Who doesn’t want to have a great day?

The way you start your day matters.

One simple and powerful thing you can do is to set an intention for how you want to feel during the day, and focus on that rather than how you may be feeling when you get up.

How a word can impact your day

Let’s say you wake up feeling tired after a night of restless sleep. You could start to move through your day focused on how tired you feel. You would likely push yourself to get washed and dressed, and push yourself during the work day.

You would likely feel worn out at the end of your day.

If, instead, on a day when you woke up feeling tired after a night of restless sleep, you took a moment and set an intention to feel energized and inspired all day, that upbeat energy could have a big impact. 

Here’s what can happen.

As you hold an intention to feel energized, everything you do all day is likely to flow differently. The fatigue will not dissolve, but your attention will be focused on positive energy.

As you orient yourself this way you are likely to feel inspiration in all you do, and end your day feeling good, if tired and ready to rest. 

You can create the day you want

Start your morning by choosing a word to guide you, that will provide a focus and energy for what you want to feel all day.

Think of it as your Word for the Day, and bring your word to mind throughout the day.

Imagine the impact of starting your day with a word like curious, or enthusiastic, or balanced, or playful, or courageous, or strong, or focused.

Whether or not you sense some of that feeling at the start of your morning, setting a clear intention for how you want to feel — and reminding yourself of your word as the day progresses — enables you to create a day that fulfills that feeling.

Give it a try this week and see what happens!

A Mother’s Day reflection

On the morning of Mother’s Day, I sat at my dining room table with piles of family photos around me. I have been tasked with sorting through mountains of images that were shipped to me from from my mother and father’s house. They are both gone now, and their house was recently sold.

I have been devoting a day here and there to this monumental task for many weeks, and there are still two unopened cartons waiting to be explored.

On Sunday I found treasures that touched me deeply.

Connecting to people we love

How perfect it was to see my mother at age 20, and her mother, their smiles shining in a family scene from a time before she was married. It was a wonderful start to Mother’s Day.

A photo of my mother and father beaming on their honeymoon was a sweet sight.

As I went through the envelopes, I saw my parents and grandparents at many ages and in many settings. I saw my great-grandmother, who I remember meeting as a little girl. I saw my dear mother-in-law and father-in-law, often at holiday tables where both sets of my grandparents were part of the scene.

There were photos of me at many ages — taken as a girl on the beach, as a gawky teenager, with my new husband and all through the years. I gazed at photos with aunts and uncles, my children, sisters, cousins, nieces and nephews, family friends.

I smiled wistfully at memories of those who are gone, and marveled at the changes in all of us over time. (Oh, the hairstyles and clothing choices!)

What struck me deeply is the link I have to so many people who came before me and after I arrived.

I marveled at the links to a past that goes back beyond imagination, and that extends into the future as well.

The power of deep connection

What shined though vividly as I looked at all of the photos is the love that has connected all of us, and continues to connect us.

Not that every family relationship has always been harmonious. As in most families, we experienced strains of varying intensity.

Yet the bonds are significant.

And the message that resonates clearly for me is that we are all linked by love.

I also believe that deep love creates light.

My parents and their parents — and the generations before them — all lit the way for the ones who came next, as we light the way to the future.

We can light the world

I believe that when we come together, in our families and our connections to others, those connections have energy.

And that energy emits light — a light that can be sensed, if not seen, by those around us.

Further, I believe that clear light can guide us to a future of love. Of connection. Of peace.

I am inspired to be a catalyst for connections that build love, and, in turn, light.

I believe we can do this in our families, in close relationships, and in professional relationships.

We can be the light together.

Together we can bring more love into a world that needs it.

I hope you will join me.

Creative Ideas to Help You Thrive

There are so many ways we can lead a fulfilling life. 

In my Thriving Now blog series, discover valuable tips and strategies to empower you to live your best life. From fostering resilience to nurturing well-being and meaningful connections, these insights can be a trusty compass to navigate the intricacies of your daily experience with grace and ease.

You can walk this path to authentically thrive in every aspect of your life and Live Big!

Creative ideas for thriving now.

Create to Cope

Whenever you feel overwhelmed, sad, angry, frustrated, or any other difficult emotion, you have the opportunity to use it as fuel for something creative. Why is that a good idea? Because when you “exercise” the emotion through creativity, it has a place to go. You get to use it, move it, and ease it out of your system. And, sometimes you can actually transform it.

For example, you might like doing something with your hands, like a craft project or needlework. You can get absorbed in the activity, choosing colors and materials. When you get into flow as you create, the emotion can ease off.You might want to vigorously chop vegetables and then create an interesting dish. Or you might dance to music with the volume turned up high. You might want to dig in the garden. You might want to draw or paint a hideous picture to wring out the emotion. You might pour your emotion into writing a poem.Experiment and see how this works best for you. You will discover the ways of creating that satisfy you most when you are dealing with challenging emotions, in varying situations.Will it clear the troubling emotion forever? No. But you can experience real relief, and as you continue to create the emotion will have less hold on you.

Enjoy an adult coloring book.

There are lovely adult coloring books that you can order online and many artists are generously making their work available for download for free. Here’s a page with nice options, and if you do a google search you will find many others. If you do not have a set of colored pencils order a set of 24 and you’ll be all set.

Coloring is a delightful way to create, as you choose colors and watch the page come to life. You may find this calming, and a way to move into a meditative state, as well as a way to feel inspired.

Unlock your potential

In the midst of your busy life, are you grappling with questions about what’s next, or what opportunities to go after?

Do you yearn for a change, or know a change is imminent, or feel that something must change — in your personal life and/or your work?

Do you feel stuck, like so many great women do at one point or another?  

Figuring out your answers to questions like these requires time and focus.

Do you make time for yourself?

It takes time and space to think quietly, take stock of what’s happening in your life, and determine what you really want.

Sadly, most of us never set aside time to think about those matters.

And, even when we do, it can be daunting to consider all that swirls in your head, much less devise a plan for new ways to move ahead in your life.

Time and again, I hear from women who have tried to figure things out on their own and got overwhelmed.

They struggle to set a vision for what they really want, and struggle to identify clear options and ways forward.

The magic of structure 

Rather than fumbling and feeling frustrated on your own — or pushing through your days without trying to sort through where you are and where you want to go in your life — there is a better way.

Having a guide and a structured way to get clear makes a world of difference.

Here are two options you can consider that can lead you to clarity and a path forward.

Work with a coach

Having struggled on my own for many years when I ran my design and marketing business, raising young children, and volunteering, I was maxed out and sometimes felt like I was running on empty.

