Small mindset adjustments that work wonders


I speak to women every day about what’s getting in the way for them, and the impact of the stories and limiting beliefs that hold them back.

Of course, I am not a stranger to this territory! Even after years of focusing on personal development and experiencing big personal growth, old entrenched, negative thoughts like that can return. They usually show up when I am about to step up to do something new, something bigger, and often when I’m about to venture into the unknown. (Does that sound familiar?)

I am fortunate that, with awareness and practice, I am usually able to quickly spot these stories and the return of those old beliefs that no longer serve me. 

What I do next is the what makes all the difference. 

I remind myself that my mindset — which I can consciously pay attention to — is the key to shifting back into my power. 

I consciously shift my thoughts. And you can do this, too.

Will you be able to read this post and make a huge shift all at once?

Probably not.

But start small, start now, and you will get the feel for how this works. Stick with this focus, and I predict that you will notice lots of positives changes.

3 simple mindset shifts you can use as needed 

1. When you sink into doubt...

We all experience doubt. It’s often related to a lack of confidence, and may be rooted in a lack of belief that something is even possible. This leads to feeling demoralized.

Turning doubt into confidence is a topic I work on with my clients, and that I teach in full-day workshops. But, here’s one way to shift your mindset when doubt creeps in.

You can build belief in yourself and in what is possible when you remind yourself of big, brave things you have done in the past.

Acknowledge yourself for that resourcefulness and resilience. That positive self-talk, filled with self-appreciation, will help you to step into something new, rather than shrinking back in doubt.

2. When you feel like the world is treating you unfairly...

Feeling like a victim may strike from time to time or can become a habit. It’s a way we shift responsibility for our lives to external forces, or other people. 

Again, this is a big topic, with no quick fixes. But when you consciously choose to own your power, and believe that you can be a creator in your life, and of your life, you are shifting to a new orientation. 

As you begin to choose what you want to create in every moment, and make deliberate choices, you will experience a feeling of agency — and that’s a great feeling. 

Even when you are creating very small positive steps, you’ll begin to feel differently about what is possible. 

3. When you feel impatient with yourself...

Impatience is often tied to self-criticism. Who has not thought to themselves, “Why can’t I do this faster, or better?” or, “I should have this all figured out already!”

Learning to manage your self-critic is big work, and the self-critic attempts to sabotage us in many ways. But there’s a mindset shift that you can use any time that will help a lot.

Watch the words you use — to others, and to yourself! Your self-talk has an incredible impact, so paying attention to that is important.

A simple and really effective shift is to add the word “yet” to the end of any sentence that expresses impatience.

For example, instead of saying, “I haven't been able to figure this out,” say, “I haven't been able to figure this out yet.” 

The addition of that simple word opens possibility and brings a sense of positivity.

Try this bonus tip, too

While we are on the subject of watching the words we use, try to consciously eliminate the word “should” from your vocabulary. (Did you notice it in the example I shared at the top of tip #3?)

When you pay attention, you are likely to hear yourself using this damaging word (that your self-critic loves to throw at you) in lots of situations. By making the “all-purpose” mindset shift to remove the word “should,” you are sure to notice how things change for the better. 

Depending on where and how it shows up, you can replace “should” with ”I can...” or “I could...” or “I’d like to...” or even change the sentence to a question, like, “Do I want to...?” 

And if you want help to explore how you can make bigger shifts in your mindset and start to powerfully create the big life you yearn for, schedule a Live Big Breakthrough Call. I promise you’ll gain valuable insights and ideas about what’s in your way now and what’s possible for you. 

Stay safe and well, and keep creating.