How to bring more love into your life — and into the world.  


This is the week we are surrounded with messages about love — and flowers, sweets, date-nights, gifts, cards, and romance.

Now, I am always delighted to receive a bouquet of flowers and spend a romantic evening with my amazing husband. And I am delighted to shower those I love with expressions of affection.

But I think about love more broadly, and more frequently, than on Valentine’s Day and birthdays and anniversaries.

And I know that when you actively bring more focus on love into your life, big things happen.

In fact, there's a chapter in my new book, Live Big: A Manifesto for a Creative Life, titled LOVE MORE. Some of what I write about may surprise you, and that chapter includes some wonderful ways to think about and bring more love into your life.

One special way to begin to love more is to practice self-love.

I have written about self-love in Februaries past.

Check out what self-love is and how to bring more of it into your life. And, this post expands on the benefits of practicing self-love

Why not see what happens in your life when you make a small effort to focus on self-love?

Is it hard to build self-love? No, if you consciously focus on it.

Can you start small? Yes!

If you are looking for a small act of self-love that can you practice today, think about how you can do something special for yourself.

Here are a few ideas to consider:

  • Take a short break in your hectic day to be in quiet for a few minutes. Looking up at the sky makes those few minutes even more special.

  • Stop to briefly sit and savor a lovely thought.

  • Gently (and with love) say, “No,” to someone who makes a request that will add stress to your life.

Doing small things, and doing them often will build your self-love muscles.

As I have experienced — and as I see the impact for my clients when they practice self-love — great things happen when you consciously nurture self-love. 

Robust self-love will not only make you happier, you will find that you can bring more love of every kind into your life and into the lives of others around you in remarkable ways. And when that happens, more love will come to you.

And, most exciting of all is that when you love more, the magnificent impact of love grows all around you. Goodness knows, the world is in need of more love now than ever before.

Let’s all love more!

Together we can begin to expand the power of love all around us.

Are you in?

f you said, “Yes!” here’s how we can start together.

Write a short loving note to someone. It could be to a sweetheart, a child, a friend, or even to someone with whom there's been a rift in the relationship. Whether you choose to write by hand on note paper, or pick a card to write in, or send a note via email, you will contribute to a beautiful collective energy that we are creating together!