And part of the reason I was so overwhelmed is that I thought I had to — and could — do everything on my own.

I never considered getting help. 

When the economy tanked and I was under more pressure than ever in my business, I found myself sitting at a table with a business coach. I thought he was smart and I liked his approach to our conversation. I said, “Yes” to hiring him — which was a huge step for me. 

And starting that work changed my life! 

Not only did my business benefit, I gained a world of insight and clarity about everything in my life. The time I devoted to the focused, guided thinking propelled me in directions I would likely never have taken.

I have continued to work with great coaches and mentors ever since, for whom I am filled with gratitude.

Go on a retreat

A meaningful way to make space in your life to do deep thinking, find inspiration, and gain important perspective is to step away from your life — for a few days, and even a week or more.

I just returned from a writing retreat, where I spent a week in rural Vermont with my brilliant teacher and coach and 7 other inspiring women. That time away took me to places in my heart I could not have imagined before I left.

I go on retreats several times a year with my coach of five years and our larger crew, that open my heart and mind in powerful ways each time.

One of my early retreats, with my first coach, was to live in a studio and paint for a week in New Mexico. It was life-changing for me.

Inspired by all of those experience, I started to design and lead intimate retreat experiences in 2020. It is a joy to create opportunities for women to take time away from their daily lives, deep dive into their hearts, and leave with insights and concrete plans to create the lives they yearn for.

Check out my Live Big Live! retreat, and what women who have been there have said about the experience.

What is possible for you?

Working with a coach or going on a retreat might lead you to making a small and significant shift, or a major change to the course you are on now.

Do you hear a shout coming from your heart, or a quiet whisper? Maybe desire is stirring, to leave the status quo behind and venture forward in a new way.

In my experience, it is likely that something meaningful will come out of listening to your heart and getting support to step into your best life.

This may be the time for you to have a transformative experience, to connect to all that is possible for you and set a course for your brightest future.

Click here to make a date for us to talk about what you want in your life and what is in the way.

We can explore if the upcoming retreat or other coaching support is a fit for you. (If not, that’s OK.)

And let’s talk soon — this is the last week to enroll for one of the 2 spots that are still open at Live Big Live! 2024.

Healthy ways to process and release anger

When I wrote about fear last week, there was a big response to the ideas I shared about ways to move ahead when that emotion shows up. (If you missed it, you can check it out here.)

Much like fear, anger can grip any of us from time to time, and can be short-lived or sustained.

Anger is normal, and it’s important to feel and respect it in order to deal with it.

And, it’s important to address it, because anger can be destructive, leading to resentment and ongoing suffering.

The grip of anger 

When anger sets in, it’s hard to think clearly, or stand in your power, or show up in ways that are best for you.

Anger rarely just melts away. When it festers it is like a poison in your system. 

You may not even be aware of the cause. You may feel concerned about what your best course of action can be.

And so, it’s common to hold on to anger. And letting anger fester is not in your best interest.

How to process and release anger

Step one, when you feel angry, is to take a deep breath and tune in to what you are experiencing. You also want to identify the underlying cause that has brought on your reaction.

Sometimes you feel quietly angry, sometimes quite furious.

Sometimes you know why you are angry, but you may sometimes not be so sure.

If you feel upset and cannot pinpoint what is bothering you, it’s important to first get clear. From there, you can employ effective ways to move ahead more positively. 

Pinpoint the what and why

Here are two ways to gain clarity about just what is bothering you. 

Make it visual

Pull out paper and crayons. (If you don’t have any around, you can get them in the school-supply section of your nearby drug store).

Simply draw what the anger feels like. Add words if you like, Use the colors that show how you feel. Make marks and images that show the emotion.

Make it as ugly or intense as the anger you feel.

Use the Discovery Dozen™

You may already know how to use the Discovery Dozen™ exercise, that’s a key tool I work with and is included in my book.

If you don't know how the Discovery Dozen works, you can download a quick guide to using it.

You could start with this fill-in-the-blank sentence:

“Right now I feel angry/furious/enraged because…”

Quickly add an ending to that sentence root, and keep doing that 12 times, for 12 different full sentences. Then look over what shows up.

Next you have an opportunity to drill down deeper, and do another Discovery Dozen. Try it.

You can choose from your answers in the first list of completed sentences and use this structure for a new Discovery Dozen:

“The thing that makes me angriest about [the thing you picked from your first round of sentence endings] is…”

You may want to use this second Discovery Dozen over again, selecting a different response from your first list of sentences. When you write quickly, insights that were not top-of-mind are likely to show up.

By using both the visual and written methods, you will likely have new awareness.

And the acts of creating in these ways may help you begin to feel better, too.

Release anger and free your spirit

When you are angry and you know what the cause is, it may feel frightening.

You may feel afraid to express it.

You may try to push it aside, or stuff it down.

Doing that rarely works for long, and can build the intensity of your anger. When that happens, anger may burst out and cause a new round of emotional distress.

There are safe ways to release the emotional intensity of anger, so that you can take a thoughtful approach and move forward.

Here are some options to consider:

Try physically moving the angry energy

  • Pull out a pillow and beat it (against a bed, or any surface that will not be harmed). Shout as you do it. Repeat for as long as you need, to feel that you have drained the pent up negative energy.

  • Write furiously — vent it all on paper.

  • Go for a run, or do an intense workout.

Talk to a trusted friend, coach or advisor

It’s easy for intense emotions like anger to highjack your thoughts, where they loop endlessly.

When you turn to someone who can listen and support you to think calmly, you can more easily find clarity. They may be able to help you identify aspects you did not see on your own, gain perspective, and help you plan for what you can or want to do next.

You may want to follow these steps with mediation or yoga, to support you to think clearly about a conversation to have or an action to take that can address the situation that brought the anger on.

Being on the other side of anger

Having attended to your anger you will be able to create a positive path forward.

Whether that is having a meaningful and constructive conversation, initiating a new way of interacting with someone, feeling clearer about your feelings and reactions, being able to forgive someone, or feeling able to release the anger completely, you will have new tools available for the next occasion when anger appears.

5 Techniques to move through fear

Fear is a universal experience. So are tough emotions such as anger, worry and desperation.

These powerful forces challenges all of us.

Today, let’s look at fear and how to move through and past it. (Stay tuned for emails about other difficult emotions, that will follow soon.)

We all feel fear!

Sometimes that fear is related to something that puts us, or someone we care about, in mortal danger. More often we are afraid of things that are not actually dangerous.

