Healthy Ideas to Help You Thrive

There are so many ways we can lead a fulfilling life. 

In my Thriving Now blog series, discover valuable tips and strategies to empower you to live your best life. From fostering resilience to nurturing well-being and meaningful connections, these insights can be a trusty compass to navigate the intricacies of your daily experience with grace and ease.

You can walk this path to authentically thrive in every aspect of your life and Live Big!

Healthy ideas for thriving now.

Make walking conversation dates

Invite a friend to walk with you virtually! Make a date to get outside and walk, and share a conversation with a friend — who will walk where she/he is. You might make this a weekly time to connect, as you both get exercise and fresh air (whether you live in the same town or many miles apart).

Try these acupressure techniques to reduce stress

Acupuncturist Loocie Brown, in Lexington MA, is sharing great tips for things we can do on our own to cope with stress and the impacts it has on our bodies. She recently sent these suggestions for taming cortisol:

  1. Massage your ears top to bottom until they feel warm. This not only calms the nervous system but lowers your blood pressure when stressed.

  2. After washing your hands, you can massage the spot between your eyebrows. This is often referred to as the "third eye." It is exceptional for calming the mind.

  3. Massage the bottom of your foot at “Kidney 1”. This point is located on the top third of the foot. It is in the middle and to the inner side of the ball of the big toe. You should feel an indentation here. KIdney 1 is very helpful for taking worry and fear out of your head and sending that energy to the ground where you can then squish it like a bug. I call this the anti-cootie point for all you boomers.

Free Franklin Method yoga classes

This resource was contributed by a great woman who joined our call on May 2. She highly recommends a special series of 30-minute Zoom classes, 3 times per week that are offered by Intelligent Body Movement Studio. The Franklin Method is designed to reduce anxiety and increase wellbeing, and the classes are offered at no cost.