Say “YES!” to a BIG Life
When you start saying “Yes” you create a bigger life!
What would a bigger life look like if you said, “Yes!”?
Could it be that you finally make a change to work in a career you love?
Could it be that you feel truly confident — for the first time in a long time, or maybe ever?
Could it be that you no longer react all the time, or operate out of worry and fear?
Could it be that you have learned to honor yourself and care for yourself without guilt?
Could it be that you’ve let go of perfectionism, embraced your gifts, and are happy every day?
Could it be that you stayed true to an important commitment you made to yourself and are loving the outcome?
Could it be that you’ve figured out what’s next in your life, and started on the path to it?
These are just a few examples of changes that women in my group coaching programs have kick-started in their lives. In just a few months, when they got clear and then learned to — and practiced — saying “Yes,” they made important commitments to themselves. And they were supported to staying true to those commitments. They amazed themselves with all they were able to create in their lives.
What are you trying to kick-start in your life, that you have been thinking about and mulling over, but have not addressed with focus?
Here’s your opportunity to take action.
If you want to begin to shape and step into a big future, I will guide you to saying “Yes” to your life — “Yes” to your deepest desires, to everything you value, and to consciously making them your reality.
Where do we begin? By creating a foundation of knowing yourself.
A foundation of clarity about what you truly want.
A foundation of feeling fully deserving of what you desire.
And, with a solid foundation, taking sure steps toward a big future will feel amazing. Some steps will be small ones. Some will likely be bigger and bolder. You will set the pace, with remarkable new tools to use and the support you need at every step.
Let me tell you about when I realized I wasn’t saying yes to my life.
I was running a design firm, and I realized that we had a number of problems that were hampering the business. I thought that if I could fix those problems I would be happy. So, I hired someone to help me who was an expert in those areas.
What I didn’t know was that the coach I hired was going to take me on a completely different journey — in a very gentle, loving way that helped me just keep saying “Yes” to what was right, and important, for me. This included saying Yes to showing up in a bigger way, to leading my team and my clients more effectively, and most importantly, saying Yes to who I truly was and what I truly wanted.
And, over time I realized the biggest “YES” I wanted to say was to selling my business and becoming a coach — because of the difference coaching had made for me! THIS is who I wanted to become. So, I kept saying YES. And that YES brought me to being here right now.
So, whatever you are dealing with in your life — if it’s career-related, if it’s about your marriage, or your health, or you find ourself at a crossroads — whatever is challenging you, I invite you to say “YES” to meeting yourself. “YES” to knowing who you are and what you want, and going on a journey of exploration and growth.
The next 4 months can change everything
I created a group experience, in addition to the one-on-one coaching I do, because I know that for some women a group coaching experience is ideal. This is a great way to begin to experience coaching and see the powerful impact it will have in your life. And, the energy and spirit of doing deep personal work with a small group of like-minded women, who are also ready to stop living reactively, stop living on automatic pilot, and start saying “Yes” to their lives is unique.
I invite you to step into the heart-centered space of this coaching group, where you will meet yourself and get clear about what you want for your future. Where you will be guided and supported — by me and the other women in the group — to start creating that future.
This is what happens in the group
The design of the Say “YES!” to Your Life group coaching program has been tested and refined over the last years, to provide you with an extraordinary experience.
• We will begin our work together with a full-day Launch Retreat in my Brookline studio. This is a day of forging deep connections and a day of whole-hearted sharing and creative activation, as we embark on the deep work that will unfold over 4 months.
• We will meet on a conference call every 2 weeks for 2-hour coaching sessions. There will be 8 coaching calls in all. Each member of the group will be coached on the issues she is focused on, and the shared support amongst the group members is a special part of the experience. You will be asked to commit to taking action between each coaching session, and you may receive a small assignment to do between sessions.
• Three “Office Hours” will be offered, in weeks when we do not have coaching calls. You can call in during Office Hours to ask questions or get additional support.
• We will come together for a final full-day Wrap-Up and Celebrate Retreat at the end of 4 months. We will recap the work, create together, and set intentions for staying committed to saying “Yes” to your life and pursing your path to the future.
• There are additional bonuses I offer to my coaching clients. These include:
– Free attendance at workshops I offer during the 4-month program.
– Identification of your Enneagram style, and learning about how it can help you on your path of growth.
– A number of powerful tools that you will be able to continue using in your life for years to come.
The coaching will open you to all of your gifts, all of your desires, and to saying one “Yes” after another, with tremendous clarity and confidence.
If your heart says even a little “YES” as you read about this opportunity to create your beautiful future, email me and I will answer your questions and share all of the details.
When will we start?
In the next few weeks I will continue to speak to women about this group program. My intention is to launch the group in April. As soon as the right 5 to 7 women come together, we will set the date for our full day Launch Retreat, when we will come together for a powerful day of connecting and coaching. Everyone will be guided to start making big, important change in her life.
If you feel a calling to say “YES” to yourself, email me and put "SAY YES" in the subject line. I'll get back to you and we’ll make a date to talk soon!