Because our lizard brains were wired in ancient times, when mortal danger was frequently a risk, we instinctively find ourselves experiencing fear.

Happily, we have far less danger in the modern world, and there are a number of good ways to end that suffering no matter the cause.

Common advice falls short

I have heard well-meaning people advise that you can tell yourself that fear is not real, and that doing that will make the fear go away.

But when you are afraid, you are responding to something that feels very real to you. In my experience, and observing others, being told that fear is not real, so just let it go, is not helpful.

What to do instead

Of course, fear can have a different degree of hold on you at different times, and depending on what brought it on.

Sometimes a small shift in thinking and perspective can work wonders, or employing a new way of responding can do the trick.

Try some or all of these techniques and see what works for you.

1. The power of hope

No matter what the fear relates to, bringing hopefulness to mind can make you feel much better. 

Hope is powerful. It helps reduce the anxiety that can accompany fear. As you focus on hope and more positive thoughts appear, the fear that gripped you will begin to recede.

2. The power of love

It may surprise you to learn that another great antidote to fear is love. Actively bringing a focus to love — for yourself, for someone else (even the person you feel anger toward), for the world — produces chemicals in the brain that reduce fearful thinking. 

Then, whatever made you feel afraid can be considered with a calmer, clearer and more hopeful frame of mind.

3. The power of awareness

The fear you feel may be sending you a signal — that you have a desire to try something new (like a physical challenge) or go for something different (like an exciting new job) — and that your fear is there to help you resist giving it a try.

The fear may be trying to protect you from the possibility of failing, or embarrassment. 

The truth is, you will never know if you can or will succeed (right off the bat or after several restarts), until you try. 

And if this kind of fears shows up, remind yourself that it does not entail mortal danger.

4. The power of choice

The truth is that in any situation, we can choose a new way of thinking and a new way of responding.

We can choose to bring a new perspective to the matter. We can choose to look at our circumstance through a new lens.

We can also choose to trust — ourselves and our creative thinking, and particular people who can support us. 

When you hold the awareness in your mind of all the choices you can employ, and practice using those choices, you can cope with things that have felt really hard in the past.

5. The power of gratitude

The science is clear. When you focus on gratitude, levels of the stress hormone cortisol get lower. This works to block toxic emotions of many kinds. 

Neurological studies show that your brain cannot be in a state of appreciation and fear at the same time. When you focus on what you have and what is good, and not on what you lack or fear, the fearful feelings fall away.

Email me to share the approach, or approaches that work best for you.

Start your day right

How do you start your days? Most of us have a usual morning pattern.

Some hop out of bed, wash and dress, turn on the news, grab coffee with breakfast, and rush into the day.

Others hit the snooze button first. Some sit down for a leisurely breakfast.

What most people skip — that I skipped for decades — is a morning practice that sets you up for your best day.

Try a new way to start the day

When I worked with my first coach, I was urged to meditate every day. I resisted. I dabbled at it. It was a struggle for quite a while!

I would randomly take a break at my desk, put a timer on for 5 minutes, and try to quiet my mind until the chime sounded.

In time it got easier. I sat for longer times. I started to like it, but I did not love the part about pausing in the midst of my workday to do it.

I skipped it on many days, and sometimes did not return to meditating for weeks or months.

Over time I realized that timing was part of the problem. I changed to meditating first thing in the morning. That worked better for me.

And, in time, I added some new elements to the meditation.

I created a morning practice — and it’s had a significant impact on my life. 

As I’ve experimented, I have found a mix that I love.

You may want to try it, too.

A menu to pick from to create your best day 

My current practice starts with 5 to 10 minutes doing each of these 4 things:

  • free writing

  • meditating

  • visualizing how I will show up for the things I will do in the day

  • moving my body

And there’s more.

Rather than listen to or watch news, which used to add stress to my mornings, I select music I’m in the mood for each morning.

The music also helps me start to move. I often dance in my bedroom, or do some yoga poses. I usually add in a bit of free-weight action to build strength.

When I do sit down at my desk, I add one more important component.

I pull a card from one or two oracle decks that I love. I keep a journal and do some writing about the message(s) they bring me. This part of my practice helps me focus in how I will show up for everything in my day.

Your elements might be different!

You might include prayer, reading, saying affirmations, singing, getting outdoors, playing an instrument, or drawing.

The order you choose for your elements is up to you.

And you might choose to practice at a another time of day.

The key is to make a practice of the routine that most appeals to you and most supports you.

How having a daily practice works

Having a regular practice with elements like those described above helps you to connect to your heart.

A morning practice orients you to your day in a positive way.

It activates your body, your mind and your spirit.

Your practice will become a ritual.

And rituals are powerful.

Rituals can help you move through challenges, create new habits, create deeper self-awareness, feel more grounded, and feel more motivated.

And a daily ritual like this is a wonderful way to practice self-love. The more you love and believe in yourself, the more easily you can create what you truly want in your life.

I would love for you to share a daily practice if you have one you love — or feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

Email me to get in touch.

Tapping Techniques to Help You Thrive

There are so many ways we can lead a fulfilling life. 

In my Thriving Now blog series, discover valuable tips and strategies to empower you to live your best life. From fostering resilience to nurturing well-being and meaningful connections, these insights can be a trusty compass to navigate the intricacies of your daily experience with grace and ease.

You can walk this path to authentically thrive in every aspect of your life and Live Big!

Tapping techniques for thriving now.

Butterfly Tapping

This is another soothing way to calm yourself, any time you feel anxious or upset. This simple and pleasant technique signals energy meridiens that calm you. Here’s how to do it:

Put your right hand on your heart (as though you were going to pledge allegiance) and then place your left hand crossed over your right, on your upper chest. The tops of your fingers will sit a bit below your clavicle bones. Next, keeping your hands in place, lift the fingers of one hand and tap them gently back to your chest. Next do the same with the other hand. Simply repeat this rhythm, one hand and then the other, and tap as long as you wish.

EFT Tapping

My colleague, Paige Hamilton, has guided me through EFT tapping, and I have experienced the way this practice can relieve stress, calm the body, and help you to get past limiting beliefs. She offers a guide, the 15-minute Mindset Makeover, to help you learn about this process and get started. You can request it here. And, in this video she explains the way it works. In her second video she demonstrates how to do the tapping. Her third video goes further, with things to keep in mind. After that, you will want to follow some guided tapping approaches, to get comfortable with how to do this for yourself. Paige is offering zoom calls on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, to guide you. You can reach out to her and ask that she include you on her announcements.

