Stepping out and singing free

If you saw my brief email last week, you know I was far away, attending a week-long event in a redwood forest several hours north of San Francisco. I was invited to attend Camp Abundant — a briliantly-named and conceived experience.

I left for the adventure the morning after leading my Live Big Live! three-day retreat in Boston. The two remarkable experiences, back-to-back, filled me with inspiration for which I am deeply grateful.

I am delighted to share three significant take-aways with you.

1. People are the key ingredient.

While I created the structure and designed the experience for the Live Big Live! retreat, the true magic is always the women who say, “Yes!” to engaging in the process. This cohort showed up fully and shared with big hearts to support one another. It was a joy to witness their expansion, and feel the energy of connection deepen each day.

And, at Camp Abundant, where Ben Schemper created a brilliant program of speakers, musicians and experiences, the people he attracted came with big ideas and ambitions for what they want to create in the world, coupled with a deep desire to bring their full, open hearts to everything they do. It was a true joy, and a gift, to share that energy.

2. Magic happens when you step out of your comfort zone.

Staying with what you know feels comfortable, nice and safe — and it’s easy to stick with what is already tested and good.

Yet, bringing new, untested content to my clients is where the surprises, fun and delight happen. I am committed to continuing to create in new ways and willing to see what happens each time.

And, choosing to travel a great distance to attend a week-long retreat on the heels of leading my own retreat, was not guaranteed to be wonderful. I intuitively thought it could be a great experience and trusted my gut, in spite of inevitable fatigue, and knowing I would be sleeping in a tent (for the first time in decades!). I am so glad I said, “Yes.”

3. Don’t sing to be good, sing to be free!

These encouraging and wise words were shared by the wonderful singer, Jess Magic, accompanied by musicians Larissa, Joshua and Brent, as they led us in singing together. This was liberating for so many people that morning, and struck me as a magnificent way we can all orient ourselves to creating in every way.

Whether you have a paintbrush in your hand, a song in your heart, a poem to get onto paper, a desire to move your body to music, or a new idea to explore, allow yourself to feel free and go for it!