The big and the small


In my new weekly Zoom calls (I hosted my fourth one on Sunday), and in client conversations and chats with colleagues, I am observing how people are adjusting to the remarkable time we are living through.

It is great that we are sharing so many ways we care for ourselves, cope with fear, take action, create, and serve. I am delighted at how many people are now reporting that they feel balanced, more creative, grounded, hopeful, adaptive, lucky, connected, strong, OK, and fine — all words that have been used by people in recent calls.

But some reported more difficult emotions, like petrified, at loose ends, disconnected, and waiting impatiently. And, people on the front-lines of this pandemic are stressed in countless ways.

It’s important to acknowledge that whatever our circumstances we all have ups and downs. 

We may feel like we’re doing ok and still experience signs — obvious and subtle — that we are going through a process, day by day.

Here are a few examples of what we can minimize as “small stuff.”

Many of us are not sleeping well. I have good nights, but many more fitful nights than had even been usual for me (and I hear this from others). This is a clear signal that while I may feel that I am doing well, there’s a lot about this period that is different, and my subconscious seems to be working overtime.

Many of us deeply feel the isolation. Whether it’s a longing for a loved one to be closer, or a forced distance from people we want to embrace, or the feeling that zoom meetings are simply not sufficient to connect as we want with others, this emotion sits in the heart with a sadness that is real.

Many people are finding small daily tasks to be a challenge. Things that had never required much thought — like access to fresh food, bringing packages safely into our homes, or finding necessities that are in short supply — might feel like subtle annoyances, but can actually cause a real sense of distress (not to mention that these things demand far more of our time and attention than they ever used to). 

All of these “small things” add up.

And there are small steps to take that will help, no matter what you are experiencing.

1. Structure your time

Consider the ideal pace and plan for your days. Use your calendar to schedule blocks of time — for meals, exercise, work, quiet, outreach, learning, helping your children with school work, volunteering, entertainment, creating, etc. 

You do not need to do everything every day! Choose the days and times for what you want and need, and block them in. 

Whether you are busy or have more open time than you are used to, creating predictability is a very effective form of self-care.

2. Move!

Getting exercise each day has huge benefits. Make that one element of your scheduled time every day — but do vary the ways you exercise, if you want. 

Lift weights (even if that’s with canned foods rather than dumbbells). Look for online yoga or other exercise instructors. Walk outdoors. Dance. And stretch often, when seated for long peroids of time.

Feeling strong helps you to feel agency in your life, in addition to keeping your body fit.

3. Pick some go-to resources and use them

I have created a new page on my site called Thriving Now, that includes many ways you can do just that — thrive! 

Look for a technique or practice or other resource that sparks your interest. Try out different things. Find your favorites (there are many options you are unlikely to have seen suggested elsewhere) and build them into your daily routine. 

All of the things on the list (and some are very small) are tools that I and others have shared that are big ways to support ourselves — during this unique time, and long after we have moved through it. 

Because we will move through this time. Many things are likely going to be different after it is safe to leave our homes. My hope is that as we move through these days with thoughtfulness and intention, we will find insights for better, more conscious ways to live and work in the future.

I am here. I want to support you.

My next Creating Our Way Forward Zoom call will be on Saturday, April 11. Join me and the wonderful group of big-hearted women from all over the country who have been coming together to connect, share, learn new ways to navigate in these challenging times, and stay inspired. 

There’s a link to register for the call on the Thriving Now page, or you can register here for the call.

And, for deeper support, to blast through a personal or business matter you are facing, I have created special Create Your Way Forward Sprint Sessions. Can you imagine the way that focused support can propel you forward now? I’d be glad to share the details with you. 

Stay safe and well, and keep creating.

A perfect time for reflection


Most of us are super busy during the holiday season — getting ready, traveling, celebrating in all sorts of ways. There’s lots of emotion in the air (and often a mix of emotions). 

Happily, we get a short respite between Christmas and the start of the new year. 

I treasure this space. With festivities behind us and so many people on holiday, things get quiet. I find this to be a perfect time for reflection. 

Reflection is something most people never get to doing. Life is always hectic! But when you make time to slow down and look back great things happen.

The benefits of taking time to reflect

Meaningful reflection requires time and space. You must slow down and get quiet, and that in itself is an important gift you can give yourself. 