Nick Ortner, The Tapping Solution, has many “tapping meditations” you can listen to, and has an app (that I have not used, so I cannot recommend it). This meditation was offered at the start of the pandemic, and he has created versions for kids dealing with stress, and many others. And in this new interview Nick did with Marie Forleo, he demonstrates the tapping technique, provides lots of info to help you understand the power of tapping and how it works, and also guides you through a helpful tapping sequence.

I have also found a good EFT guided meditation for better sleep. Check it out if you are having trouble getting to sleep or sleeping soundly. (You will want to review the basics of the tapping points from Paige Hamilton or Nick Ortner before following this meditation.)

Techniques for vibrant living

Maybe you saw the eclipse — or just heard about it before, during and after it happened. Some were lucky and saw it, many having made a long trip to a prime location.

Others had little interest in making an effort to travel, or even get special glasses to use at their front door.

In a coaching conversation today, a client remarked that what interested her the most was the energy of the cosmic event, more than what she saw. (It’s worth noting that at her location there was only 93% coverage.)

I loved that part of our conversation, because I believe that when we tune in to the energy of any event, any conversation, and most of all, the energy we feel and generate, we can be enriched.

Consider these great ways to access and build positive energy.

Connect to the energy inside you

Your body is so much more than flesh and bones. You are filled with, made up of, tremendous energy! 

When you build awareness of the energy you feel, you can use it in meaningful ways.

When you feel great, ride that energy!

When you feel wonderful — happy, excited, enthusiastic, playful — tap in fully to that energy and make the most of it!

Pause to consider all the ways you can leverage that energy to generate ideas and take actions.

And find ways to enjoy whatever you may need to do that is not so appealing, when you use that fertile energetic spirit to fuel you.

When you are feeling flat or low, you can build new energy.

We all find ourselves feeling dull, sad, or stressed from time to time. Here are some steps that can help you to shift your energy upward:

1. Take stock of what you are feeling.

Sometimes you know you feel angry, or frustrated or irritated. At other times, identifying just what you are feeling can be less clear. And often it’s not obvious why you feel a particular unpleasant emotion.

Getting clear is a key first step.

You can use my Discovery Dozen™ tool to explore and to find clarity.

Start by writing this fill-in-the-blank sentence at the top of a page:
Right now I feel… because…

Complete the 2 blanks portions of that sentence 12 times, for 12 complete sentences. Write as quickly as you can, and see what shows up.

Be sure to write anything that comes to mind and complete all 12 sentences!

When you read your sentences, it’s likely that you will be able to pinpoint what it is you are feeling, and feel clearer about what is bothering you.

2. Move those feelings through you and out! 

When you give the unwanted emotion an outlet, you can release the hold it has on you.


Try screaming into a pillow. Or beating a pillow hard. Or journaling all the thoughts you have about the matter until you have exhausted yourself. Or dance it out. Or draw what the ugly emotion looks like. Or go out and run.

Any way you choose will allow you to release the emotion that is limiting you. You may have to repeat the release (in the same way or try different approaches). These are many great ways to feel better.

And when you feel the weight of the tough emotion lift, you can begin thinking more positively. You can choose new ways to move. You can consider a new lens through which to reflect on the issue. You can choose to let it go completely.

You can bring positivity into your day. You may well find yourself laughing or playing.

Then you can ride that upbeat energy!

Seek out positive energy around you 

In addition to the energy you generate, you can tap into powerful positive energy when you think about where it is already.

Think about the people you spend time with. Choose to surround yourself with people who are fun to be with, optimistic and inspiring.

Visit places that light you up. You might find great energy in a museum, at a sporting event, at a party, in the quiet of a walk in the woods, in your favorite chair where you enjoy reading poetry.

Do things you love, like playing an instrument, or baking, or painting, or gardening, or exploring. 

The more you do these things, the more you will naturally create positive energy, without effort!

Share what works for you!

I would love to hear your favorite way to turn around negative or difficult energy, and how you keep your best energy flowing.

Email me and let me know. I will be glad to share interesting new ways we can all try out to build more energy in our systems for living our best lives.

An invitation to create your best life

Do you, like so many people, replay past events with regret?

It is tempting and easy to think about a decision you made, a conversation you had, a response made quickly, and wish it had been different.

When you feel the pull to question, reexamine, or suffer about things in the past, you cheat yourself.


You cheat yourself out of being present now, and when that happens you lose precious opportunities to create what is possible in this moment.

What you are able to create in every moment (a new idea, a meaningful conversation, a new boundary, something you never dared to explore before) can actually shift your trajectory.

And that one small shift can lead you to a future that is more satisfying and fulfilling.

That’s an incredible possibility.

What are you creating now?

What are you thinking about and taking action on to create the life you truly want to live?

Are your thoughts and actions propelling you in a direction that excites you, or are they limiting you?

Perhaps you are dwelling on negativity and worry, which is common and may feel reasonable. A conscious shift to gratitude and positive possibility can bring inspiring energy to your next efforts.

Perhaps you feel unsure or timid. A shift to exploring with someone you trust can provide insight and inspiration to take a step you might otherwise not have tried.

Each moment of your day offers the opportunity to create a new thought, take a new step, be a bit bolder.

You may not have considered that these are acts of creation!

What happens when you consciously create 

When you create from a place of belief, clarity and trust, you can move ahead with optimism and willingness to experiment, knowing that you can continue to create in each moment.

When you try new things, course-correct if necessary, and create a new next step forward — over and over again — your life can change in remarkable ways.

This can become a new way of operating. A new way of living.

Take a small, meaningful step now

I invite you to make one small commitment to yourself today — to create something just beyond your habitual way of operating, or just outside of your comfort zone.

It may be to say “no,” if you know deep down that that response is called for.

It might be to say “yes” to your heart, if you feel it’s time to try something new.

And if that “something new” is to to say “yes” to you — to make space for yourself, to look deep into your heart and find true clarity about what you want, and to have a guide to begin creating that reality — you may want to say “yes!” to a once-a-year opportunity that’s just round the corner.

Start creating the future you dream of

Each spring I lead the Live Big Live! retreat in Boston, and this opportunity is only happening once in 2024.

On June 6, 7, and 8, 2024, an intimate group of incredible women — like you! — will come together to move though a life-changing experience together. And we start in a virtual format together before the retreat, so you will have a solid foundation for everything that happens in our beautiful space together.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • You will be guided to crystalize a vision that is rooted in deeply knowing yourself.

  • You will experience creativity in inspiring, fun, and surprising ways — and no special talent or experience is needed!

  • You will receive tools to use, again and again, whenever you feel doubtful or stuck, to keep moving toward your dreams. 

