I created this page, with a private link, for you to access all of the files you’ll get via email, week by week, as well as video recordings of all Zoom meetings, and the audios that will be sent on Sundays for weeks 2 through 6.

You can always return here to find what you need.

This is the Zoom link for our Wednesday evening calls on December 21, 28, January 4 and 11. | Meeting ID: 841 8111 7934 | Passcode: LBL

This is the Zoom link for our Wednesday calls on January 18, 25 and February 1, at 9:30 am eastern. | Meeting ID: 844 8895 1409 | Passcode: LBL

This is the link to schedule your 2 private sessions (Enneagram and Values).

The Retreat dates are Thursday February 2, Friday February 3, and Saturday February 4, 2023. We will meet from 9:30am to 5:00pm eastern.

Here is the Zoom link for the retreat (use the same link all three days) | Meeting ID: 883 3521 2961 | Passcode: LBL

Here is the Zoom link for our 30-Day Post Retreat call on Thursday, March 2nd at 7:00pm eastern | Meeting ID: 858 6994 9012 | Passcode: LBL

30-day Post-Retreat Call (March 2, 2023)

Retreat Day 3, #2 (of 2)

Retreat Day 3, #1 (of 2)

Retreat Day 2, #4 (of 4)

Retreat Day 2, #3 (of 4)

Retreat Day 2, #2 (of 4)

Retreat Day 2, #1 (of 4)

Retreat Day 1, #3 (of 3)

Retreat Day 1, #2 (of 3)

Retreat Day 1, #1 (of 3)

Pre-retreat Bonus Call (February 1, 2023)

Week 6 | Sunday, January 29, 2023

Here are the files for Week 6:

Week 6 Sunday Intentions PDF

Week 6 Friday Review+Reflect PDF

Week 6 Discovery Sheet PDF

Week 5 | Sunday, January 15, 2023

Here are the files for Week 5:

Week 5 Sunday Intentions PDF

Week 5 Friday Review+Reflect PDF

Week 5 Discovery Sheet PDF

Week 4 | Sunday, January 8, 2023

Here are the files for Week 4:

Week 4 Sunday Intentions PDF

Week 4 Friday Review+Reflect PDF

Week 4 Discovery Sheet PDF

Week 3 | Sunday January 1, 2023

Here are the files for Week 3:

Week 3 Sunday Intentions PDF

Week 3 Friday Review+Reflect PDF

Week 3 Discovery Sheet PDF

Week 2 | Sunday, December 25, 2022

Here are the files for Week 2:

Week 2 Sunday Intentions PDF

Week 2 Friday Review+Reflect PDF

Week 2 Discovery Sheet PDF

Week 1 call | Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Kick-off meeting | Sunday, December 18, 2022

Here are the files that were sent to everyone for Week 1 of the program. (Note that the Commitments document that is included here, that I did not remember to mention on our call, will be sent to new women through HelloSign.)

Our Dates!

Discovery Sheet for Week 1 | Knowing Yourself

Sunday Intentions | Week 1

Friday Review+Reflect | Week 1

12 Magic Questions

Our Commitments