Taking time to reflect enables you to gain perspective. Rather than drifting from day to day and week to week until a year has sped by without any insight, when you create focused, quiet time you can see so much! With thought and attention, you can consider what worked in your life, and appreciate yourself and celebrate your accomplishments. You can also spot the patterns or habits that kept you stuck. 

The insights gleaned from reflection afford you tremendous opportunities for moving into your future. This is a time to consider what you want to build on, as well as what you want to do less of — or stop doing altogether. Consider the qualities you need to cultivate or nurture to live your best life. Start to consider the goals you want to set, and how you can reach them.

5 tips and suggestions for meaningful reflecting  

Why not create a special ritual for this process? You might even want to begin an annual tradition of reflecting. Here are some ideas to consider:

  1. Set aside some time for yourself at a particular time of day and find a place you like — a cozy nook, in front of a fire, a special chair — to settle into.

  2. You might want to ask someone to be a partner. Sitting together, you can do some thinking and writing, and then share your insights and ideas with one another.

  3. Designating a lovely journal for reflecting can make this a more special experience. And the journal can also be your place to note reflections at regular intervals during the year. (You might reflect monthly or at the start of each new season.) Your periodic reflections will help you stay clear and aware as you move through the year.

  4. You can approach the process of reflecting in a range of interesting ways. One possibility for getting started is go through your calendar and review the entries for each month, then note insights that come to mind. 

    Another approach is to create lists as your jumping off point. Try noting your top 10 highlights of the year or top 10 lessons learned or the 10 most important things you want to stop doing in the future. Next, jot down WHY each thing is on your list, and what you learned related to the entry. Before long, you’ll have a rich array of insights.

I would love to hear about how you reflect on the year that’s winding down, and what your big aha’s and take-aways are. Leave a comment here, or email me.

I would be happy to hear from you if you want to talk about how coaching can support you to live with clarity, intention, and commitment this year. I welcome you to get in touch to talk with me about how I can help.

I wish you and yours a New Year of living big!

Being thoughtful about what we choose

It’s been a while since I have added to my blog. Ideas have been abundant. And, time has not been an issue — there is always time, the same 24 hours in every day, guaranteed. The bottom line is that I chose to do other things, even as my heart yearned to focus its attention on my coaching practice and all the ideas that I want to share.

Why would I choose to do what is contrary to the pull in my heart? Why do so many of us do that and feel the same frustrations?

I have been working on understanding this issue for a long time. Even as I have come to understand it much more clearly, I have not found it easy to change my old patterns.

I have always been interested in and excited about many things. Unlike some people, who only want to go deep into their work or an interest that consumes their attention, I have always been fascinated by and attracted to learn about a wide array of topics. And, in our media-saturated world, it’s become easier than ever to hear about and get involved with interesting activities. It’s easy to watch a new TED talk that someone recommended. Or pick up a new book discussed on NPR. Or get involved with a political race that aligns with my values. Or support a cause championed by someone I care about. Indulging in all of these seemingly small magnets for my attention adds up to an enormous amount of time and diffused focus.

As well, there’s another challenge I have faced for ages — saying “yes” to many requests that are not aligned to the work I want and need to be doing. This is an entrenched habit. It’s been tough for me even to slow down and consider the true scope of requests before making a commitment to take them on. I love helping people who need my skills and seek my participation in projects I believe in. And, I’ve become known as someone who has almost always said “yes”. So, there are lots of requests to be fielded.

Recently, two such projects expanded beyond the scope that I had (loosely) envisioned. And, although I did not want to work on them concurrently, I did not insist on some relevant pacing that would have enabled me do them sequentially. These projects are terrific, meaningful, and have been rewarding, but they have taken a big a toll on me. Sometimes it takes such a moment to see the light.

I have now set new boundaries. I’ve made and announced new decisions. I am being absolutely clear — to myself and to others — that I am no longer accepting projects that take me away from my core work.

And, I am limiting the amount of distraction I am letting into my life on a daily basis. I am slowing down to get more done, with clarity and focus. It feels absolutely terrific.

While my two big projects are not yet wrapped up, I can see the finish line for both. I will be proud and happy when they are complete. And I feel joy to be saying goodbye to doing any more work that does not align with the purpose that matters most to me.

My shoulders feel lighter, as does my heart!

If these issues resonate for you, and you’d like to share your experiences, ways of responding, or questions, I’d be glad to hear from you.