  • You will learn from and be supported by other great women, and in turn you will bring your gifts to them.

  • You will create a concrete plan for how you will live into your vision for the next 90 days — so the inspiration and insights will be specifically actionable for you.

  • You will amaze yourself and feel excited about your life as never before.

I have witnessed remarkable outcomes at Live Big Live! in the past, and it would be an honor to speak to you to see if this opportunity is a match for you.

My life’s work is to guide and inspire great women to tap all of their potential by activating the transformative power of creativity to live their best lives — to live big!

If you are ready to step into an amazing future, let’s talk soon. We kick off in advance of the retreat, so let’s get a date on the calendar soon! 

Schedule a call here. (There's never a cost or obligation for us to chat.)

Here are a few photos taken at past Live Big Live! retreats

Crafting your life with purpose

We each choose the life we live. And we get to choose each day.

No matter what is happening we have choices. And we have the opportunity to create.

When my family recently faced the loss of my father, coupled with the sudden illness of one of my sisters, who was in a coma for weeks, it was overwhelming to process all of the emotion and move through everything that needed to be done. Life can sometimes suddenly throw a lot at you.

And even in extreme moments and circumstances, we each get to choose how to respond.

Do you crumble — for a little while or an extended period of time? Do you reach out for help? Do you turn to someone you trust as a sounding board? Do you assess and reassess as you move ahead? Do you pay attention to what you need and try and get it (sleep, food, peace and quiet)? Do you find gratitude even in the midst of pain? 

Many of us miss the opportunity to make conscious choices each day.

Even on an “ordinary day,” no matter how things are going, you get to choose the lens through which to look at circumstances and events.

What are you choosing?

If your day is full of delight, you can choose gratitude, and you can bring that energy into each decision and next choice you make. 

If today is less than stellar, you can also choose gratitude, and you can bring that energy into each decision and next choice you make.

When you choose gratitude, love, generosity, possibility and optimism, everything you do is infused with uplifting energy.

When you choose to create each response, each idea, and each next step to take with that positive uplifting energy, you choose your life.

That’s the key to moving through challenges with more ease, and how you can elevate and accelerate the things that are going well.

When things feel daunting try these 3 steps

Try using this simple process whenever you feel stuck in a low frame of mind:

1. Pause to sit and breathe.

2. Consider the situation.

Take a calm, clear look at what is happening. Can you assess the situation with a broader perspective than when you sat down? 

3. Make a conscious choice.

Choose the response you want to bring to this time.

Feel into your heart and find gratitude. Find love. Think about how you might be generous — to someone else, and to yourself.

Generate as much optimism as possible.

Then consider possibilities for actions, responses, solutions.

Choose to bring as much positive energy into your next step as possible.

As you make choices with intention, you create your best life.

Last week I chose to attend a retreat with my amazing coach and a stellar group of people doing fabulous work in the world. This is the view that greeted me each day. The energy and inspiration of the experience created marvelous fuel for my spirit. 

I’ve created two amazing retreats that are coming up this year. One may be perfect for you to find inspiration to live your biggest life. Email me if you are curious!

Empower your future with these key questions

What are your answers to these questions:

• Are you looking for inspiration?

• Do you know what you really want?

• Do you yearn to feel more alive and excited about your life?

• Have you thought about shaping a clear vision of your future — a future that feels satisfying and promising? 

Considerations like these may be front and center for you. Or, like many women pushing through their days, you may not have paused to think about them in some time (if ever).

I believe these are important questions. I believe that we all deserve to be clear, to feel inspired, to be excited, and to envision the lives we want to live — now and in the future.

I also believe that we all can live inspired, fulfilling lives that are built on realizing our deep desires.

So why is it that so many women I speak to find it challenging to answer some or all of these questions?

Most of us play it safe

It’s easy to live each day and not take the time to think seriously. Feeling deserving to set aside time for ourselves, for self-care of any kind — including self-reflection — is a factor that stands in the way for many women.

And many women find questions like these uncomfortable. Some tell me they feel bewildered about how to look inside for answers.

Whatever the reason, it can often feel easier not to consider questions like these. It may seem safer to simply live from day-to-day without intentionally charting a course that is rooted in your heart.

Here’s how to begin stepping into clarity

If you are looking for small first steps you can take to bring answers to light, try some of these approaches.

Here are a few ideas for finding inspiration

Make a quick list of things you really enjoy doing, such as taking leisurely walks with friends, exploring new places, trying exotic foods, collecting something that fascinates you, learning new things. Write quickly and list at least 12 things.

Look at your list, and star the two or three that are most appealing. Then make a date to do them. When you take that action, note the way you feel. See if you can sustain that energy — by doing more of the same things, or engaging in other things on your list.

Here are a few ideas to pinpoint what you want

Sit quietly and think about what you want in the moment. It might be a flavor you want to taste. It might be an experience you long for. Getting in touch with your desires in the moment helps you tune in to your heart and pay attention. Repeat this for a few days and see what shows up.

To build on that, sit with someone close to you and have them ask you what you want — over and over. Give it time, and let yourself go deep. After 5 minutes being asked and answering that question, switch places and ask the other person what they want. Ask again and again. Acknowledge what they share. When you have each taken a turn, reflect on how it felt to have been asked, and to listen to the other person’s answers, and talk about what showed up for each of you.

Here are a few ideas for building energy and feeling more excited each day

Similar to seeking inspiration, think about what makes you feel full of energy and excited. Some people love activities that are fast, to get their blood pumping. Some find they are filled with energy and excitement in quiet places, like in a great museum. Some like to be in crowds at concerts, while others find star-gazing with a great telescope lights them up. Whatever it is for you, (and there may be multiple ways), plan to bring that kind of experience into you life soon — and do it as often as you can.

Here are ideas for starting to shape a vision for the future

Once you have moved through exploring the first 3 ideas, you will be well-positioned to consider your vision for the future — which may be something near-term or longer-term.

Tap into the inspiration, the desires you identified, and the kind of energy and excitement you have started cultivating. Then think about how you can imagine various aspects of your life when all of that energy is part of it.

Start by considering your relationships. Then move on to imagining your work life. How about the environment you surround yourself with? What kind of environment would support you to feel great? Next, think about how you imagine your health and wellbeing, as you live a life that you love.

Imagine what all of that could look. Paint a picture in your mind. You might want to write descriptions, or create a vision board to flesh it out and hold a clear vision. 

Start with one small step today!

If you want to begin activating more energy and finding more clarity in your life, start small.

