Journaling Ideas to Help You Thrive

There are so many ways we can lead a fulfilling life. 

In my Thriving Now blog series, discover valuable tips and strategies to empower you to live your best life. From fostering resilience to nurturing well-being and meaningful connections, these insights can be a trusty compass to navigate the intricacies of your daily experience with grace and ease.

You can walk this path to authentically thrive in every aspect of your life and Live Big!

Journaling ideas for thriving now.

Use writing prompts

If you find that writing in a journal is a good way for you to process emotion, relax, or unburden yourself and move into an open frame of mind to allow new ideas to show up, you may still feel stuck about getting started from time to time. A great way to move into writing is to begin with a writing prompt.

Where can you get some? You might pull an inspirational card from a deck like Feel the Love (noted above), or another deck like the Soul Coaching Cards, that I use with my clients and everyone loves. The message on the card you pull is always a great starting point.

Or, write your own writing prompts. Try things like these:
If I change my perspective now…
When I envision myself in my most special place…
If my favorite literary/movie character called now, I’d love to talk about…
If anything were possible…
The gift in this moment is…

You can always create a way to jump into writing. Play with it and see what happens!

Feel the Love card deck

Choosing a card from a deck with inspiring messages is a great way to start your day, to find a writing prompt, or to get a supportive message when your spirits are in need of a boost. My colleague, Susie Murdoh, has a great one, called Feel the Love. In addition to being filled with wonderful and encouraging ideas, it is beautiful — a great combination.

Use my book, Live Big:A Manifesto for a Creative Life.

I have been hearing from people far and wide that Live Big is helping them now in deeply meaningful ways. These chapters in particular have been mentioned by many: Embrace Change, Live without Fear, Listen to Your Intuition, Live in the Present, Carry On, Create!, as well as others. All have exercises and practices you can use now to help when you are feeling stressed or shaky. And, the book includes advice about starting a meditation practice, as well as gifts of guided meditations that you can download.