Green lights and speed bumps


Last week I asked you about your big dream and what you yearn to bring into the world.

I asked what really matters to you and what you yearn to create.

Whether you want to have a bigger impact with your work, want to build stronger relationships, pursue a passion, create more balance and and ramp up self-care, express yourself creatively, or work for a better world, there is no end to what is possible.

And, of course, you may want to make a combination of desires your focus.

Start with clarity and then say, “Yes!”

It's great to get clear about what’s important to you and what you want to create in your life. Start by setting aside time to think that through. (After all, you don’t want to set out on a journey without a destination.)

But intentions are not enough. 

Committing to taking action and then getting into motion is where the proverbial rubber meets the road. 

Lots of people wait for a sign before they begin. Or they wait for permission, or wait until they have complete clarity, or wait for the “perfect time” to start taking action. 

And while waiting for a light to turn green is important at an intersection, you get to give yourself a green light.

Embrace the potholes and detours!

Is it easy to embark on new initiatives? Do you feel a bit nervous?

When you start down a new road there are always questions. And often some butterflies in our stomachs (or real nerves). These are signs that you are stepping into something that's a bit of a stretch, outside of your comfort zone — and that’s good!

And lots of people feel they need to head for a superhighway and hit the gas, and that speed is required to reach the destination.

The truth is that just starting is a big deal, and taking winding side roads may be the perfect route and pace for you. 

Continuing to move forward is the key.

You will likely hit speed bumps. You may have to swerve to avoid potholes. You may need to recalcuate your route from time to time. 

If your path is anything like mine has been, you may need to double-back and spiral in before you get to where you want to be.

All of that is fine. 

Those recalculations are often valuable opportunities to pause and learn. You get to notice what’s appearing on the journey and find inspiration and new perspectives. You get to create new routes, and can invite new people to join you on your travels.

Savor the adventure

Embarking on this kind of big life journey is exciting. It’s great to start on a shorter trip now, to get ready for what will be your next journey. Or maybe you are ready to head out on a sustained road trip.

No matter the plan, when you head down this road, soak it all in. Continue to let your desire, intuition, and what you learn along the way be your compass. 

You are creating your life. 

You are creating an amazing future. 

You are bringing all of your greatness into a world that needs every bit of it!

And if you think that having a guide to help you set your course and navigate through all of the twists and turns may make your journey easier and smoother, let’s talk.

You can schedule a Live Big Breakthrough Call to explore the journey you are thinking about and how to get started. I promise you’ll gain valuable insights and ideas. 

Stay safe and well, and keep creating.