Commit to one small effort now, and do it soon.

Yup, you will be off and running!

Check in with yourself. If it was great, keep going. If it was not all you expected, try something new. And continue!

As you experiment and make discoveries that feel satisfying and meaningful, extend your efforts.

Know that you are building awareness along with energy, and that your desires will evolve over time. That’s the beauty of actively living with awareness — you get to have new experiences and learn new things, and all of that helps you to shape a vision full of energy to fuel your life in wonderful ways.

Know, too, that while starting is the key, significant change takes consistent awareness and effort. 

If you are curious about having guidance to make each step easy to take, and to accelerate your progress, I’d be happy to tell you about a powerful program that’s only offered one a year and that will be starting soon.

It has helped dozens of great women find their clarity and step into making their fabulous visions their reality.

To see if it’s a fit for you, email meWe can hop on a quick (free) call.

Breathing Techniques to Help You Thrive

There are so many ways we can lead a fulfilling life.

In my Thriving Now blog series, discover valuable tips and strategies to empower you to live your best life. From fostering resilience to nurturing well-being and meaningful connections, these insights can be a trusty compass to navigate the intricacies of your daily experience with grace and ease.

You can walk this path to authentically thrive in every aspect of your life and Live Big!

Try these breathing techniques to thrive now

When you pause and breathe, you give yourself a gift.

4x4 Box Breathing

This is a wonderful way to get grounded and to quiet your nervous system. You may want to do a few rounds of these to ease into meditation, or to simply pause when you feel stressed, impatient, or flustered. Here’s how to do it:

  • Inhale to the count of 4

  • Hold for 4 counts

  • Exhale to the count of 4

  • Hold for 4 counts

  • Repeat

Deep Breathing

Most people take short, shallow breaths into their chest. It can make you feel anxious and zap your energy. With this technique, you'll learn how to take bigger breaths, all the way into your belly.

  • Get comfortable. You can lie on your back in bed or on the floor with a pillow under your head and knees. Or you can sit in a chair with your shoulders, head, and neck supported against the back of the chair.

  • Breathe in through your nose. Let your belly fill with air.

  • Breathe out through your nose.

  • Place one hand on your belly. Place the other hand on your chest.

  • As you breathe in, feel your belly rise. As you breathe out, feel your belly lower. The hand on your belly should move more than the one that's on your chest.

  • Take three more full, deep breaths. Breathe fully into your belly as it rises and falls with your breath.

4-7-8 Relaxing Breathing 

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Your eyes can be slightly opened or fully closed. Press the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and open your mouth slightly. Exhale until all the air is released from your lungs.

  • Close your mouth and inhale through your nose for 4 – 8 counts (you can work up to 8 counts as your lung capacity increases).

  • Hold your breath for 7 counts.

  • Exhale very slowly for 8 counts.

  • Repeat steps 1-3 four times.

Step into new possibilities

Most people live in their comfort zone, where it feels safe — and comfortable! That was familiar territory for me. I lived in a cozy, if small, comfort zone for years.

I recall how uncomfortable it was, when I first worked with a coach, to think of stepping outside of my comfort zone. The uncertainty I felt about a host of unknowns seemed daunting.

And, I learned that by choosing to look at things differently, I could also see opportunity.

What if you focused on curiosity and exploration rather than fear?

For some people, a significant event shakes them up and inspires them to step beyond their comfort zone.

In my case, it was a slower process of building awareness that I was no longer content with the status quo. A soft voice inside me piped up to say that I was no longer excited about the work I’d been doing for decades and it was time for something to change.

And I said yes.

I was willing to trust myself, get curious and explore what was possible. Fear and resistance fell away.

Giving myself the opportunity to explore and make discoveries led me to fresh and exciting insights, and many new experiences. It wasn’t long before my new path became clear and I was energized to forge ahead.

What is simmering inside of you, related to your work, your relationships, an upcoming transition, or your satisfation with life?

What might it look like for you to open yourself up to new possibilities?

There is power in taking one small step 

Rather than staying where you are now — no matter where you are on the spectrum that spans dissatisfied, to uncertain, to eager for something new — I invite you to take a step across that invisible line at the edge of your comfort zone and the possibility of something new, different, bigger, better.

Start with saying a quite “Yes” to yourself — a “Yes” to taking a single, small step into new possibility.

  • Your small step may be to make a change in a routine that feels stale.

  • Your step might be to reach out to someone and talk about an idea that intrigues you.

  • You might try something different, like a new way of moving your body, or a new way of creating to express yourself.

  • Your step can be taken at your desk, or on an excursion to a place that inspires you.

  • You might explore ideas you have now, or generate new ideas to consider.

Any new step counts. Start and then take another step (in the same direction or a different one).

Getting into motion builds momentum. So set an intention to take action.

Are you ready to begin?

Most people wait for the “right time” to take a new step. And most people put off action because they are never sure they are “ready.”

I urge you to start today — simply take one small step over the line into new possibility!

And you might make that step a call with me. You can book a quick intro call to share what’s going on in your life, and what you yearn for. (There’s no pressure, cost or obligation for us to talk.)

Shifting perspective shifts energy

For most of us, each day is full — there’s work to do, family and friends to interact with, there are time-sensitive matters that arise, and external events compete for our attention.

It is easy to feel scattered, easy to focus on others and local and world events, easy to feel pulled into drama that is not ours.

When this happens to me, as has often been the case lately, I remind myself of a few things. They may be helpful for you.

We each have limited control

While it is tempting to try and control, or fix, or change things that concern us, we can only control ourselves.

We can make suggestions, offer to help, look into resources, and listen with an open heart.

But we cannot control the actions another person or group will take. Nor can we control their emotions.

The key is to stay focused on the control we have:

  • for the lens through which we choose to see things

  • for the responses we choose to bring to a given situation

  • to consider what lesson we can learn

  • to consider how a situation is here for us

  • to send loving energy to others

  • to hold love for ourselves. 

We always have the opportunity to create

Even when tension runs high, it is possible to create a response rather than default to anger, fear, disappointment, anxiety or bitterness.


  • Create a few quiet moments to breathe, connect to your heart, and get grounded.

  • Create some questions about what other ways you can consider to see the situation.

  • Create new thoughts to anchor to, that are supportive and calm.

  • Create a new next action to take that serves you and helps, if there is help to offer. 

  • Create peace in yourself when you have done the best you can, or at times where you have no opportunity to effect change.

The bottom line

We can each only live our own life. And that is powerful!

There is unlimited potential to harness that power and and there are unlimited ways to use it.

