The magic that happens when love expands


We are heading into Valentine’s Day weekend, and messages abound about special ways to show love to the important people in our lives.

It’s wonderful to have a day focused on love. In fact, I think about love every day.

I think about self-love as a foundation for being a powerful creator in my life, and how important it is to make a practice of attending to self-love.

You might want to check the post I wrote at this time last year that goes into detail about self-love. And this post, written last spring as we headed into lockdown, addresses self-care, which is a big way we can practice self-love. Here’s one more post that describes great ways to cultivate self-love — it was my mid-February post 2 years ago.

I think about leveraging love and making love a driver in my life day-to-day, even when I am faced with people who test my patience or do troubling things. One great way to do that is to choose love over fear, and this post from last year can help you to that.

I focus on a connection to the energy of love in my heart, that fuels me, and, as a natural by-product, I spread love to everyone around me. This post about my mother, and the love she brought into the world, may inspire you.

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And last week I witnessed an explosion of love

Huge love was expressed by the remarkable women who joined me for 3 big days at my Live Big Live! retreat.

The retreat was the culmination of a 45-day journey where each woman was guided to know herself, ask probing questions, and connect to the desires in her heart in a deep way. Week by week, the group traveled together. Everyone started to crystalize a vision for herself that was fully aligned with who she is and what matters most for her now.

And in our 3 wonderful days together — in a virtual setting for this retreat, that worked remarkably well — we moved through a process that led to more clarity, more specificity, and engaging in creative work that both opened hearts and expressed what was in each heart.

I witnessed amazing courage and moving vulnerability, as each of the women connected to the deep desires that inform her vision for the life she wants to create. I witnessed beautiful deep dives into envisioning living their biggest, best lives possible, and how each will step into living those lives.

Each time a tender insight was shared self-love grew in the speaker. That energy deepened connections and inspired everyone else.

I witnessed love throughout each day of the retreat, and marveled at the magic that grew as we moved through each step of the expanding process.

And each woman allowed herself to feel love, too — both self-love and the love of everyone else — and to receive that abundant love.

For some it can be uncomfortable to be the recipient of expressions of love from others who see us in ways we cannot see ourselves. When others share what they admire and appreciate about us, and we are able to accept what we hear with an open heart, it allows our own hearts to open wider. In turn, we have more love to share.

How do you want to bring more love into your life, and into the world around you?

I invite you to take some time and consider these questions.

Certainly, send a bouquet or sweets to someone you love. (My darling husband had the flowers in the photo above delivered on Sunday morning to congratulate me on the successful retreat — an early and very special Valentine’s gift!)

But don’t stop there.

Consider love for yourself. Are you practicing self-love? Can you bring more of it into your thoughts and actions?

And consider all of the ways that love can be a force in your life.

Envision the impact of ramping up your focus on love — in your life, in the lives of those you care about, those you work with, those in your community and even beyond. When love ripples out from us, we rarely know how far it spreads and how many lives it impacts.

And if you are looking for a guide in your life, someone who can help you expand and find the kind of happiness, direction, and love that happens at Live Big Live!, I am happy to tell you that I will be launching the next Live Big Live! journey soon.

This may be the perfect time for you to give yourself the gift of clarity, vision and support to create the future you desire.

I would be happy to speak to you and hear about the life you want to create.

Whether you aim to get unstuck, figure out what's next, make a big life change or find your path to more satisfaction and joy, it’s possible create the future you desire, just as countless clients of mine have done.

Let’s have a conversation about what's happening in your life, the dreams and desires in your heart, and how I may be able to help you create the life you want and deserve.

It’s easy to book a Live Big Breakthrough Call with me, or email me and we’ll make a date to talk. There’s no obligation. It’s an opportunity for us to have a meaningful and enlightening conversation — and maybe change your life.
Stay safe and well, and keep creating.

Looking for TED talks related to creativity and living big? Start here!


There are countless terrific TED talks and videos that are interesting for inspiration and information, and are fun to explore.

Here are a few that I highly recommend. Dive in to one that jumps out at you, and return to this list for new options from time to time.

Brené Brown is my hero. She is brilliant, inspiring and a fantastic presenter. She has helped millions of people to understand that when you allow yourself to be vulnerable it leads to living a whole-hearted, rich life. 

  1. TEDxHouston, Listening to Shame (2010)

  2. TED (2012) — her follow-up talk on Listening to Shame

  3. 3. If you can’t get enough, also listen to her RSA talk on The Power of Vulnerability

  4. And, you can learn about RSA here.

  5. Brené has continued to provide a huge number of books and content. Google and explore more of her work!

Check out incredible examples of How Frustration Can Make Us More Creative. The stories that Tim Harford shares will blow you away — and inspire you to bring the power of these surprising approaches into your life!

David Kelley is the co-author of Creative Confidence. His TED talk, How to Build Your Creative Confidence, will whet your appetite for the excellent book that David co-authored with his brother, Tom Kelley.

Shawn Achor’s TED Talk, The Happy Secret to Better Work is a great talk about happiness and includes wonderful, simple ways to increase happiness.

Neil Pasricha presents an inspiring TED talk called The 3 A's of Awesome. If you’re wondering about the power of gratitude, this is just the ticket.

This video of John Cleese giving a lecture on Creativity is simply brilliant. He presents 5 factors to make your life more creative, and does so with his signature humor and great insight.

Jill Bolte Taylor’s TED talk, My stroke of insight, is a fascinating and enlightening talk by a brain scientist who had a massive stroke and lost the facilities in the left hemisphere of her brain. Her description of what she experienced as the stroke began, and what she learned about how the right and left hemispheres of all of our brains work, are specific and amazing. You may also want to listen to her narration of the audio book, My Stroke of Insight.

Sir Ken Robinson’s TED talk is titled Do Schools Kill Creativity?. He has a breezy style while sharing big, thought-provoking ideas. He makes a compelling case that creativity is as important as literacy, describes the way we “grow out” of creativity as we go through the educational system, and much more.

Another TEDx talk brilliant extends some of the ideas in Sir Ken Robinson's TED talk, but with a unique spin. Then 13-year-old Logan LaPlante brilliantly made the case for (and shared components entailed in) Hacking Education for a Happy, Healthy Life. He shares great ideas about creativity, too.  

J.K Rowling first focused on the benefits of failure, and then the importance of imagination, in her commencement speech at Harvard in 2008. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

In her TED talk, Your Elusive Creative GeniusElizabeth Gilbert (author of the best-selling book Eat Pray Love) reflects on the expectations for artists and geniuses in the wake of unexpected success. She shares her compelling experiences about what it's like for her to create, as well as her engaging ideas about how creativity works.

I was delighted to receive a link to this TEDx talk, Simple Gratitude, by Louie Schwartzberg, who is an award-winning filmmaker after writing my blog post on gratitude. His talk addresses  — and shows — the majesty and impact of nature, and how it sheds light on happiness. The bottom line is all about gratitude.

Elizabeth Lesser’s TED talk, Say Your Truths and Seek Them in Others, is filled with compelling stories and great wisdom about the healing that happens — and love that grows — when we courageously speak our truth.  

Leave a comment with other inspiring, creatively-relevant TED talks you love!