How to savor every day

Most of us focus on destinations, goals, and achievements.

What if you savored the journey?

What if you held the vision of that desired state and lived in each present moment?

This is why it’s great to focus on now

When your attention is fixed on a destination, you miss what is happening now — including new opportunities and great sensations.

When you live in the present, you appreciate all of your experiences as you move in the direction of your desired outcome.

What’s more, you can tune in to new possibilities and can gain fresh awareness of ways to support your goals.

And maybe best of all, you will have more fun!

Ready to give this new way of approaching your days a try?

How to stay in the present

It’s tempting to focus on the future. However, doing that often leads to thinking of a million what-ifs — which is not only stressful, it hijacks your attention and fragments your focus.

It’s also easy to look back and repeatedly rehash old experiences. While there are lessons to be learned from looking at the past, the rehashing usually hurts as you tend to focus on shortcomings and feelings of regret.

If you find yourself stuck in either of those states, try these ways to return to the present:

1. Be alert to your thoughts.

It can be helpful to jot notes about the times you fast-forward or dive back into examining past events.

Can you notice types of triggers that pull your attention away from what is happening now? Are there times of day, or specific people, or patterns you can become aware of?

Awareness can help you to avoid those situations — or spot them start early on. That's a great way to consciously bring your attention back to the present.

2. Observe what is happening now and create your response.  

Consider where you are and what’s going on around you. Choose the present as your focus, at least for a little while.

Think about where you have opportunities right now — like the opportunity to have a meaningful conversation, or to shift to a more positive approach, or to come up with a new idea.

Ask yourself if there might be a challenge to address that you may have been avoiding when you turned your attention to the future or the past..

Be thoughtful as you contemplate your options and make your best choices.

3. Appreciate and honor your emotions.

When you are present and feel excited and eager about what is happening, and all that is possible for you now, make the most of the energy. Let yourself fully enjoy what you are doing. Let that positive energy carry you!

If you find yourself feeling discomfort, or fear, or sadness, or stress, it may be tempting to try and ignore it.

A better approach is to let yourself feel the feelings for a little while, and then use those feelings as fuel for some type of creative expressions.

For some that's writing. For some it helps to dig in the dirt, or go for a run. Some people move their bodies to music, or hammer away in a workshop, or sing loudly in their car. (This may be a quick effort, or may need repeating until you feel the emotion has been released.)

Having expressed yourself to use your emotions, you are likely to feel lighter, ready to refocus on all the opportunities and possibilities in the present moment.

And speaking of opportunities, when you live in the present you will have many opportunities to appreciate yourself. Acknowledge yourself for each step you take, for noticing new possibilities and testing them, and for all of your progress (the small steps as well as bigger leaps).

Living in the present is a great way to Live Big.

How do you want to live big now?


We are all busy. To-do's related to work, relationships, family, volunteering, community and more fill our our calendars. Most of us rush from one meeting to the next task, to the next obligation and barely give a thought to the toll this busyness takes — on our well-being as well as what we accomplish.

My questions for you is simple: 

What is really important? What do you want — big-picture?

And, are you keeping that big desire in mind as you fill your calendar?

When you have a clear focus, you make intentional choices that align with the thing that is really important to you.

And, it's ok if the desire is not a single thing. Bringing focus to the key, few important things that matter most to you will lead to taking consistent, aligned action. 

(And as I wrote in a recent post, having a clear focus helps you to stay motivated, too — so it will be easier for you to take consistent action.)

Most of us fail to realize how much opportunity we have to choose, in order to make our focus a priority.

Most of us move through our days without considering what we choose to say, “Yes” to. We do not pause to assess each possible “Yes,” to confirm that it supports our big desire. Nor do we consider all of the opportunities we have to say “No.”

Here’s an example.

My big focus, for several years, has been to bring my new book to completion and launch it. And as important as it has been, Live Big: A Manifesto for a Creative Life has not been the only thing I focused on. That said, it was important enough to make many deliberate choices in order to bring the project to fruition.
Other big things I also made a focus in these years included: time with my loved ones, serving my clients, and developing my skills as a painter. (These have all been key ways I wanted to live big.) 

And these all required me to think carefully about when to say “Yes,” and when to say “No.”

It was that careful attention to all of the choices I’ve made that enabled me to get the book into the world, while also keeping my other select priorates in play.

And, I, like so many others, have many interests! I can get excited about pursuing lots of new ideas and opportunities. But I have learned that carefully saying “Yes” and intentionally saying “No” has been a game-changer. 

It’s not always easy to say “No” to a terrific invitation or to diving into something new and fascinating. It does get easier when you see the way your big desires continue to take shape when you stay focused.

It’s also worth taking a long view.

The universe is abundant and life affords us many opportunities. There are many seasons and times for making different things your big focus. 

So what is most important now? How do you most want to live big? Focus there and it will grow!
And trust that when something keeps calling to you, you will know it’s worth creating focus for it to take shape.

As well, if something new, bigger or more compelling shows up along the way, and makes a claim for your focus, you can bring your energy to that.

It’s not about doing everything — because we can never do it all. It’s about doing what makes your heart pound, about making real what you deeply yearn to bring into your life.

I would love to know what you have been making your focus, or are starting to bring into focus, or are dreaming of — how you want to live big.

Leave a comment and let me know.

And, if you want support to help you figure out your big focus, or a path to your big vision, or need help getting started, or want guidance and accountability, let’s make a date to talk about how my Creative Core Coaching might be a resource for you.

The time to live big is now! I cannot wait to see what that will look like in your life.