When you take ownership of your thoughts, your responses, and the actions you take, you build strength.

You are a powerful creator of a life that is focused, resilient, and self-loving.

Your strength, in turn, allows you to do the most good, no matter what is happening around you.

And, to reach a state where you can stand in your power in the midst of whatever daily events show up, takes time, practice and patience.

It happens one small step at a time. 

Are you ready for something new?

This weekend I was immersed in the past. I lost my father in November, and the house he and my mother lived in has just been sold.

My sisters and I are in the process of emptying the house, and my job the last few days has been going through mountains of family photos — many from boxes of my grandparents that have been sitting in the basement of my parents’ house for decades.

Treasures have been found, emotions have been sparked, and I am gaining insights about how lives have been lived over long spans of time.

Seeing my parents, and their parents, in the bloom of youth and as they aged, is very sweet.

Seeing myself as an infant, during my childhood, as a gawky teenager, a young adult, a bride, and a mother, I am reflecting on the life I have lived, and the life I am living now.

How are you living your life?

Looking back at my professional life, it’s clear that I started in a career I enjoyed, and that I continued for several decades without considering if it was really fulfilling. 

What I became aware of, when in 2009 I hired my first coach to help me with my business, was that I had been drifting through my life without looking at or thinking deeply about the big picture.

I, like most busy professionals, was focused primarily on what was right in front of me. Added to work, raising children, serving on boards, making time to be with my husband, and managing a household, and my attention and focus were fully occupied.

Things seemed to be fine.

What was pivotal for me was working with a coach who asked me to took clearly at my life, and how I was showing up in it. 

When I did that, I saw a lot I had not noticed before. Slow steps followed by more small steps, I started to see many ways I was not showing up fully in my life. I also realized I no longer loved the work I had been doing for nearly 3 decades.

Most significantly, I realized I was ready to make changes.

What does it mean to be ready?

There are times when you know you are ready — for something new, something different, something more exciting. You feel it, and you take a step to bring that change into your life.

More frequently, the question of “being ready” — to look for or accept that new job, to make that big decision, to step into something different even if it is not fully defined in your mind — is one that feels unsettling, or even frightening.

I believe that when you start to get curious and feel a stirring, it is a significant signal from your heart.

Your heart may be “ready” before your head catches up!

That was my experience, and I see it all the time when I speak to women who have hesitated to look deeply, or take action, to explore a stirring they feel.

Fear and doubt show up. Many women are willing to settle for what is now, rather than take a new step.

I get it. 

These 3 steps may help

If you are pondering something new or different and not moving forward, see what happens when you proceed like this:

1. Get clear

First get curious. Ask yourself questions like these, and answer them honestly.

  • What is working optimally in your life?

  • What feels like a struggle, or feels simply “ok”? 

  • What lights you up?

  • What do you want more of?

  • What do you want less of?

Add more questions that come to mind, and look clearly at what you discover.

2. Set an intention

Your intention can be to research and learn more about a new possibility that you want to consider.

It can be to reach out to people who can advise and/or support you.

It can be to initiate a change — with a very small step, or a larger one.

3. Take action

This step is key.

Until you take some action (remember that small actions count!), and commit to staying in action, one of two things will happen.

Changes that you have declared you want will not happen.

Or you will be at the mercy of inevitable changes that happen around you. Rarely will changes like that match up to what you had envisioned for yourself.

Is it time to say “Yes” to your biggest, best life?

My life was pretty great before I looked closely and decided that I wanted less stress and to be more lit up every day.

I decided to create a more fulfilling future, and I have not stopped creating my life.

I have had great coaches, mentors and teachers who have supported me, inspired me, and believed in me. I am forever grateful to them, and grateful to myself.

I am aware that when I said, “Yes” to myself, I gave myself a gift far greater than I could have imagined on the day I started this journey.

I deeply appreciate all that my grandparents and parents did to set me on my path. And I am proud that I used that foundation as a springboard to a bigger, happier life — where I can help other great women to become the creators of the lives they yearn for.

I invite you to experience yourself living a life that delights you! 

And I’d be happy to explore the possibility of working with you to make that dream your reality.

My father, my grandfather and my mother holding me at the start of my life’s journey.

Live BIG in 2024!

When was the last time you created space for yourself — to think deeply and explore your heart? 

Have you ever spent a few days with other women who are courageously considering important questions, getting clear about the life they truly desire, and being supported to start creating that life?

One of the most beautiful expressions of the outcome of this process was shared with me this past weekend. One of the women who said “Yes” to herself and attended a retreat I led in January shared where she is now.

“I am exploring the ocean that is me. I am immersed, and seeing all that is coming up for me. I am honing and exploring and finding joy!”

What will you discover when you say “Yes”?

The opportunity to give yourself some time and space to focus squarely on yourself is special. And doing it with guidance, in a small group with other great women, is remarkably enriching.

If you are willing to embark on a process of personal exploration, I predict that you will make great discoveries.

If you believe that you matter and that you can learn to create a future that will light up your heart, I predict that you will feel excited to step into a new version of you — a you who feels agency in her life as never before.

Explore what’s possible for you!

The Live Big Live! retreat, that I last offered a year ago and that is now offered only once a year, is returning this spring.

The 3-day retreat is preceded with a preparatory process that’s designed to give you a solid foundation before we gather in person. You will have tools that provide clarity and discoveries, private sessions with me, and group calls where you will connect to the other fabulous women in the group.

Our time at the retreat will include fun and creativity, as insights emerge and breakthroughs are experienced. In short, this program will propel powerful momentum to fuel your life!

Live Big Live! is a singular opportunity to experience what past attendees have raved about. (Check out what they have said here.)

Now is a particularly good time to check out Live Big Live! and see if you feel the urge to learn more about it. 

Why consider Live Big Live! now?

I am offering a special fee for the program through the end of the month. The special offer will expire on February 29, 2024. 

If you feel this spring may be the time to step away from your day-to-day routine, connect to your heart, nurture your spirit, and get energized to create your ideal life in a BIG way, let’s talk soon. 

Look for time on my calendar here. We’ll meet on a call to be sure your questions are answered and see if the fit is right.

I will be delighted for us to talk.

Transform your world with love

This week love is celebrated around the world. (Shop windows in Paris were full of hearts in pink and red when I was there last week.) How special and sweet!

I invite you to pause and consider the breadth of what love is and can be, and ways you can create and share it.

Because it’s magical that love can be created — in many meaningful ways!

How do you love?

Love has many dimensions, and some are commonly overlooked. Let’s dive in.

We typically focus on romantic love.

