Make time for wonder

Lots of people plan time away in the summer. I am delighted to be away, at the National Speakers Association conference in Denver.

I knew there would be many busy days, with little time for myself at this conference. So I planned a special day on my own before the conference. I spent it soaking in art, inspiration, and time with a dear friend.

The Denver Art Museum has a diverse and outstanding permanent collection. It was wonderful to be back there, and find things I’d seen before as well as make new discoveries.

Make time for inspiration!

I invite you to plan time for inspiration, whether you are away or staying close to home.

The world is filled with beauty and wonder.

Art can be enjoyed in person, in museums and galleries, in books on your shelf or at the library, and online.

The magic of nature at a sea shore, in the mountains, in your garden or at a local park can shift your awareness in amazing ways.

Music at a concert, played by someone on a porch, or heard on your phone can spark your spirit.

Books can transport and delight you, no matter where you read them.

Glimpses of heart-opening wonder are everywhere, when you look for them! You might take a walk with a camera in hand and frame images that catch your eye.

How will you inspire yourself today?

Consider all the possibilities for inspiration that are available to you. Set an intention to be open to wonder.

Do it on your own or invite one or more friends to join you.

Take an excursion or do something without leaving home.

Perhaps you will make art, write a poem, cook something that delights you or make something with your hands.

The sky is the limit!

And whatever you choose, take note of how you feel later.

I predict you will feel something special.