will now be easier to implement) is to be more self-aware as you consider all of your daily choices, and the bigger choices and decisions that are right for you.

Watch for significant rewards!

As you build your awareness and choose carefully, things will begin to change in marvelous was.

And when more of us live with intention, choosing with care and moving in directions that are fully fulfilling, more lives will change for the better. More of us will be happy and energized, and people around us will feel and see it!

We can impact our families, our communities, our workplaces and beyond!

My vision is for accomplished women everywhere to boldly step into their power, make great choices so they show up with clarity and passion and realize all that is possible for them.

I see legions of women leading and inspiring others in incredible ways.

Please join me! As each of you chose with intention and make your life the best it can be, this vision will grow organically.

I cannot wait to see how it all unfolds.

Give yourself the gift of going deep

Most accomplished women are lucky to carve out bits of time for quiet reflection, much less deep thinking.

Endless to-do lists run their lives. And when time does open up, many don’t think to reflect, or know how to approach quiet inquiry. They usually find themselves returning to being busy, or they get distracted in all sorts of ways that quickly fill time. 

What going deep can look like

I first ventured into deep personal exploration over a decade ago and it changed my life. Working with a coach, I was prompted and guided to explore questions I never had before.

And a notable part of my journey was when I dared to start painting in 2015. It has enabled me to know myself and express myself in truly remarkable ways.

Having just returned from attending a fabulous week at a writing retreat, I am so glad I took a big new step on my path of meaningful expansion.

I was guided to bravely begin writing and to trust myself in a new medium. I was with a small group of inspiring women, also bravely writing stories that were powerful, funny, moving, raw, and provocative. We all explored and made discoveries found in deep places inside of us. 

We each dared to take this time for ourselves, motivated by a desire to grow in new ways as we shaped our ideas, committed them to paper, and received loving feedback from our teacher and each other.

We showed up for ourselves. We connected to parts of ourselves we do not usually approach. We excavated courageously and found gems.

I see great similarities between what happened for me last week and what I witness each time I lead my Live Big Live! program.

I feel a thrill when I see my clients discover exciting and gratifying work — or reignite their passion for what they do each day.

It is wonderful to observe the ways they are now forging, or repairing, or finding relationships from a grounded, clear, centered place.

They are each moving into exciting futures, with space to honor their well-being, with clarity, confidence and joy.

Are you ready to meet yourself in a new way?

The experience of connecting to yourself and igniting a huge spark in your life is possible for you, too.

If you are intrigued by the idea of making time for your own journey to your heart, so that you connect to your deep desires, clarify a vision for your most fulfilling future, and express yourself with joy, the spring Live Big Live! program may be right for you. 

You can be part of an intimate group of wonderful women who are bravely honoring themselves as they embark on rewarding journeys of self-discovery.

If you hear a small voice (or maybe a loud, “Yes!”) saying this is the time to connect to all of who you are, and be guided to living your most fulfilling life (whether you have an image of what that looks like or are trying to figure it out), let’s get on a call.

There are still a few spots available for the upcoming Live Big Live! retreat, but the deadline for enrollment is coming fast.

Let’s connect and see if this is a fit for you.

Schedule a call today