Love shared in relationships is what most people think about when February 14 rolls around. Dinners out, flowers, sweets are the expressions of love most of us share with special people in our lives.

Whether your life is filled with romance, or you long for romantic love, there is always an opportunity to bring the energy of this kind of love into your life.

Think about how you can create beauty in your environment. Light candles, treat yourself to flowers, listen to wonderful music, savor flavors of special foods, initiate meaningful conversations. visit special places that light up your heart.

Whether with a partner, family, friends or on your own, you can create love and joy in countless ways.

The importance of cultivating self-love cannot be overstated.

Cultivating deep self-love not only helps you to be happier each day, it provides a foundation that enables you to abundantly love others and to spread love wherever you go. 

And, yes, the concept is uncomfortable for many people. Women often tell me they feel selfish just thinking about the idea of self-love.

You can gently start to create a self-love practice. Take baby steps at first and keep going.

Begin by focusing on your talents and gifts. Fully acknowledge how special you are! Also think about how worthy you are of happiness, love, and goodness of every kind in your life. You may want to do some brief journaling about the particulars of your special talents, and your worthiness, when you start or end your day.

To help you to fully embrace and embody those ideas, smile lovingly at yourself in the mirror when you greet yourself at the start of your day, and before bed each evening.

Put your hands on your heart as you look into your eyes with love. Leave judgement behind. See and acknowledge the true, deep beauty in your reflection. 

And now it’s time to begin to focus on accepting and loving the parts of you that are not perfect — the parts that feel unworthy, or are critical of others, or are prone to anger or anxiety or bitterness, or are quick to judge.

When you can love and accept all of who you are, it will become easier to give yourself grace. You are likely to notice that you can gently release the intensity of those parts that you have struggled with.

As you make self-love a practice, you will also find it easier to feel love and spread love to others.

Be a generator of love in the world.

There are endless opportunities to create love that will not only enrich your heart, but enrich those around you.

Consider how you can orient your thinking and actions to love.

For example, if someone cuts you off in traffic, they may be struggling with any number of stresses. I have found rather than cursing at such people, I wish them love — because they clearly seem to need it. (And I notice that doing that makes me feel better.)

Small loving acts, such as helping someone by holding the door for them, or acknowledging and thanking someone who provided an extra touch, or sending a note to someone you have not seen in a while to brighten their day, are examples of generating tidbits of love that are meaningful for both the recipient and you.

When you actively focus on ways to infuse love in the world, that loving energy spreads widely. The recipient of your love is likely to generate more love, a thus the ripple effects extend way beyond what you will likely ever know.

When more and more of us live as creators of love, our impact is incalculable.

This is how we can build the world with love.

From Paris with love

If you’ve seen my Instagram feed, you know I am in Paris. I’ve been posting some art and scenes that have caught my eye in the past few days.

Last year at this time I had the joy of living and working here for a full month. This trip is a quick one-week visit, and I am grateful to be back. 

I’m glad to share some of the beauty of this magical city with you here.

(And, if experiencing the art and culture of Paris and the south of France is something you would love to do in a special way, look out for an announcement I will make soon, about a retreat for a small group of great women in France this fall.)

SCENES FROM MY WEEK IN pARIS, including a visit to Musee D’Orsay and Mark Rothko’s work at Foundation Louis Vuitton.

The power of generosity

Last week I decided to show up for 3 full days to support my amazing coach in a retreat she ran. Choosing to devote a full Thursday, Friday and Saturday — half of my weekend! — was a decision that I did not make lightly.

And I am so glad I said, “Yes!” 

I was able to coach and support a remarkable group of people who are aiming and planning to bring important, meaningful, life-changing work into the world. I was inspired by what they are up to, and gratified to help them think deeply and think bigger about what that can look like for each of them.

I also received!

I soaked in inspiration and ideas and motivation for what I am planning in my work and life in 2024. One huge “aha” landed for me that I might never have had had I not been engaged in this rich environment. (More on this in a future post.)

I was blown away by the way that showing up to serve with a full heart brought me so many rewards.

How can you serve others and grow? 

A huge lesson I’ve learned in the last years is how much I have gained, and we can all gain, when we orient our days to being in service.

There is a clear energy to showing up with the intention to generously serve that is hard to describe — and none-the-less very real and meaningful. 

Let’s look at a couple of examples.

1. Selling

Years back I heard Daniel Pink speak at a conference about his then new book,To Sell is Human. He pointed out that we all sell, and do it all the time. 

Now, many of us feel fearful, uncomfortable, even slimy at the thought of selling. And yet, if you have ideas and services to bring to the world, and believe in the value of those ideas and services, it is important to be able to sell them — for an exchange of money, and/or for your ideas to be adopted — with grace.

When you approach a sales conversation with an orientation that you are serving the person or organization, you begin with a generous heart. You are there to see if what you are offering is something that will benefit the other person. And if it appears to be a fit, you are inviting them to say yes if it feels true for them.

The growth you can experience with this approach is exciting, and will increase as you do it more and more. And the return for you can be terrific.

2. Interpersonal interactions

There is extensive data about how generosity and service brings us more happiness and satisfaction. When we look at the quality of our interactions, in both professional and personal realms, we can see how many opportunities we have to start with an orientation of service and increase both our happiness and that of another.

I am not suggesting that you sacrifice yourself, or feel obliged to over-give.

I invite you to begin with an open mind, curiosity, and genuine concern for the other person, Whether you are in a comfortable or challenging dynamic with someone, this starting point will always benefit both parties.

Based on what you learn after initial inquiry, think about how can you support and serve that person. Are there more questions you can ask to help them gain more clarity? Are there perspectives you can offer them to consider that have not occurred to them? Can you be a focused listener without an agenda?

When you support others this way, great things can happen for you, too.

3. Doing your work

Whether you provide a service, lead a team, own a business, are part of a huge organization, or work in any of a multitude of ways, when you bring a mindset of service to your efforts, you are likely to reap more satisfaction and better outcomes.

Consider what that can look like for you

Where do you see an opportunity to support a big idea, help a person or team when morale is low, lend support in a crisis, or contribute your efforts or ideas to something big and exciting?

Bringing awareness to these opportunities and taking action in the spirit of service can build energy and outcomes that will be satisfying and meaningful all around.

Let’s bring more generosity into the world

I hope you feel inspired by my experience and ideas for bringing an energetic orientation of service and generosity into your life today.

We can each lead the way when we model this orientation. And as we model this way of living big, we inspire others to join us on the path. The potential for this impact to grow exponentially is enormous!